Sunday, November 6, 2016

Los Magnates De La Divisa Q1 2013

FX al por menor

Al utilizar este sitio web, se considera que ha leído y aceptado los siguientes términos y condiciones:

La siguiente terminología se aplica a estos Términos y condiciones, Declaración de privacidad y Aviso de responsabilidad y cualquiera o todos los acuerdos: "Cliente", "Usted" y "Su" se refiere a usted, la persona que accede a este sitio web y acepta los términos y condiciones de la Compañía. "La Compañía", "Nosotros mismos", "Nosotros" y "Nosotros", se refiere a nuestra Compañía. "Parte", "Partes" o "Nosotros", se refiere tanto al Cliente como a nosotros mismos, o bien al Cliente oa nosotros mismos. Todos los términos se refieren a la oferta, aceptación y consideración del pago necesario para llevar a cabo el proceso de nuestra asistencia al Cliente de la manera más apropiada, ya sea mediante reuniones formales de duración fija o por cualquier otro medio, Las necesidades del cliente con respecto a la provisión de los servicios / productos declarados de la Compañía, de acuerdo con y sujeto a la Ley Inglesa vigente. Cualquier uso de la terminología anterior u otras palabras en singular, plural, mayúsculas y / o he / she o ellos, se toman como intercambiables y por lo tanto como referentes a la misma.

Estamos comprometidos a proteger su privacidad. Los empleados autorizados dentro de la empresa sobre una base de necesidad de conocer sólo utilizan cualquier información recopilada de clientes individuales. Revisamos constantemente nuestros sistemas y datos para garantizar el mejor servicio posible a nuestros clientes. El Parlamento ha creado delitos específicos para acciones no autorizadas contra sistemas informáticos y datos. Investigaremos tales acciones con el fin de enjuiciar y / o emprender acciones civiles para recuperar daños y perjuicios contra los responsables.

Estamos registrados bajo la Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 y como tal, cualquier información relativa al Cliente y sus respectivos Registros de Clientes pueden ser pasados ​​a terceros. Sin embargo, los registros de clientes se consideran confidenciales y por lo tanto no se divulgarán a terceros, a excepción de Magnates de Finanzas. Si es legalmente obligado a hacerlo ante las autoridades competentes.

No venderemos, compartiremos ni alquilaremos su información personal a terceros ni utilizaremos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir correo no solicitado. Cualquier correo electrónico enviado por esta Compañía sólo estará relacionado con la provisión de servicios y productos acordados. Renuncia

Exclusiones y limitaciones La información en este sitio web se proporciona "tal cual". En la medida de lo permitido por la ley, esta Compañía: excluye todas las representaciones y garantías relacionadas con este sitio web y su contenido o que son o pueden ser proporcionados por cualquier afiliado o cualquier otro tercero, incluyendo en relación con cualquier inexactitud u omisiones en este sitio web Y / o la literatura de la Compañía; Y excluye toda responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios derivados de o relacionados con el uso de este sitio web. Esto incluye, sin limitación, la pérdida directa, pérdida de negocios o ganancias (ya sea que la pérdida de tales beneficios era previsible, surgió en el curso normal de las cosas o usted ha avisado a esta Compañía de la posibilidad de dicha pérdida potencial) A su computadora, software, sistemas y programas y los datos sobre el mismo o cualquier otro daño directo o indirecto, consecuente e incidental. Sin embargo, Magnates no excluye responsabilidad por muerte o lesiones personales causadas por su negligencia. Las exclusiones y limitaciones anteriores se aplican únicamente en la medida permitida por la ley. Ninguno de sus derechos estatutarios como consumidor está afectado.

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Los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad intelectual pertinentes existen en todo el texto relacionado con los servicios de la Compañía y el contenido completo de este sitio web.

Todos los derechos reservados. Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio están protegidos por la ley de derechos de autor de Estados Unidos y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, exhibidos, publicados o transmitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de Finanzas Magnates. Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Por favor, lea nuestra política de privacidad y descargo de responsabilidad legal. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, el nivel de experiencia y el apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Las opiniones expresadas en los Magnates de Finanzas son las de los autores individuales y no representan necesariamente la opinión de la empresa o de su dirección. Finanzas Magnates no ha verificado la exactitud o base-de-hecho de cualquier reclamación o declaración hecha por cualquier autor independiente: errores y omisiones pueden ocurrir. Cualquier opinión, noticia, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web, por parte de Finanzas Magnates, sus empleados, socios o contribuyentes, se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Finanzas Magnates no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

Ninguna de las partes será responsable frente a la otra por cualquier incumplimiento de cualquier obligación bajo cualquier Acuerdo que se deba a un evento fuera del control de dicha parte, incluyendo pero no limitado a cualquier acto de Dios, terrorismo, guerra, insurgencia política, insurrección, disturbios , Disturbios civiles, actos de autoridad civil o militar, levantamiento, terremoto, inundación o cualquier otra eventualidad natural o causada por el hombre fuera de nuestro control, lo que causa la terminación de un acuerdo o contrato celebrado, ni que podría haber sido razonablemente previsto. Cualquier Parte afectada por tal evento deberá informar inmediatamente a la otra Parte de la misma y deberá usar todos los esfuerzos razonables para cumplir con los términos y condiciones de cualquier Acuerdo contenido aquí.

El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las Partes en exigir el estricto cumplimiento de cualquier disposición de este o de cualquier Acuerdo, o el incumplimiento por parte de cualquiera de las Partes de cualquier derecho o recurso que le corresponda, no constituirá una renuncia del mismo y no causará una Disminución de las obligaciones bajo este o cualquier Acuerdo. Ninguna renuncia a ninguna de las disposiciones de este o de cualquier Acuerdo será efectiva a menos que se exprese expresamente que sea tal y firmado por ambas Partes.

Notificación de cambios

La Compañía se reserva el derecho de cambiar estas condiciones de tiempo en tiempo como le parezca conveniente y su uso continuado del sitio significará su aceptación de cualquier ajuste a estos términos. Si hay cambios en nuestra política de privacidad, anunciaremos que estos cambios se han realizado en nuestra página principal y en otras páginas clave de nuestro sitio. Si hay algún cambio en la forma en que utilizamos la información personalmente identificable de nuestros clientes del sitio, se hará una notificación por correo electrónico o correo postal a los afectados por este cambio. Cualquier cambio en nuestra política de privacidad se publicará en nuestro sitio web 30 días antes de que se produzcan estos cambios. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que vuelva a leer esta declaración de forma regular.

Estos términos y condiciones forman parte del Acuerdo entre el Cliente y nosotros mismos. El acceso a este sitio web y / oa la empresa de una reserva o Acuerdo indica su comprensión, acuerdo y aceptación de la Notificación de Negación y los Términos y Condiciones completos contenidos en este documento. Sus derechos legales a los consumidores no se ven afectados.

© Finanzas Magnates 2015 Todos los Derechos Reservados

Q1 2013 Forex Magnates informe de la industria está fuera

Rentabilidad de los corredores de Forex para el segundo trimestre de 2013

Publicado 3 años | 2:29 AM | 23 de julio de 2013 1 Comentario

¡Los números están fuera! Forex Magnates ha publicado recientemente los datos sobre la rentabilidad y el crecimiento de las cuentas para el segundo trimestre de 2013. Y una mirada rápida a las cifras revela que el repunte en el primer trimestre de 2013 continuó durante otro trimestre.

En promedio, el 35% de estos corredores & # 8217; Los clientes minoristas resultaron rentables en el último trimestre, ligeramente por debajo de la rentabilidad promedio registrada en el primer trimestre. En general, el número total de cuentas minoristas activas aumentó en 1.336 a 100.543, marcando su segundo trimestre consecutivo de crecimiento de las cuentas.

Una mirada más cercana a las cifras revelará que hubo una mayor variación en cuanto a la rentabilidad individual del último trimestre, ya que las tasas oscilaron entre el 28% y el 46,5%. Una vez más, Top Gun Interactive Brokers salió en la parte superior, con la rentabilidad de la cuenta de clientes aumentando un 3,2% para liderar el paquete de 46,5% durante el segundo trimestre de 2013.

Curiosamente, en el otro lado del espectro, FXCM, que yo había seleccionado anteriormente para la actividad de registro de la actividad el último trimestre, tenía el porcentaje más bajo de cuentas comerciales rentables.

También vale la pena destacar que MB Trading, que en realidad tenía el mayor número de clientes no rentables en 26,9% durante el primer trimestre de 2013. Sin embargo, en el último trimestre, el corredor registró una mejora del 5,1%, con la rentabilidad de la cuenta de clientes subiendo al 32,0%.

En general, parece que los cambios en la volatilidad el mes pasado beneficiaron a algunos comerciantes, pero resultó ser un obstáculo para los demás.

Pasando al número de cuentas en la mano, el & # 8220; Big 5 & # 8221; Todavía se mantuvo en la cima de la clasificación, con sus rankings sin cambios. Oanda, FXCM, Corredores Interactivos, Forex. com y IBFX mantuvieron su dominio en la industria, ya que tienen el 87% de cuentas activas y negociables en sus libros en los Estados Unidos.

Comienza a parecer que con el reciente empuje para más regulación, la industria del corredor de la divisa está empezando realmente a pertenecer al pez grande, dejando a los corredores más pequeños desesperadamente raspando su manera para una cuota de mercado más grande. Todavía queda por ver si estos desarrollos beneficiarán a comerciantes minoristas como usted y yo.

Como lo que has leído?

Un vistazo a los corredores de Forex & # 8217; Rentabilidad en el primer trimestre de 2013

Publicado 3 años | 5:16 AM | 24 de abril de 2013 1 Comentario

En Q4 2012, la industria de comercio de divisas al por menor golpeó una depresión. Un número de corredores salió del mercado de los EE. UU. como la NFA impuso regulaciones más estrictas. Los que quedaron de pie también sufrieron pérdidas de clientes.

Pero no te preocupes todavía! Forex Magnates ha publicado sus datos trimestrales sobre la rentabilidad de los corredores. Por las miradas de él, parece que los corredores de la divisa tenían un principio asombroso a 2013!

Fuente: Magnates Forex

Estas son algunas observaciones de los datos recopilados:

En crecimiento de la cuenta:

No sólo Interactive Brokers era el mejor corredor en términos de cuentas de clientes más rentables, sino que también adquirió un número considerable de nuevos clientes. Ahora, con 19.666 cuentas, un 17,68% el 4T 2012, está cerrando la brecha entre los líderes de mercado OANDA y FXCM.

Mientras tanto, Gain Capital también experimentó un crecimiento de cuentas de dos dígitos, ayudado por la adquisición de FX Solutions. La compañía tiene ahora 12.384 cuentas bajo su cinturón.

De todos los corredores mencionados anteriormente, sólo IBFX / TradeStation y MB comercio registró un poco menos cuentas en el primer trimestre de 2013 que en el cuarto trimestre de 2012.

Sobre la rentabilidad del cliente:

A pesar del aumento de la volatilidad (que es bienvenida por la mayoría de los comerciantes) durante el trimestre, vimos que casi todos los corredores reportaron una disminución en el porcentaje de cuentas rentables a partir del 4T 2012. De hecho, sólo tres corredores, Alpari, ILQ y FXDD reportaron Mayor número de clientes en rentabilidad a partir de 2012.

Curiosamente, ILQ, el corredor con el segundo menor número de cuentas, registró un aumento del 33,5% en el número de cuentas rentables, después de que se produjo en último muerto en 22,7% el último trimestre de 2012

Esto no se puede decir que si utiliza estos corredores específicos que tienen una mayor probabilidad de ser rentable. Usted todavía debe hacer su investigación y ver qué corredores ofrece los servicios que mejor se adapten a sus necesidades!

En su mayor parte, creo que podemos ver este informe como un punto brillante para la industria de comercio de divisas, ya que invierte una tendencia reciente de las cifras en declive que comenzó el primer trimestre de 2012. Podría esto ser un comienzo de un auge explosivo para la industria de la divisa? Ahora mismo, es demasiado pronto para decirlo, pero los signos tempranos señalan a los corredores a partir de 2013 con el pie derecho.

Para obtener datos más interesantes sobre puntos y puntos de vista sobre la rentabilidad de los corredores de divisas estadounidenses, consulte el artículo sobre Magnates de Forex, Informe de rentabilidad de los corredores estadounidenses Q1 que muestra signos de optimismo & # 8221; En forexmagnates. com!

Como lo que has leído?

FX al por menor

Al utilizar este sitio web, se considera que ha leído y aceptado los siguientes términos y condiciones:

La siguiente terminología se aplica a estos Términos y condiciones, Declaración de privacidad y Aviso de responsabilidad y cualquiera o todos los acuerdos: "Cliente", "Usted" y "Su" se refiere a usted, la persona que accede a este sitio web y acepta los términos y condiciones de la Compañía. "La Compañía", "Nosotros mismos", "Nosotros" y "Nosotros", se refiere a nuestra Compañía. "Parte", "Partes" o "Nosotros", se refiere tanto al Cliente como a nosotros mismos, o bien al Cliente oa nosotros mismos. Todos los términos se refieren a la oferta, aceptación y consideración del pago necesario para llevar a cabo el proceso de nuestra asistencia al Cliente de la manera más apropiada, ya sea mediante reuniones formales de duración fija o por cualquier otro medio, Las necesidades del cliente con respecto a la provisión de los servicios / productos declarados de la Compañía, de acuerdo con y sujeto a la Ley Inglesa vigente. Cualquier uso de la terminología anterior u otras palabras en singular, plural, mayúsculas y / o he / she o ellos, se toman como intercambiables y por lo tanto como referentes a la misma.

Estamos comprometidos a proteger su privacidad. Los empleados autorizados dentro de la empresa sobre una base de necesidad de conocer sólo utilizan cualquier información recopilada de clientes individuales. Revisamos constantemente nuestros sistemas y datos para garantizar el mejor servicio posible a nuestros clientes. El Parlamento ha creado delitos específicos para acciones no autorizadas contra sistemas informáticos y datos. Investigaremos tales acciones con el fin de enjuiciar y / o emprender acciones civiles para recuperar daños y perjuicios contra los responsables.

Estamos registrados bajo la Ley de Protección de Datos de 1998 y como tal, cualquier información relativa al Cliente y sus respectivos Registros de Clientes pueden ser pasados ​​a terceros. Sin embargo, los registros de clientes se consideran confidenciales y por lo tanto no se divulgarán a terceros, a excepción de Magnates de Finanzas. Si es legalmente obligado a hacerlo ante las autoridades competentes.

No venderemos, compartiremos ni alquilaremos su información personal a terceros ni utilizaremos su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir correo no solicitado. Cualquier correo electrónico enviado por esta Compañía sólo estará relacionado con la provisión de servicios y productos acordados. Renuncia

Exclusiones y limitaciones La información en este sitio web se proporciona "tal cual". En la medida de lo permitido por la ley, esta Compañía: excluye todas las representaciones y garantías relacionadas con este sitio web y su contenido o que son o pueden ser proporcionados por cualquier afiliado o cualquier otro tercero, incluyendo en relación con cualquier inexactitud u omisiones en este sitio web Y / o la literatura de la Compañía; Y excluye toda responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios derivados de o relacionados con el uso de este sitio web. Esto incluye, sin limitación, la pérdida directa, pérdida de negocios o ganancias (ya sea que la pérdida de tales beneficios era previsible, surgió en el curso normal de las cosas o usted ha avisado a esta Compañía de la posibilidad de dicha pérdida potencial) A su computadora, software, sistemas y programas y los datos sobre el mismo o cualquier otro daño directo o indirecto, consecuente e incidental. Sin embargo, Magnates no excluye responsabilidad por muerte o lesiones personales causadas por su negligencia. Las exclusiones y limitaciones anteriores se aplican únicamente en la medida permitida por la ley. Ninguno de sus derechos estatutarios como consumidor está afectado.

Utilizamos direcciones IP para analizar tendencias, administrar el sitio, rastrear el movimiento del usuario y recopilar información demográfica amplia para uso agregado. Las direcciones IP no están vinculadas a información de identificación personal. Además, para la administración de sistemas, detección de patrones de uso y resolución de problemas, nuestros servidores web registran automáticamente la información de acceso estándar, incluyendo el tipo de navegador, tiempos de acceso / correo abierto, URL solicitada y URL de referencia. Esta información no se comparte con terceros y se utiliza sólo dentro de esta empresa en una base de necesidad de saber. Cualquier información individualmente identificable relacionada con estos datos nunca será usada de ninguna manera diferente a la indicada arriba sin su permiso explícito.

Al igual que la mayoría de los sitios web interactivos, el sitio web de esta empresa [o ISP] utiliza cookies para permitirnos recuperar los detalles del usuario para cada visita. Las cookies se utilizan en algunas áreas de nuestro sitio para permitir la funcionalidad de esta área y la facilidad de uso para aquellas personas que visitan.

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No puede crear un enlace a ninguna página de este sitio web sin nuestro previo consentimiento por escrito. Si crea un enlace a una página de este sitio web, lo hace bajo su propio riesgo y las exclusiones y limitaciones establecidas anteriormente se aplicarán a su uso de este sitio web enlazándolo.

Enlaces desde este sitio web

No supervisamos ni revisamos el contenido de los sitios web de otras partes que están vinculados desde este sitio web. Las opiniones expresadas o material que aparecen en dichos sitios web no son necesariamente compartidas o endosadas por nosotros y no deben considerarse como el editor de tales opiniones o material. Tenga en cuenta que no somos responsables de las prácticas de privacidad ni del contenido de estos sitios. Animamos a nuestros usuarios a ser conscientes cuando salen de nuestro sitio & amp; Para leer las declaraciones de privacidad de estos sitios. Debe evaluar la seguridad y confiabilidad de cualquier otro sitio conectado a este sitio o acceder a través de este sitio usted mismo, antes de revelar cualquier información personal a ellos. Esta Compañía no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño de cualquier manera, sea cual fuere su causa, que resulte de su divulgación a terceros de información personal.

Los derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad intelectual pertinentes existen en todo el texto relacionado con los servicios de la Compañía y el contenido completo de este sitio web.

Todos los derechos reservados. Todos los materiales contenidos en este sitio están protegidos por la ley de derechos de autor de Estados Unidos y no pueden ser reproducidos, distribuidos, transmitidos, exhibidos, publicados o transmitidos sin el permiso previo por escrito de Finanzas Magnates. Usted no puede alterar o eliminar cualquier marca registrada, copyright u otro aviso de copias del contenido. Toda información en esta página esta sujeta a cambio. El uso de este sitio web constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Por favor, lea nuestra política de privacidad y descargo de responsabilidad legal. El comercio de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, el nivel de experiencia y el apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Las opiniones expresadas en los Magnates de Finanzas son las de los autores individuales y no representan necesariamente la opinión de la empresa o de su dirección. Finanzas Magnates no ha verificado la exactitud o base-de-hecho de cualquier reclamación o declaración hecha por cualquier autor independiente: errores y omisiones pueden ocurrir. Cualquier opinión, noticia, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web, por parte de Finanzas Magnates, sus empleados, socios o contribuyentes, se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Finanzas Magnates no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.

Ninguna de las partes será responsable frente a la otra por cualquier incumplimiento de cualquier obligación bajo cualquier Acuerdo que se deba a un evento fuera del control de dicha parte, incluyendo pero no limitado a cualquier acto de Dios, terrorismo, guerra, insurgencia política, insurrección, disturbios , Disturbios civiles, actos de autoridad civil o militar, levantamiento, terremoto, inundación o cualquier otra eventualidad natural o causada por el hombre fuera de nuestro control, lo que causa la terminación de un acuerdo o contrato celebrado, ni que podría haber sido razonablemente previsto. Cualquier Parte afectada por tal evento deberá informar inmediatamente a la otra Parte de la misma y deberá usar todos los esfuerzos razonables para cumplir con los términos y condiciones de cualquier Acuerdo contenido aquí.

El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las Partes en exigir el estricto cumplimiento de cualquier disposición de este o de cualquier Acuerdo, o el incumplimiento por parte de cualquiera de las Partes de cualquier derecho o recurso que le corresponda, no constituirá una renuncia del mismo y no causará una Disminución de las obligaciones bajo este o cualquier Acuerdo. Ninguna renuncia a ninguna de las disposiciones de este o de cualquier Acuerdo será efectiva a menos que se exprese expresamente que sea tal y firmado por ambas Partes.

Notificación de cambios

La Compañía se reserva el derecho de cambiar estas condiciones de tiempo en tiempo como le parezca conveniente y su uso continuado del sitio significará su aceptación de cualquier ajuste a estos términos. Si hay cambios en nuestra política de privacidad, anunciaremos que estos cambios se han realizado en nuestra página principal y en otras páginas clave de nuestro sitio. Si hay algún cambio en la forma en que utilizamos la información personalmente identificable de nuestros clientes del sitio, se hará una notificación por correo electrónico o correo postal a los afectados por este cambio. Cualquier cambio en nuestra política de privacidad se publicará en nuestro sitio web 30 días antes de que se produzcan estos cambios. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que vuelva a leer esta declaración de forma regular.

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Análisis: GAIN Capital y FXCM tienen un Q1 desafiante, qué es lo que está por venir?

Victor Golovtchenko / Corredores (FX minorista) Lunes, 12.05.2014 / 18:36 / GMT

Con otro trimestre desafiante pasando por los principales corredores de divisas, FXCM y GAIN Capital presentaron sus resultados del primer trimestre de 2014 el jueves. Mientras que las acciones de ambas compañías cayeron antes y después de que sus ganancias fueron liberadas, marcando su mayor disminución semanal en un tiempo, las similitudes entre los informes terminan allí.

Los analistas de Wall Street estimaron que las ganancias por acción saldrían a 0,12 dólares, mientras que los ingresos se esperaban en 108,05 millones de dólares. FXCM sub-entregó en la métrica de EPS anunciando $ 0.07, pero ganó a mano en el lado de los ingresos con $ 115.0 millones informó. Sin embargo, los precios de las acciones cayeron sustancialmente antes y después del evento. Los precios de las acciones de la compañía han terminado la semana cayendo un 14,5%, a pesar de lo que Forex Magnates visto como métricas sólidas y un tono bien equilibrado de la llamada de ganancias.

Sin las nociones positivas excesivas, el CEO de FXCM, Drew Niv, explicó cómo la compañía está haciendo frente a las desafiantes condiciones de mercado de FX. De acuerdo con el gráfico del índice de volatilidad del G7 de JP Morgan que se mostró en la presentación de la convocatoria de ganancias, los bajos niveles actuales de volatilidad cambiaria sólo se han observado dos veces en las últimas décadas. Justo antes de la crisis bancaria asiática en 1997 y justo antes de la "gran recesión" que comenzó en 2008.

Mientras que no podemos deducir directamente que hay un desastre inminente alrededor de la esquina que conducirá a la volatilidad FX más alto, los períodos de baja volatilidad siempre han tenido éxito con recuperaciones decentes. Dado que las restrictivas condiciones de los mercados han estado presionando a muchas empresas del sector, la sólida posición de balance de FXCM le da espacio para adquirir nuevos clientes, como ya lo ha hecho a través del acuerdo con FXDD, y potencialmente nuevas tecnologías. El entorno actual es visto por el Sr. Niv como un momento en el que "Estamos buscando activamente adquisiciones a precios atractivos".

Sobre la reciente baja volatilidad, el Sr. Niv elaboró, "Hay mucha especulación de lo mucho que el escándalo de FX está afectando a los distribuidores y la volatilidad. La realidad es que si nos fijamos en la lógica, los concesionarios no están dirigiendo la dirección, la dirección de los clientes de unidad. Si algo los distribuidores estarán allí para proporcionar liquidez. Si los concesionarios no están allí y están tomando menos riesgos, debería haber más volatilidad porque los mercados deberían ser más delgados ".

A pesar de que los números de los volúmenes minoristas han sido reportados de forma inferior a hace un año, como el último número para abril marcó una caída de 32% AaA, las cifras institucionales han sido sólidas, manteniéndose planas en comparación con el año pasado. FXCM ha logrado retener a los inversores institucionales y la convocatoria de ganancias detalló que el fabricante de mercado de FX institucional de la compañía, Lucid, tenía un 66% de margen EBITDA.

Con la caída sustancial de los volúmenes minoristas en el trimestre en comparación con el año pasado, cuando la volatilidad del yen japonés provocó un aumento inesperado en el comercio en ese momento, la caída interanual de los ingresos en un 9,5% en comparación con el primer trimestre de 2013 parece positiva Noticias. Añada a eso los ingresos por millón (RPM) a 88 dólares por millón negociados y las RPM institucionales por $ 12 millones, lo cual es el mismo número que en el primer y cuarto trimestre de 2013, y la imagen se ve aún mejor.

Si bien la volatilidad cambiaria podría seguir siendo baja en un futuro próximo, hay una probabilidad mucho mayor de una reversión en esta tendencia, ya que el Consejo de Gobierno del Banco Central Europeo mostró compromiso en su última reunión para acomodar su política más y el Banco de Japón enfrenta un dilema Ya sea para contrarrestar los efectos negativos esperados de la subida del impuesto a las ventas del gobierno implementada en abril.

En la actualidad, el precio de las acciones de FXCM es de 12,85 dólares, un nivel que no se ha visto desde el inicio de la amplia recuperación del mercado bursátil en el primer trimestre de 2013. Mientras siguió la llamada de ganancias, los analistas de Sandler O & Mantenga con un objetivo de precio de $ 14, el sentimiento sigue siendo positivo con JP Morgan fijando recientemente su objetivo de precio en $ 17.50, Citigroup en $ 18 y Barclays $ 16.00. Todos los analistas mencionados están manteniendo una calificación de compra en la acción.

En general, con márgenes sólidos y múltiplos decentes esperados alrededor de 16,5 para el año fiscal 2014, las acciones de FXCM parecen una ganga a niveles actuales considerando su desempeño en el último año.

Después de la liberación de ganancias luego de que el mercado cerrara el jueves, la capitalización bursátil de GAIN Capital cayó casi un 18% después de que las expectativas de la calle por $ 0.20 en EPS y $ 86.8 millones en ingresos se rompieran. La compañía en su lugar informó 0,08 dólares por acción para el primer trimestre de 2014, y menos de los ingresos que marcan 75,8 millones de dólares para concluir este período desafiante para los corredores de FX cotizados en los EE. UU.

La mayoría de los puntos positivos que hicimos sobre FXCM no pueden ser reiterados en el caso de GAIN Capital. Mientras que los múltiplos actuales están apenas en los dígitos dobles bajos y el P / E que mira hacia adelante está en 6.8, la compañía no posee la parte del efectivo del balance de FXCM. Después de la fuerte adquisición de costos de GFT el año pasado pudimos ver más desafíos para los precios de las acciones de GAIN mirando hacia el futuro.

En opinión del autor, la principal razón para la venta de pánico que observamos el viernes pasado es la fuerte venta de información privilegiada que ha estado en curso en GAIN Capital durante los últimos 12 meses. Un toque de más de 4.7 millones de acciones han sido vendidas por iniciados desde abril de 2013. Teniendo en cuenta la rápida triplicación en el valor de las acciones en 2013, este desarrollo ha puesto una tapa en la confianza de los inversores externos que buscan comprar acciones en el empresa.

Datos recientes sugieren que la empresa puede no estar experimentando el mismo ritmo de disminución en los volúmenes de negociación como muchos otros jugadores de la industria, sin embargo el mes de abril ha marcado la primera cifra de la disminución de los números de cuenta activa en un tiempo, con el número cayendo un 1,3% Durante marzo.

Los precios de las acciones se están negociando ahora cerca de los mínimos de diciembre de 2013. Queda por ver si vamos a ver un nuevo lote de inversionistas se acumulan, a pesar de las fuertes ventas de información privilegiada en el último año. Cinco diferentes iniciados, incluyendo el CEO de la compañía, Glenn Stevens, han estado cotizando en las últimas semanas.

Con los precios de las acciones cotizando por debajo de los $ 8, la compañía sigue operando casi un 40% más que hace un año, con los ingresos y los números de clientes no siendo comparable a las cifras del año pasado debido a la adquisición de GFT. La compañía reiteró que está en vías de lograr ahorros anuales de 35 a 45 millones de dólares, mientras que en el frente de M & A, la firma declaró: "Varias transacciones se encuentran en varias etapas de las negociaciones".

Glenn Stevens, CEO de la compañía, dijo: "Hemos organizado el negocio para generar ganancias positivas cuando el negocio OTC minorista experimenta condiciones de mercado desafiantes que resultan en RPM en el nivel más bajo Final de las 80 a 120 bandas que hemos experimentado históricamente ".

En la sesión de Q & amp; A, el Sr. Stevens procedió a elaborar sobre los rangos históricos de los números de RPM indicando, & # 8220; E tiempo que parece que se supone que rebotar a lo largo de 80 y permanecer allí para siempre y Esta vez es diferente, no lo es. Y cada vez que es de 120 y parece que va a quedarse allí, esta vez es diferente y no lo es. Si mira hacia atrás, nuestra captura ha sido bastante consistente incluso más allá de la tabla que mostramos. Probablemente, volvemos dos años. Usted podría retroceder cuatro o cinco y ese pivote es bastante consistente. & # 8221;

Los analistas de Zacks actualmente tienen un precio objetivo de $ 11.00 con una calificación de compra, mientras que Keefe, Bruyette & amp; Woods comenzó a cubrir la compañía a principios de mayo y ha iniciado una calificación de rendimiento superior con un objetivo de $ 12.00, que es el nivel en el que los analistas de Sandler O'Neill piensan que el valor razonable de esta acción es. Embebido con las opiniones de los analistas de Wall Street es TheStreet, que actualizó las acciones de GAIN Capital Holdings a una compra a finales de marzo de $ 1.00 a $ 12.00.

En general, los precios de las acciones de GAIN Capital podrían estar cerca de marcar un fondo a corto plazo y con el potencial de un aumento de la volatilidad en los mercados de divisas, pudimos ver el año pasado el rally reavivado.

Descargo de responsabilidad: El artículo anterior expresa las opiniones de su autor y no necesariamente de ForexMagnates. com. Los inversores siempre se les recuerda que antes de realizar cualquier inversión, deben hacer su propia debida diligencia en cualquier nombre o datos mencionados directa o indirectamente en este artículo. Los inversionistas también deben considerar buscar asesoría de un corredor o asesor financiero antes de tomar cualquier decisión de inversión. Cualquier material en este artículo debe ser considerado información general, y no se utiliza como una recomendación formal de inversión.

Posts Tagged & # 8216; Magnates de la divisa & # 8217;

CurrentDesk se complace en anunciar que estamos participando en el Networking Blitz en el evento de Forex Magnates London que tendrá lugar del 18 al 19 de noviembre de 2014. Los miembros del personal estarán disponibles para discutir los desafíos que enfrentan los corredores y para presentar las soluciones de CurrentDesk, CurrentRisk, nuestra herramienta de reconciliación y gestión de riesgos y CurrentBusiness, nuestro sistema integrado de CRM, back office, tesorería y cumplimiento. Hemos empezado a programar una en una demostraciones. Si desea reservar una franja horaria por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros en +1 (646) ... leer más & rarr;

CurrentDesk se complace en anunciar que ha asegurado un stand en la feria de la industria de Forex Magnates, que tendrá lugar el 11 y 12 de noviembre. Nos gustaría invitar a los clientes existentes, así como las partes interesadas a unirse a nosotros en el evento y se reúnen en persona. Los miembros del personal estarán disponibles para discutir los desafíos que enfrentan los corredores y para presentar las soluciones de CurrentDesk, CurrentRisk, nuestra herramienta de reconciliación y administración de riesgos y CurrentBusiness, nuestro sistema integrado de CRM, back office, tesorería y cumplimiento. Esperamos ... leer más & rarr;

LOGO Para los corredores que operan un verdadero modelo 'No Dealing Desk', el manejo del riesgo del cliente no es un problema importante. Lo que es un problema crítico es la Reconciliación Comercial. En un artículo sobre las prácticas de gestión de riesgos que se publicó en el Informe de la Industria Forex Magnates Q1, discutimos los problemas que corredores y distribuidores de las tiendas más pequeñas a las mayores preocupaciones financieras mundiales. Si bien las empresas mencionaron la importancia de monitorear el arbitraje, la latencia de la red y la volatilidad del mercado, la reconciliación comercial era un tema universal que las empresas necesitaban abordar. La reconciliación comercial se refiere a la ... leer más & rarr;

Magnates de la divisa

La Comisión de Negociación de Futuros de Productos Básicos de los Estados Unidos ha emitido hoy procedimientos contra la empresa mid-western FX Champion Management International y su propietario Daniel K. Steele por llevar a cabo un fraude de FX de $ 1.7 millones. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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Forex Magnates ha aprendido que el Director de Operaciones de City Index saldrá de la empresa. Simon Bird está pasando de su posición en el corredor, se unió en medio de la crisis en 2008 de Bear Stearns. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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El corredor de FX australiano, GTL Tradeup se ha declarado en bancarrota. El corredor de FX regulado se puso en contacto con el regulador el 25 de septiembre, informándoles que su Consejo de Administración había resuelto colocar el negocio en Liquidación. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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Saxo Bank ha lanzado cuatro nuevos instrumentos financieros a medida que expande su pie de impresión global en la negociación de múltiples clases de activos. Entre las cuatro cruces es; Oro frente a la Lira Turca, una oferta interesante y única. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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ICAP ha publicado hoy su informe semestral, detallando una disminución del 1% en los ingresos de todo el grupo en comparación con el mismo período del año pasado. El informe llega al mismo tiempo que una sanción de CFTC de 65 millones de dólares. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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La corredora Interdealer ICAP ha sido emitida hoy por la CFTC con una sanción monetaria civil de 65 millones de dólares por manipulación, información falsa e intento de manipular la tasa LIBOR del Yen. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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El regulador estadounidense, Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) ha anunciado que ha aprobado el Mecanismo de Ejecución de Intercambio Integral, la CFTC otorgó el registro temporal de INFX SEF Inc. FX ECN, 360T también recibió la aprobación del SEF. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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OANDA, una de las firmas de FX minoristas que aún operan en Estados Unidos, anunció hoy que comprará Currensee, haciendo alusión a una posible necesidad de diversificación de la oferta de servicios para permanecer en el mercado. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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GAIN Capital ha confirmado que ha completado la adquisición de GFT en una de las compras más emocionantes del año. GAIN pagó 40 millones de dólares en efectivo, emitió 3,6 millones de acciones de GAIN Capital y un bono de US $ 33 millones a 5 años. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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G. H. Financials Group, firma de compensación independiente para derivados negociados en bolsa, nombró a Mark Ibbotson como Director General del Grupo, con efecto a partir del 7 de octubre. Mark estará en la sede de Londres. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

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La Comisión Financiera da la bienvenida hoy a Simon Grunfeld y Andrew Ralich a su Comité de Resolución de Disputas. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

/ I / 46979219/0 / forexmagnatesfeeds "/> Estadísticas Relacionadas SDP FX Platform Desarrollo Simplificado Sistemas de Caplin lanza Core FX Motif CFTC Hits Introducción Broker Foremost Trading Con $ 400,000 Penalidad por deficiencias de supervisión Ex Blackberry Ejecutivo Grehed Whittington se une a OANDA como CTO

Las empresas de FX en Gran Bretaña se han mantenido tenazmente a su propagación a medida de apuestas y plataformas CFD, hasta hace poco. InterTrader Direct es la última versión de la plataforma MetaTrader 4, anunciando hoy su lanzamiento. Leer más & # 8230; [Visitar el sitio para leer más]

/ I / 46977364/0 / forexmagnatesfeeds "/> Historias relacionadas Símbolo de estado que nunca ha estado Web de engaño rodea Monex de Mone Group anuncia Divident & hellip;

Los 600 mejores ejecutivos de Forex en el mundo se reúnen en el Distrito Financiero de Tokio para la Cumbre de 2013 de Magnates de Forex el 17 de julio de 2013. La Cumbre de Magnates de Tokio reunirá a las mejores y más brillantes mentes de la industria Forex y servirá como un Catalizador para la discusión de muchas tendencias relevantes en noticias de la moneda mundial.

Estas conversaciones se extenderá en el tema de "acercarse al mercado de divisas chino", a "desafíos de los proveedores de liquidez institucional". Sin embargo, el tema sigue siendo constante - el deseo de mejorar y conectar mejor la industria global de Forex a través de redes e innovaciones tecnológicas.

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Noticias del mercado

El número de cuentas de la divisa de los EEUU golpeó nuevo bajo en Q1 2014

Los corredores de Forex minoristas de Estados Unidos han revelado su rentabilidad de clientes y números de cuenta activos para el primer trimestre de 2014, informó Forex Magnates. Durante el primer trimestre, las cuentas de divisas activas mantenidas con los corredores de EE. UU. han caído a 94 869, con 1718 menos que en el cuarto trimestre de 2013. Este es el menor número de cuentas FX activo en los últimos 4 años. Parece que la regulación estricta hace más difícil y más difícil para los corredores de EE. UU. para atraer a nuevos clientes.

El mayor perdedor es Interactive Brokers & ndash; Han perdido 900 cuentas, lo que es sorprendente, teniendo en cuenta la alta rentabilidad de su cliente el último trimestre. Los corredores únicos que han logrado aumentar su número de cuentas activas, son OANDA y MB Trading. Siendo los últimos clientes los más rentables. Es interesante ver si MB Trading será capaz de mantener su base de clientes creciendo en el próximo trimestre, dado el reciente lanzamiento de la plataforma cTrader.

La rentabilidad promedio ha aumentado con un 4,1% en los últimos tres meses. Esto se explica fácilmente. Los comerciantes tienden a ganar más dinero en el mercado de gama limitada y esto es exactamente el caso en el último trimestre. Desde el comienzo del año la tasa EURUSD prácticamente no ha cambiado, la volatilidad es a varios años baja y seguir bajando.

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كافة المواد التي يحتويها هذا الموقع محمية بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر في الولايات المتحدة وليس مسموحا لك بإعادة إنتاجها أو توزيعها أو نقلها أو عرضها أو نشرها أو بثها بأي طريقة دون الحصول على تصريح مسبق ومكتوب من قبل Forex Magnates. لا يجوز لك تعديل أو حذف أية علامة تجارية أو حقوق النشر أو أي إشعار أخر من نسخ هذا المحتوى. كافة المعلومات الواردة في هذه الصفحة عرضة للتغيير في أي وقت.

استخدام هذا الموقع يعني ضمنيا القبول باتفاقيتنا للاستخدام. يرجى الاطلاع على سياستنا للخصوصية وبيان إخلاء المسئولية القانونية. تجارة العملات الأجنبية باستخدام الهامش تتضمن درجة عالية من المخاطرة وقد لا تكون مناسبة لكافة المستثمرين. الدرجة العالية من الرافعة المالية يمكنها ان تعمل ضدك بذات القدر الذي قد تعمل فيه لصالحك. قبل اتخاذ القرار بتجارة العملات الأجنبية يتوجب عليك التفكير بعناية في أهدافك الاستثمارية ومستوى خبرتك ومدى قدرتك على تحمل المخاطرة. هناك احتمالات بان تتكبد خسارة لبعض أو كل استثمارك المبدئي ومن ثم يتعين عليك عدم استثمار أي أموال لا تتحمل تبعات خسارتها. يجب ان تكون على دراية بكافة المخاطرة المرتبطة بتجارة العملات الأجنبية وان تبحث عن النصيحة والإرشاد من مستشار مالي مستقل إذا ما ساورتك أية شكوك.

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تنبيه: حقوق الطبع والنشر © 2013 Forex Magnates. جميع الحقوق محفوظة.

كافة المواد التي يحتويها هذا الموقع محمية بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر في الولايات المتحدة وليس مسموحا لك بإعادة إنتاجها أو توزيعها أو نقلها أو عرضها أو نشرها أو بثها بأي طريقة دون الحصول على تصريح مسبق ومكتوب من قبل Forex Magnates. لا يجوز لك تعديل أو حذف أية علامة تجارية أو حقوق النشر أو أي إشعار أخر من نسخ هذا المحتوى. كافة المعلومات الواردة في هذه الصفحة عرضة للتغيير في أي وقت.

استخدام هذا الموقع يعني ضمنيا القبول باتفاقيتنا للاستخدام. يرجى الاطلاع على سياستنا للخصوصية وبيان إخلاء المسئولية القانونية. تجارة العملات الأجنبية باستخدام الهامش تتضمن درجة عالية من المخاطرة وقد لا تكون مناسبة لكافة المستثمرين. الدرجة العالية من الرافعة المالية يمكنها ان تعمل ضدك بذات القدر الذي قد تعمل فيه لصالحك. قبل اتخاذ القرار بتجارة العملات الأجنبية يتوجب عليك التفكير بعناية في أهدافك الاستثمارية ومستوى خبرتك ومدى قدرتك على تحمل المخاطرة. هناك احتمالات بان تتكبد خسارة لبعض أو كل استثمارك المبدئي ومن ثم يتعين عليك عدم استثمار أي أموال لا تتحمل تبعات خسارتها. يجب ان تكون على دراية بكافة المخاطرة المرتبطة بتجارة العملات الأجنبية وان تبحث عن النصيحة والإرشاد من مستشار مالي مستقل إذا ما ساورتك أية شكوك.

الآراء الواردة في Forex Magnates تعبر بشكل فردي عن قناعات مؤلفيها ولا تمثل بالضرورة الرأي الخاص لـ Forex Magnates أو إدارتها. Forex Magnates لم تقم بالتحقق من مدى دقة أو واقعية أي ادعاء أو بيان من قبل أي كاتب مستقل على موقعها: احتمالات الخطأ والسهو تظل واردة في كل الأحوال. أية أراء أو أخبار أو تحليلات أو أسعار أو معلومات أخرى ترد على هذا الموقع سواء من قبل Forex Magnates أو موظفيها أو شركائها أو مساهميها يتم تقديمها كتعليق عام على السوق ولا تمثل بأي شكل من الأشكال نصيحة استثمارية. Forex Magnates لن تقبل بتحمل أي التزامات عن أي خسارة أو ضرر, بما في ذلك سبيل المثال لا الحصر, أي نقص في الأرباح, قد تنجم بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر عن استخدام هذه المعلومات أو الاعتماد عليها.

©2012 "Forex Magnates Inc - حيث تجتمع نخبة الفوركس" كافة الحقوق محفوظة.

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The world’s leading provider of binary options trading platform is glad to announce its participation in Forex Magnates London Summit 2013 on 11 th -12 th of November.

Currently, TRADOLOGIC’s team is in eager preparation for the upcoming Forex Magnates Summit that will take place on 11-12 November in London. It is an honor for TRADOLOGIC to take part in this leading FOREX expo. The event will bring together 750 top FOREX executives to share business ideas and professional advice. TRADOLOGIC is glad to exhibit at this event and welcomes all participants at its booth where they can gain an insight into the binary option industry.

TRADOLOGIC is a proud sponsor of the inauguration event of the all-new Forex Magnates Executive Club that will take place on November 11 th and will be attended by about 100 executives of leading companies from the financial trading industry. The Executive Club is a unique and exclusive arena where the elite of the industry will be able to meet, strengthen relationships and develop new ones. TRADOLOGIC’s representatives will have the opportunity to meet professionals from around the world and present to them the company’s innovative products.

TRADOLOGIC exhibits in a number of reputable international expos as it is the company’s priority to meet current and potential partners, as well as build strong professional relationships with business people worldwide. Just for the month of November TRADOLOGIC will participate in several FOREX and gaming expos. After the company’s successful participation in Beijing International Finance Expo on 1-3 November, TRADOLOGIC will take part in Forex Magnates London Summit (11-12 November), MENA FOREX Show Dubai (14-15 November) and the Brazilian Gaming Congress (18-20 November).

TRADOLOGIC is the global leader in the financial trading industry with technology built specifically for the binary options trading market. TRADOLOGIC’s team pioneers in the binary option trading field and possesses a first-hand insight and deep knowledge about the financial trading industry. Currently, the company offers its clients a variety of products including option types, trading tools, advanced features, integration solutions and services that deliver outstanding trading experience and optimized user value.

TradingScreen Electronic Trading Solutions

Forex Magnates - TradingScreen Announces Meeting Dodd Frank FX Requirements

Software as a Service trading and liquidity provider TradingScreen announced today that its FX suite of products meet Dodd-Frank requirements.

Ray Spoljaric, Head of Trade OTC Sales for the Americas, TradingScreen stated “Financial firms are turning to TradingScreen for our cloud-based trading solutions to stay ahead of regulatory change without massive investment in IT staff or hardware. To be sure, there are real costs for the buy side associated with Dodd-Frank compliance. Different firms face difference challenges around regulation depending on their size, strategy, and geography, so it’s hard to generalize across the entire buy-side industry about whether this is stifling growth, or creating barriers to new entrants. Still, I would say that the days of starting a hedge fund in your garage are now over.”

Click here to read full article.

Forex Magnates - Ron Finberg - April 29, 2013

Copyright © 2001/2015 TradingScreen Inc. All Rights Reserved Simplifying Global Markets.

TradingScreen Electronic Trading Solutions

Forex Magnates - TradingScreen Deploys RiskHub for FCMs Pre-Trade Credit Check Requirements

As per the official press release from TradingScreen, because mandatory trade reporting requirements in the U. S. have already gone into effect for Interest Rate Swaps (IRS) and index Credit Default Swaps (CDS), the volume of trades being centrally cleared has risen dramatically. On this basis, the launch of RiskHub may be timely if it can take off and be adopted by the FCMs involved in this segment and those preparing to enter it.

Commenting in the corporate announcement, Philippe Buhannic, CEO of TradingScreen said, “TradingScreen’s RiskHub Solution allows our clients to execute the required calculations in an instant.” Mr. Buhannic emphasized the importance of time during the pre-trade process and said in the corporate statement, “Today, the credit check deadline is 60 seconds, but someday soon it could be even shorter. We are pleased to offer a solution that meets the tough requirements of today, and has also anticipated the regulatory developments of tomorrow.”

Click here to access the article in its entirety. Click here to read the official press release for RiskHub.

Forex Magnates - Steven Hatzakis - November 5, 2013

Copyright © 2001/2015 TradingScreen Inc. All Rights Reserved Simplifying Global Markets.

Admin Guide 51 comments

Exclusive Summit of the 750 top Forex Executives The Forex Magnates London Summit is an exclusive event that. On July 21, 2014, FX renewed Fargo for a ten-episode second season, which. On August 2, 2013, it was announced that Billy Bob Thornton had signed on to. The series is set in the same fictional universe as the film, whose events took. Forex Capital Markets. Details on upcoming events are not yet available. AM ET, Q4 2013 and Full Year FXCM Inc. Earnings Conference Call.

Download FX Calendar and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. presents recent and upcoming key economic events and statistical releases. Category Finance; Updated Nov 14, 2013; Version 1.1; Size 0.3 MB; Language. The 11th annual FX Week Asia will deliver cutting-edge perspectives on trading strategies, the global. A must-attend event for all FX professionals in Asia. Accreditations Incisive Media - AOP Digital Publisher of the Year 2010 & 2013. Annual Assembly of FAI is the most popular event for FX market participants. 7th December 2013, Venue M. V. I. R. D. C World Trade Center, Full South Lounge.

I was running my program, listening to the events stream and getting. Member #42125 Registered 2013-08-29 Posts 53 Reputation + 4 -. News and Events about Integral, a technology and application provider of. The Forex Magnates Tokyo Summit 2013 will provide the first opportunity for the.

Event-Driven Spikes in Forex Prices – Defining, Measured Moves and. March 14, 2013 By Steve W. Trendline Breaks EURUSD Forex. Feb 2, 2013 at pm to Feb 3, 2013 at am in UTC. massive thanks to the guys over at Paratus Productions for capturing the whole event, all the artists.

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SafeCharge Wins Most Innovative Financial Product Award‏ at Forex Magnates London Summit 2013

Dit is een origineel bericht van PR Newswire

LONDON, November 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

This year's prestigious Forex Magnates "Most Innovative Financial Product" award was given to SafeCharge, a leading global payment provider. The award was presented by Michael Greenberg, CEO and Founder of Forex Magnates, at the company's London Summit 2013.

In a presentation to a judging audience of hundreds of top CEOs of the Forex industry, SafeCharge really "burned the stage" by showcasing the features and motivation behind its latest innovative product, "Cashier." SafeCharge competed against 11 other front-runner companies for the coveted award.

"Safecharge did a great job of relating with common problems brokers have (rejected deposits) and pitched a product that helps solves those issues," wrote Ron Finberg. editor at Forex Magnates, claiming they really brought the pitch down to "dollars and sense."

Cashier is SafeCharge's new turnkey payment solution that delivers each trader a personalized deposit experience designed to increase conversions.

"We wanted the Forex world to understand that we see our obligation as much more than just securely processing payments - that we are working hard to actually enhance and add value to our brokers' business," said Shemer Katz, VP of Product and Marketing at SafeCharge. "It was a pleasure and an honor to be recognized for our efforts at such an esteemed event as the Forex Magnates summit."

Forex Magnates' London Summit brings together over 750 of the world's top Forex executives.

For the full Forex Magnates 2013 Award Ceremony Results: http://forexmagnates. com/and-the-winners-are-forex-magnates-2013-award-ceremony-results

For more information on Cashier product, please contact shemer@safecharge. com

For more than 12 years, SafeCharge has been delivering superior payment processing and risk management solutions tailor-made to dating, gaming and forex industries. SafeCharge's cross-platform and modular solutions guarantee maximum payment conversion through meeting merchants' unique payment processing needs, auto-adjusting to different digital environments, increasing end-user retention and repeat-user satisfaction, and minimizing risk of fraud. For more information please visit http://www. SafeCharge. com

Mr. Shemer Katz, Cellphone: +972-547772354

Saxo Bank Named Best Broker and Best Proprietary Platform at Forex Magnates 2013 Award Ceremony

Dit is een origineel bericht van PR Newswire

LONDON, November 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

Saxo Bank [http://www. saxobank. com ] is a double winner at the Forex Magnates 2013 Award Ceremony. The online trading and investment specialist has been voted "Best Broker" and " Best Proprietary Platform" by 750 of the most influential figures in the FX industry participating at last night's award ceremony in London, hosted by Forex Magnates [http://forexmagnates. com ], a specialized FX news and research source as well as a conference organizer.

Saxo Bank's trading platforms have defined the company's success in the online trading space for over a decade. Introducing the SaxoTrader in 1998, Saxo Bank has enhanced and improved its platforms to meet the evolving needs of traders and investors in a continuously changing industry.

Through Saxo Bank's multi-asset online trading platforms clients can access the world's major financial markets from any location and trade a broad range of financial products, including Forex, FX Options, Stocks, CFDs, Futures, Contract Options and ETFs, all from a single account.

Presented by CEO of Forex Magnates, Michael Greenberg, co-founder and co-CEO of Saxo Bank, Kim Fournais, received the two prestigious awards at the Forex Magnates 2013 Award Ceremony in London.

Please find the full results here: http://forexmagnates. com/and-the-winners-are-forex-magnates-2013-award-ceremony-results

About Saxo Bank

Saxo Bank is a leading online trading and investment [http://www. saxobank. com/trading-products ] specialist. A fully licensed and regulated European bank, Saxo Bank enables private investors and institutional clients to trade FX, CFDs, ETFs, Stocks, Futures, Options and other derivatives via three specialised and fully integrated trading platforms; the browser-based SaxoWebTrader [http://www. saxobank. com/en/trading-platforms/pages/internet-trading. aspx ], the downloadable SaxoTrader [http://www. saxobank. com/en/trading-platforms/pages/trader-download. aspx ] and the SaxoMobileTrader application available in over 20 languages. Saxo Bank also offers professional portfolio and fund management through Saxo Asset Management who accommodates high-net worth private clients and institutional investors and provides banking services and advice to retail clients through Saxo Privatbank. The Saxo Bank Group is headquartered in Copenhagen with offices throughout Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Australia.

CONTACT: Kasper Elbjørn, Head of Group Public Relations, +45-3065-4300,press@saxobank. com

Forex Magnates Istanbul

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Forex Magnates London Summit 2013

by Joe Bond on November 13, 2013

↔ Forex Magnates London Summit 2013

On Tuesday, I was fortunate enough to attend the Forex Magnates Summit in London. The annual conference plays host to participants from all areas of the FX market including brokers, payment providers, technology vendors, prime brokers, prime of prime providers and liquidity aggregators.

The conference is a two-day exhibition and conference, with different discussion panels. The industry specialists from high profile members of the FX community discussed current topics and issues.

Some of the theme’s that I took away from the event:

The proliferation of new regulation, requires the FX industry to evolve, but also the importance of lobbying regulators as to the benefits of unique FX market setup.

FX liquidity fragmentation also referred to as “specialisms” is a positive to service different client needs (Alpha, Beta etc).

As a broker, we are a service provider to our clients in whatever shape or type that might be. The evolution of a relatively young and the innovation of technology provides opportunity for growth, but client servicing remains integral for long term development.

I believe that Abshire-Smith provides clients with a choice of leading technology and access to different pools of liquidity and consistent customer service.

I look forward to next years Summit.

About the Author

Joe Bond

Joe Bond is a Director at Abshire-Smith joining at the start in 2011 and has contributed market commentary and quotes to the media (CityAM, IndexTrader Magazine, Reuters, The Guardian etc).

Prior to being employed at Abshire-Smith he was a dealer at a Middle Eastern market maker, and started his career as a deliverable spot and forwards FX broker.

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Abshire-Smith is an FCA regulated broker, located in the heart of the City of London. The strategic location enables us to hire the talented employees required to service our clients and offer a secure, reliable trading environment. Our clients have the choice of leading multi-asset trading platforms, with tight spreads and good execution.

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Trading on financial products carries a high level of risk to your capital. It is possible to lose more than your initial investment. Trading on financial products may not be suitable for you, therefore ensure you understand the risks involved and seek independent advice if necessary. Abshire-Smith provides services on an execution only basis. We do not provide advice as to the merits of entering into a financial transaction.

Abshire-Smith do not accept U. S. or Iranian residents of any kind (retail, professional, or institutional) as clients.

Abshire-Smith-Global Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 07894030. Abshire-Smith Global Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 590890. Head Office: 20 Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AR | +44 (0) 203 700 0085 | info@abshire-smith. com

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Forex Trading Strategy

Jarratt is the only retail trader to make his way to an institutional level and manage money professionally in a regulated environment. His journey into trading started in 2005 when he began learning how to trade Forex as a possible means to earn an income while pursuing his passion for travelling around the world.

He began trading clients funds via managed accounts in 2008.

After undergoing many frustrating periods he eventually found the approach to trading that would lead him to becoming the 2nd highest ranked Forex trader in the world by the Barclays currency traders index, between 2008 - 2013.

In 2014 he was made head of FX of an investment management company in the UK, where he now works with high net worth clients to find them suitable FCA regulated managed accounts, and profitable traders that he can introduce to each of these clients as an investment solution.

Check Jarratt’s results!

Exclusive: Q4 2014 US Forex Profitability Report, Accounts Fall and So Do Profits

Volatility was back in the fourth quarter of 2014 in the forex industry. With volatility come opportunities but also greater risk for losses. The latter was apparent in our Q4 US Retail Forex Profitability and Active Trader report.

During the just-ended quarter, weighted total customer averages show that 35.3% of US forex traders were in the black, compared to 37.8% in Q3 2014. On a broker weighted calculation, the average broker showed profitability of their clients at 35.6%, a 1.7% drop from Q3 2014’s 37.3% level.

The findings appear to show that despite greater opportunities for large profits, retail customers performed worse in a high volatile environment. Weighted customer profitability peaked at 39.5% during the slow Q2 period and has since fallen in back-to-back quarters as volatility has increased.

Q4 2014 US Forex Broker Profitability and Active Trader Report with MB Trading

Also reported is a contraction in the US retail forex market to below 90,000 active traders, the lowest level since Forex Magnates began to track these figures in Q1 2011. Overall, during the quarter active traders declined by 6,491 to a total of 89,162. Affecting the US market has been an exodus of brokers from the country, with names such as GFT, FX Club and FX Solutions no longer in the market.

During Q4, affecting the total active traders figure was the sale of IBFX’s retail MetaTrader 4 accounts to FXCM. the broker’s customers in the report declining by 5,345 traders to 1,801. Interestingly, those lost accounts didn’t have much impact on FXCM where active traders grew, but by only 358, for a total of 26,975 accounts. The account growth, though, was enough to keep FXCM at the top of the list of US brokers by retail traders.

It is known that FXCM was actively marketing to IBFX its positive features and even introduced lower spreads to attract those new clients. The lack of meaningful account growth may have shown that former IBFX customers decided not to continue with FXCM, or were non-US traders that were transferred to other regulated units of the broker. Hints of the answer may be revealed when FXCM releases its Q4 2014 financial results, which are now much awaited following the disclosing of Swiss franc volatility-related losses and new financing from Leucadia National Corporation.

Returning to the profitability side of the report, once again, InteractiveBrokers topped the list of having the most profitable percentage of traders in the US at 44.1%, followed by CitiFX at 43.0%. As reported in the past, InteractiveBrokers average account sizes are well above those at other retail brokers, and their customers are, as well, more risk averse.

Looking ahead, with both InteractiveBrokers and FXCM having reported large losses by their forex trading clients from last week’s move in the Swiss franc, it will be interesting to see how the volatility affects the overall Q1 2015 profitability report.

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Forex Forecast - Q1 2012

By: Christopher Lewis

While there is always a certain amount of uncertainty going forward, there are some general themes that we are starting to see that can at least gives us a “heads up” on the general direction of some of the major pairs over the upcoming quarter. With some of the macroeconomic and technical signals firing off lately, the following is how I see the first quarter of next year shaping up.

The various summits, conference calls, meetings, and announcements in the EU have all disappointed. The rallies that accompany these “risk on” moves have been getting shorter and shorter each time the EU attempts to come up with a solution. The solutions have all been of the “band aid” variety, and until the area gets serious about fiscal union, the Euro will suffer. Another thing that is weighing on the Euro is the austerity that much of the area is going through. This will have the EU in recession for the start of the year, and the ECB looks set to cut rates even more. With this in mind, this pair should be lower. I suspect we will see 1.25 by the end of the quarter.

The Aussie will continue to suffer at the hands of others and their mistakes. The “risk off” trade will continue for another few months until the demand for commodities picks up. The economic numbers out of China are getting weaker, and Australia needs the Chinese to buy their minerals. Without them, the market shrinks for Australia in a massive way. The fact that the numbers out of such an obviously manipulated market as China are getting weaker leads one to wonder how slow things really will get in that country. The Aussie will be lower, but only marginally so as the interest rate differential will still work in its favor. I am looking for a 0.97 handle.

The oil markets are being worked over by the Iranians and an attempt to gain attention. At the time of writing, they are doing military exercises to stir up trouble. The truth is though; the Iranians will not block the Strait of Hormuz as oil is the only thing that Iran has to sell. There is talk of an EU boycott of Iranian oil, but at the end of the day – demand will continue to shrink for petroleum. The lack of demand for oil will weigh on the demand for the Canadian dollar over time. The Loonie will do well against many currencies, but the Dollar won’t be one of them. I suspect that the 1.10 level will be seen by the time spring hits. Parity still seems to be the start of serious support, and I don’t think we will see prices too far below that number in the near future. The pair has a habit of grinding for long periods of time and then exploding in one direction or another. I suspect something like this will happen again. USD/CHF

With the Swiss National Bank putting a floor in the EUR/CHF pair, this means that the Franc in general is being worked against. The fact that the Franc will move in the same direction in most XXX/CHF pairs means that by extension, this pair has a floor in it as well. (I see it as 0.8500 currently, but there is also serious support at 0.9000 and 0.9250.) The fact that the Dollar is now the last real “safe haven” currency, this makes a perfect storm.

The 0.95 level will be resistive, but the pair is starting to break out to the upside at the time of this writing, and it looks as if 0.95 is a given. However, I feel that the continued demand for safety will continue to push this pair higher – all the way to parity by the end of the quarter.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

5 Most Predictable Currency Pairs – Q1 2013

Not all currency pairs behave in the same manner: the better ones will slow down when approaching a clear line of support or resistance and will then bounce back. With enough momentum, the pair will break the line and never look back. These pairs are the more predictable ones. However, not all of them tend to follow technical rules that closely.

And as seasons change, so do markets: some become more predictable, while others lose touch with charts. Many factors impact this behavior. Here is a ranked and updated list for Q1 2013 of the top 5 pairs, with each pair’s characteristics.

AUD/USD . The pair might change its direction in Q1 2013 and drop, but it isn’t likely to change in its predictability: it trades in a clear and wide range. Moves within the range were within clear channels, and when these were broken, the impact was clear to see. Stability in China has lowered the volatility but not the predictability. We could see an uptick in volatility in Q1 2013, something that will certainly help technical trades on the Aussie.

EUR/GBP . This popular cross trades very nicely within channels and it has advanced from the third to the second place. The pair tends to check out the limits of the channels before making a big bounce to the other direction. With the UK following Europe in muddling along and with nasty moves in GBP/USD, this pair provides a more smooth ride, especially with the limited trading ranges.

USD/CHF . This seems like a surprising choice, as the SNB maintains a floor of 1.20 under EUR/CHF and the moves in EUR/USD therefore determine the moves in USD/CHF. Nevertheless, this pair behaves in a better manner than all the others mentioned here. Ranges are determined quite nicely, and when a breakout occurs a new trading range is found and traded in. This behavior is likely to continue in Q1, assuming the European debt crisis continues in its current form: managed but not resolved.

NZD/USD . The kiwi falls from the second place after some choppiness – the pair finds it hard to adjust to the high levels. Nevertheless, it is still a very interesting pair which tends to mark the range upon a breakout, and stay within this range for a period of time.

EUR/AUD . Another euro cross closes the list. Long term limits and channels are generally respected, especially on the upside. Both currencies used to trade in tandem, but each has developed its own direction. Together they work quite nicely and will be interesting in Q1.

One major pair missing from the list is EUR/USD: the world’s most popular pair is almost OK, but not good enough. It has too many false breakouts. The number of risk factors on both sides of the Atlantic is a bit too much.

Another major pair that is missing is USD/JPY. the pair soared in Q4 but didn’t always respect technical lines, even though it was one of its better quarters. Traditionally, this is a problematic pair.

What do you think about this list? Do you agree? Disagree? What are your favorite pairs?

About Author

Yohay Elam – Founder, Writer and Editor

I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Like many forex traders, I’ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Before founding Forex Crunch, I’ve worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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EUR/USD Q1 2013 Forecast

The first quarter of 2013 should be a fairly active one for the EUR/USD pair. There are a lot of different ways that this situation can unfold, but we have so many moving parts presently that it really needs to be broken down into various scenarios.

Currently, the United States is dealing with what is known as the “fiscal cliff.” In layman's terms, this is essentially a set of automatic tax increases as well as spending cuts that go into effect at the end of the year if Congress cannot come up with some type of spending compromise. While this is exactly what the United States needs to do, the amount of spending cuts and tax increases would almost certainly throw the economy into a recession. The idea is that the US needs to do this anymore gradual manner, and not in such a brutal fashion.

On the other side of the Atlantic, you have the never-ending European debt issue. It seems like we've been talking about this for about 40 years now, and the reality is that several of the European nations need to default. However, as long as there is "financial engineering" possible, the banks will do what they can to keep their balance sheets much better looking than reality would dictate. Is because of this that we keep going back and forth with the European problem, and see such wild gyrations in this currency pair.

In a nutshell, we have two very sick currencies fighting with each other.

Expect more volatility

I really hate to put this in writing, but you can expect more of the same. The next three months will see nothing short of an emotional roller coaster for this currency pair. Currently, the biggest thing that can move this pair would be whether or not Congress can come together and make some type of compromise. Personally, I believe that they will not get everything together between now and the end of the year. This would essentially throw the US economy over the cliff, but shortly thereafter things would be fixed. Remember, all of these things can be fixed recto actively, and I believe that will be what happens. Essentially, we could have a sudden plunge in this currency pair as people run towards the safety of US treasuries and a world of uncertainty. However, this will more than likely just be another knee-jerk reaction that will be turned around in the end. I should say however, that if we do get some type of serious agreement, this would be very bullish for the Euro as most investors would be looking to put a more "risk on" trade into the market.

Also, let's not forget the European debt issues that will continue. After all, nothing's really been fixed other than the European Central Bank admitting that it willing to buy peripheral that if the countries ask for it. This would include the Spanish, Italian, Irish, and Greek debt markets, and therefore is essentially the same thing as the ECB printing Euros. After all, they simply present few electronic keystrokes, and suddenly bonds are purchased out of thin air. With that being the case, the Euro will have a bit of a weight around its neck against most currencies. At times, it will be this way against the US dollar also.

Over the majority of the fourth quarter, we have seen this pair bounced around between the 1.3150 and 1.27 handles. I suspect that we will see similar price action, but with a slightly upward bias. I do not see this currency pair be able to break above the 1.35 level anytime soon, and do not see the likelihood of a break down below 1.25 either. Granted, this is a 1000 pip area, but I do believe that we will essentially move back and forth the entirety of the quarter. In a nutshell, this is essentially calling for a repeat of Q4.

The biggest problem I see above the 1.3150 handle originates at the beginning of 2012. You can see that there is a massive descending triangle up in that general vicinity that reached the 1.35 handle. We have broken into it somewhat as we have recently as 1.3150, but I cannot help but think that there is quite a bit of resistance above that area going until we get to 1.35. If we do manage to break above the 1.35 level however, I believe that this pair will actually skyrocket.

My suspicion is that you can probably count on a range closer to 1.30 at the bottom, and 1.35 of the top. I do believe that we will make an attempt to break out higher, and this we based upon the idea of the Federal Reserve expanding its quantitative easing further. The jobs number in the United States continues to be somewhat suspect, considering that most of the "gains" are made by people leaving the labor force.

With more quantitative easing will come a weakening of the US dollar, and we should see the Euro rise as a result. However, this will not be the cleanest pair to play that particular dynamic as the European Union has plenty of its own problems. Again, I suspect that we will see extreme choppiness with a slightly upward bias.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Brokers News

Swissquote's Business Picks Up in 2013, Company Expands Middle East Services

In 2012 the Swiss bank and forex broker Swissquote reported results that were far from exciting; the company registered a slight drop in profits, and yet management remained optimistic. it went ahead with its planned expansion to Malta, and opened its DOTS system (Swiss Derivatives OTC Trading System) to new customers.

This morning Swissquote released its data about the first quarter of the year, and it appears that the company was right not to be worried over the 2012 results: operating revenues and number of accounts both picked up, registering decent increases, and the customer assets entrusted to Swissquotes passed the CHF 9 million mark for the first time . The company is optimistic that this growth will continue throughout the year, attracting 5-10% more new customers and an infusion of CHF 1 million of “fresh” client money. On top of that, the bank is expanding its range of services in the Middle East.

The one thing that is different in the bank's report for Q1 of 2013 Is that it is now disclosing operating revenues in a new way, in order to comply with the IFRS 9 Financial Instruments standard requirements (IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards, a common global language designed for the purpose of company accounts being understandable and comparable across international boundaries).

As per the new IFRS 9 standard, the operating revenues reported by Swissquote are made up of net fee, commission income, net interest income, and trading results – they do not include unrealized fair value any more.

In line with Swissquote's overall positive development, the company's forex division is also doing quite well. The broker reports a 0.4% increase in the number of eForex accounts held with it to a total of 11,067 compared to Q1 of 2012. In comparison with the previous quarter, the increase is even bigger – 1.8%. eForex customer assets have risen from CHF 160.6 million in Q1 2012 to CHF 184.1 million in Q1 2013 .

The trading volumes of the bank's forex division are still a tad stagnant but that is likely to change by the end of the year, given the high volatility of the forex market in general.

Another interesting direction of Swissquote's development is its stronger focus on the Middle-Eastern market: the bank is now offering a special Expat through its Dubai branch. The new account and all its perks are targeting foreigners living in the United Arab Emirates. With this new account, expats in the UAE will have easy access to a Swiss bank account with a multi-asset trading system. Being a well-developed economic region, the Middle East presents brokers with a great scope of possibilities, therefore it is no surprise to see large organizations like Swissquote consider the region a focal point and develop their offering there.

About Swissquote

As a leading provider of online financial services, Swissquote offers innovative solutions and analysis tools to meet the wide range of demands and needs of its clients. As well as various online trading services, the user-friendly platform also provides solutions for eForex, ePrivate Banking, eMortgage and flexible saving accounts. In addition to a low-cost service for private clients, Swissquote also offers specialized services for independent asset managers and corporate clients.

Swissquote is quoted on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SQN) and holds a banking license. The company is subject to supervision by the Swiss Federal Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and is a member of the Swiss Bankers Association.

More news about Swissquote

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Forex trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. All information on ForexBrokerz. com is only published for general information purposes. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

All textual content on ForexBrokerz. com is copyrighted and protected under intellectual property law. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com does not claim copyright over the imagery used on the website, including brokers' logos, stock images and illustrations.

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Binary Options Market In US Is Examined By Forex Magnates

The fact remains that the American method so as to control the method in which it it possible to deliver binary options in the permitted land is under detailed examination. This has been done in the redesigned Forex Magnates Quarterly Industry Report. It can be solely attributed to the setting up of binary options establishments that help in the process of facilitating interchange of immovable agreements. There are as many as two entirely different outcomes that have remained associated along with the same.

A Financial Product

Such an establishment has also been one of the prime reasons as to why; the number of businesses delivering similar types of products has increased to a great extent. The necessary growth process has been initiated with the assistance of Cypriot financial regulator CySec. It has been considered to be an economic artifact and offers a controlling construction. It has been mainly due to the regulatory structure that it was possible to make available the advantage of binary options. The same can also be considered to be one of the prime reasons; behind binary options knowledge suppliers to offer you with the advantage of market trading items.

You will get encouraged in learning that there are as many as one hundred of such brands in the whole world. Similar footsteps were followed by Japan, as well. The Japanese Monetary Services have also made available full controlling decisions. Thus, it will not be a wrong claim to make that the same has offered a perfect framework so that it is able to grow in the intended manner. The same is also considered being one of the biggest trade dealing markets that presently exists.

All Types Of Transactions

In this respect, it needs to be understood that United States is taking an entirely different view on this aspect, as well. Deliberating as to what is the point in which the same differs? Well! The differentiating factor remains in the fact that it has been considered as illegal for a majority of all concerned businesses to make available OTC binary options. It has been made compulsory to process all types of transactions with the help of a devoted discussion. Presently, there are as many as two binary options existing in the country of United States. Also, it needs to be understood that both of the same are based in the city of Chicago. The first is known as the North American Derivatives Exchange, and the same can always be considered to be an integral part of the IG Group. This CFTC controlled exchange makes available a number of aspects including; currency pair, buyer payout, expiry value and kind of vocation, as well.

Cantor Exchange is considered to be one of the other alternatives to NADEX. It also holds true that United States offer different obstructions to companies interested in making available the advantage of binary options. This benefit has been offered in the national market. It was mainly due to the dramatic changes relating to the financial market of the country that an overhaul of the legal structure on the domestic market was expected. The investigation that necessarily featured along with the Forex Magnates Quarterly Industry Report necessarily mentioned details pertaining to the operating cost of all organizations interested in entering into the market of United States. Also, the report mentioned the regulatory considerations, dialogue and cost models within the entire circle of binary option providers.

Mr. K. Craig is a financial writer by profession and has specialization in dealing with financial problems as well as its solutions and also written some great articles on refinance, mortgage refinance, credit counseling, credit repair, debt management and holds keen interest about all topics relating to Binary Options. The website best-binaryoptionsbroker. com will assist you in learning further details.

German Economy Ministry says firms holding back on investments in Q4, Q1 2013

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Founded in 2008, ForexLive. com is the premier forex trading news site offering interesting commentary, opinion and analysis for true FX trading professionals. Get the latest breaking foreign exchange trade news and current updates from active traders daily. ForexLive. com blog posts feature leading edge technical analysis charting tips, forex analysis, and currency pair trading tutorials. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

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HIGH RISK WARNING: Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all investors. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

ADVISORY WARNING: FOREXLIVE™ provides references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of information. Clients and prospects are advised to carefully consider the opinions and analysis offered in the blogs or other information sources in the context of the client or prospect's individual analysis and decision making. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and FOREXLIVE™ specifically advises clients and prospects to carefully review all claims and representations made by advisors, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds or opening an account with any Forex dealer. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercial. FOREXLIVE™ expressly disclaims any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Emerging Online Forex Broker Announces New Opportunity for Traders

Eric Harbor heads the fast-growing online Forex broker, CaesarTrade.

A trader’s job is to decide when to buy and sell and how much. Everything else constitutes added stress. What we do is create an atmosphere where traders can focus on what matters—while we take care of the heavy lifting,

Dayton, OH (PRWEB) July 31, 2013

Fast-growing online Forex broker CaesarTrade today announced they are now offering zero spread and small commission accounts to help traders reach goals following an in house study that revealed profitability of traders increased with the approach.

Using data from a recent article published in ForexMagnate on how low commissions and reduced leverage offered by US-based Forex brokers was favorable for traders along with their own independent data, CaesarTrade completed an in-house review in support of the method. ("Q1 US Broker Profitability Report Showing Signs of Optimism: 4/13).

CaesarTrade’s (http://www. caesartrade. com ) new zero spread and low commission accounts are comparable to leading brokers in the study and designed to offer a better trading experience. In addition to the hard numbers, CaesarTrade will provide daily insightful and ahead-of-the-curve information to traders.

“A trader’s job is to decide when to buy and sell and how much. Everything else constitutes added stress,” said Eric Harbor, founder and CEO of CaesarTrade. “What we do is create an atmosphere where traders can focus on what matters—while we take care of the heavy lifting.”

Typically, in the Forex market, the price of buying and selling currency pairs is in the form of spread or mark-up of the pair instead of a traditional commission structure, Harbor said. Alternately, brokers may make modest revenue from the overnight rate by holding the position overnight, but CaesarTrade offers swap-free accounts for those of the Islamic faith.

Harbor, who heads CaesarTrade, is an emerging thought-leader on financial markets, Forex and cfd and daily contributor to leading market portal ForexMinute. He regularly issues commentary on financial markets including press releases and blogs that have been correct in outlook and timing.

For more information about the CaesarTrade in house study, contact Eric Harbor at 937-581-4244 or eric(at)caesartrade(dot)com.

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eToro si aggiudica il premio di Best Social Platform al Forex Magnates Summit

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che eToro è stata di recente votata Best Social Platform, miglior piattaforma social, dal Forex Magnates Summit 2013 tenutosi a Londra.

Alcune informazioni sul summit

Il Forex Magnates è una pubblicazione di tutto rispetto specializzata nell’industria del Forex trading. Fondata nel 2009, la rivista è rapidamente diventata la fonte principale di notizie per la maggior parte dei leader privati e istituzionali dell’industria del Forex.

Il Forex Magnates Summit. che è giunto ora alla sua 3° edizione, è la più grande e più esclusiva conferenza dell’industria del Forex che attira partecipanti di alto profilo da tutto il mondo.

Più nello specifico, è un onore per noi essere stati selezionati dai partecipanti del summit con un voto indipendente perché questo mostra realmente che le persone apprezzano genuinamente ciò che abbiamo da offrire.

eToro ha lavorato sodo per cambiare il modo in cui le persone investono il proprio denaro trasformandolo in un modo più social e orientato all’utente tramite prodotti come Copy Trader. Il fatto che l’élite industriale ci abbia selezionati per questo premio mostra che i nostri sforzi sono apprezzati dalla comunità.

Congratulazioni a tutti noi e grazie per averlo reso possibile!

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| Thursday, 28 November 2013 13:37

eToro (Europe) Ltd. a Financial Services Company authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) under the license # 109/10

Past performance is not an indication of future results

CFDs are leveraged products. Trading in CFDs related to foreign exchange, commodities, financial indices and other underlying variables, carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all of your investment. As such, CFDs may not be suitable for all investors. You should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Before deciding to trade, you should become aware of all the risks associated with CFD trading, and seek advice from an independent and suitably license+d financial advisor. Under no circumstances shall we have any liability to any person or entity for (a) any loss or damage in whole or part caused by, resulting from, or relating to any transactions related to CFDs or (b) any direct, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages whatsoever. Trading with eToro platform by following and/or copying or replicating the trades of other traders involves a high level of risks, even when following and/or copying or replicating the top-performing traders. Such risks includes the risk that you may be following/copying the trading decisions of possibly inexperienced/unprofessional traders and the overall risk associated in CFD Trading or traders whose ultimate purpose or intention, or financial status may differ from yours. Past performance of an eToro's Community Member is not a reliable indicator of his future performance. Content on eToro is generated by members of its community and does not contain advice or recommendations by or on behalf of eToro Online Trading.

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UK GDP Expansion Confirmed at 0.3% in Q1

THE TAKEAWAY: UK GDP confirmed at 0.3% in Q1 -> Consumer and government spending disappoints expectations -> Pound trading steady

A second estimate of the UK gross domestic product confirmed that the economy expanded by 0.3% in the first quarter of 2013. The economic expansion saved the UK from a triple dip recession. The GDP rose 0.6% from Q1 2012, according to the UK Office for National Statistics.

Private consumption increased by 0.1% in Q1, disappointing expectations for a 0.3% increase. Government spending was unchanged, also disappointing expectations for a 0.2% increase. However, exports declined 0.8% in the first quarter, better than expectations for the exports to decline 1.0%.

The Pound did not react significantly to the GDP release, and Cable is trading around 1.5075 at the time of this writing. GBP/USD may next see support by the key 1.5000 figure, and the pair may again see resistance by the 1.5250 figure.

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GBPUSD Daily: May 23, 2013

Chart created by Benjamin Spier using Marketscope 2.0

-- Written by Benjamin Spier, DailyFX Research. Feedback can be sent to bbspier@fxcm. com.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

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Esto varía según el navegador, si no ves una casilla en tu página con una X roja, haz clic derecho en la página, luego selecciona Ver información de la página y ve a la pestaña Medios.

En este ejemplo, el archivo de imagen debe estar en public_html / cgi-sys / images /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que imponen la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas PNG y png no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Al trabajar con WordPress, 404 Page Not Found los errores a menudo pueden ocurrir cuando un nuevo tema ha sido activado o cuando las reglas de reescritura en el archivo. Htaccess se han alterado.

When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it.

Option 1: Correct the Permalinks

Log in to WordPress.

From the left-hand navigation menu in WordPress, click Settings > Permalinks (Note the current setting. If you are using a custom structure, copy or save the custom structure somewhere.)

Select Default .

Click Save Settings .

Change the settings back to the previous configuration (before you selected Default). Put the custom structure back if you had one.

Click Save Settings .

This will reset the permalinks and fix the issue in many cases. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your. htaccess file directly.

Option 2: Modify the. htaccess File

Add the following snippet of code to the top of your. htaccess file:

# BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite. c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index. php$ - [L] RewriteCond % !-f RewriteCond % !-d RewriteRule. /index. php [L] </IfModule> # End WordPress

If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog.

The. htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a. htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the. htaccess so those scripts can function.

It is possible that you may need to edit the. htaccess file at some point, for various reasons. This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed.(You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.)

There are Many Ways to Edit a. htaccess File

Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP

Use an FTP program's Edit Mode

Use SSH and a text editor

Use the File Manager in cPanel

The easiest way to edit a. htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

How to Edit. htaccess files in cPanel's File Manager

Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong.

Open the File Manager

Log into cPanel.

In the Files section, click on the File Manager icon.

Check the box for Document Root for and select the domain name you wish to access from the drop-down menu.

Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) " is checked.

Click Go . The File Manager will open in a new tab or window.

Look for the. htaccess file in the list of files. You may need to scroll to find it.

To Edit the. htaccess File

Right click on the. htaccess file and click Code Edit from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the icon for the. htaccess file and then click on the Code Editor icon at the top of the page.

A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. Just click Edit to continue. The editor will open in a new window.

Edit the file as needed.

Click Save Changes in the upper right hand corner when done. The changes will be saved.

Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again.

Once complete, you can click Close to close the File Manager window.

Posted 20 December 2013

Forex Magnates is a company that closely monitors the global financial and economic news as well as forex and binary options brokers. The company establishes many quarterly and annual reports and writes numerous documents on these brokers. Few days ago in mid-November, a ceremony was held at the Grange Hotel in London organized by the same Forex Magnates company. As it is recognized in the trading industry, it uses this event to reward the best companies within the trading industry. In most cases, this concerns forex and binary options brokers.

Issued rewards

These binary options brokers are the kind of brokers that interests us. However, we still acknowledge other brokers that have also received an award:

Best forex broker: Saxo Bank

Best forex technology for individuals: MetaQuotes (editor of the MT4 & MT5 platforms)

Best proprietary trading platform: Saxo Bank

Best mobile trading application: MetaTrader

Forex broker with the best performance in the market: FXCM

Best risk management tools: ThinkLiquidity

Best liquidity provider: CityFX

Best social trading platform: eToro

Best provider of binary options software: Tradologic

Best binary options broker: 24Option

Tradologic and 24Option: leaders in the binary options industry

From the above-mentioned list that identifies 10 awarded brokers, we highlighted (in bold) the Tradologic company and the 24option broker. These two major players of the binary options industry have been awarded at their fair value as the best in their category.

The first of these two companies, Tradologic, has recently expanded in the UK. It is one of the leading providers of binary options platforms in this industry. Tradologic experts provide innovative solutions that binary options brokers can then offer to their traders, thereby giving them the opportunity to invest in the market and to earn money through cutting edge technology. To cope with increased competition, the Tradesmarter company has launched its new product known as Strategix. The software developer perpetually brings improvements to its trading platforms that supply a large number of brokers; among which, we can mention Exciting Market or OptionBit that have a Tradologic platform.

24option is in turn a very popular binary options broker that is owned by the Cbay Financial Services Limited company. It is headquartered in Limassol, the capital of the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. The purpose of 24option is to provide traders with the best services in binary options trading; it is a broker that is very close to its clientele since we can contact the customer service department that is available by telephone in a total of 17 languages. The 24option broker offers a wide range of products ranging from turbo binary option (60 seconds) to the weekly binary option. Also note that this is a CySEC - regulated broker, hence the opening of a trading account is only accessible from a $250 deposit. For more details about this binary options broker, please see the complete test of the 24Option platform created by our editors.

The BonusOptionsBinaires. net – 24Option partnership

You should know that the 24Option broker allows each new trader to benefit from a bonus on deposit of 20% as required by its policy on bonuses. However, thanks to the privileged relationship that we enjoy with this regulated broker, our team was able to negotiate an exclusive deposit bonus of up to 100% depending on the amount of money deposited to open a trading account with 24Option. If your deposit is between $250 and $499, a 20% bonus will be awarded to you. If your deposit exceeds $500 and is less than $1,000, you will be entitled to a 40% bonus. if your deposit is between $2500 and $4,999, your bonus will be 50%. Finally, if you have a somewhat more significant capital and wish to maximize the profitability of binary options with a deposit of $5,000 or more, you will then be entitled to a 100% bonus ; i. e. your deposit will simply be doubled.

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The Financial Commission

The Financial Commission, operated by FinaCom PLC, is pleased to report that it has concluded a successful event after participating in the Forex Magnates London Summit last week, on November 18 th and 19 th .

The event – visited by over 1000 attendees – is one of the few places where industry professionals from the online brokerage space are able to meet and discuss key challenges and developments affecting financial services firms that cater to traders in forex, CFD, Binary options and Cryptocurrency markets.

Financial Commission Exhibitor Booth

Forex Expo

A Forex expo can provide you with great opportunities to learn about new trading strategies, network with other Forex traders and become familiar with the latest developments from within the industry. With Forex events being hosted worldwide, finding an affordable, relevant Forex expo has never been easier. We’ve listed the top Forex events worldwide so that you can find the one that’s right for you.

Want to have your Forex expo listed here? Please contact us for more information.

Corredores de Forex

Forex Expo

For Forex traders who want to take part in determining the best FX trading strategies and technologies, the upcoming TradeTech FX USA is an expo you wouldn’t want to miss.

Organizer . WBR Dates . January 26-27, 2015 Location . Trump International Beach Resort, Miami, FL

The 7th Saudi Money Exhibition and Conference 2014 will take place on November 14 and 15 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Jeddah. The two-day event follows last year’s successful conference which was also held in Riyahd.

Organizer . StayConnected Dates . November 14-15th, 2014 Location . Crowne Plaza, Jedda, Saudi Arabia

Forex Magnates always knows how to run a great event and this year’s London Summit has all the elements to be even better than in the past.

Organizer . Forex Magnates Dates . November 18-19, 2014 Location . Grange St. Paul’s Hotel, London

Africa Forex Expo is the largest financial B2B conference on the continent. It brings together thousands of investors from all over the world that will have the opportunity to meet with a host of professional Forex brokers, money managers, liquidity providers, bankers and other professional in the financial arena.

Organizer . GTExchanger LTD Dates . September 26-27, 2014 Location . Astrotech Conference Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

Forex brokers, money managers, investment bankers and financial investors involved in Forex markets should not miss the upcoming FXYear conference.

Organizer . Stockholm International Dates . January 12-13, 2015 Location . Landmark Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

The Shanghai Forex Expo will be taking place on the 8th through the 10th of December 2014 at the Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Centre. This is a great opportunity for brokers from around the world to come together to promote their Forex trading platforms and participate in China’s exciting Forex markets. Over 50,000 attendees are expected at the three day event.

Organizer . Shanghai Forex Expo Dates . December 8-10, 2014 Location . The Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Centre

If you have an innovative platform to promote to Forex brokers from all over the world, you will not want to miss this year’s Shanghai Forex Expo. The expo will include traders, investors, affiliates, IB’s and brokers from China and across the globe in a spectacular two-day event.

Organizer . FXIC Shanghai Forex Expo Dates . December 9-10, 2014 Location . Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund

Do you have an innovative solution for getting high returns on your Forex trades? If so, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to join more than 250 senior FX professionals at the annual TradeTech FX which will take place on September 16th and 17th, 2014 at ETC, St Paul's London.

Organizer . WBR Dates . September 16-17, 2014 Location . ETC Venues St Paul's, London

This year’s IFX EXPO International Convention will take place on May 27th to 29th, 2014 at the Grand Resort Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus. The iFX Expo is the largest financial B2B convention in the world with over 500 FX and Binary Option brokers and 70 exhibitors expected from around the world.

Organizer . iFX Dates . May 27-29, 2014 Location . Grand Resort Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus

FXIC will be held this year on June 20th, 2014 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City. The 2-day conference follows the success of its two previous events held in Chile and New York City in 2013.

Organizer . ShiftForex Dates . June 20-21, 2014 Location . Grand Hyatt Hotel, NYC

The 6th Saudi Money Exhibition and Conference will be held this year at the Al Faisaliah Hotel in Riyadh on May 10th-11th, 2014. The two-day event follows last year’s successful conference held in Jeddah.

Organizer . StayConnected Dates . June 10-11, 2014 Location . Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The ninth Jordan Forex Expo & Award will be held under the theme of “Challenges of the Global Financial Markets”, will take place in Le-Royal Amman Hotel, Jordan. The conference following the success of the previous conferences in Jordan, Organized by Afaq Group.

Organizer . Afaq Group Dates . June 3-4, 2014 Location . LeRoyal Hotel, Amman, Jordan.

MENA 13th Forex Show continues its series of successful Forex Shows. The Middle East and North Africa thirteenth Forex Show is being held to discuss various developments in the Foreign Exchange industry through exhibitions and meetings, which will include a large number of economists, analysts, investors and experts from the Arab world of trading. MENA 13th Forex Show, will take place in Dubai, March 30-31, 2014 at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Organizer . Arabcom Group Dates . June 9-10, 2014 Location . RITZ Carlton, DIFC, Dubai.

The China International Online Trading Expo is both Asia’s and China’s largest and most professional Forex and option trading expo. CIOTEXPO has gone out of its way to attract business to China. They have prepared a platform where new and veteran brokers can come together in new networking connections and where new qualified investors interested in doing business in China and meet and market.

Organizer . Eastpearl Group Dates . May 9-10, 2014 Location . Shanghai Pudong Expo Center, China

With the introduction of the upcoming International Forex Trading Show 2013 in Dubai, the Middle East has taken a major step forward in the global Forex market. This first ever event will represent international FX, CFD, Futures, international brokers and industry service providers, traders, financial service providers as well as IBs from the Middle East and North Africa.

Organizer . International Forex Trading Show 2013 Date . April 4-5, 2013 Location . The Ritz-Carlton, DIFC Dubai, UAE.

Top Online Forex Brokers

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Forex magnates tokyo summit

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U. S GDP Q1 2013 Rose by 2.5%

April 26, 2013

The bureau of economic analysis published today April 26 th its first estimate of the growth rate of the U. S. Gross Domestic Product for Q1 2013. Based on the recent report, U. S output of goods and services growth rate rose by an annual rate of 2.5% in Q1 2013 – this result is lower than what many economist had predicted. This growth rate is still much better result than the growth rate recorded in the fourth quarter of 2012, in which the GDP grew by 0.4%. This lower than expected growth in GDP is related to the 8.4% drop in real federal government consumption expenditures. This news is likely to drag down commodities and equities down today.

Based to the latest update. the real U. S GDP in the first quarter of 2013 (first estimate) expanded by an annual rate of 2.5%. In the fourth quarter GDP grew by 0.4%; in the third quarter the GDP grew by 1.3%; in the same quarter in 2012 the GDP rose by 2%. Despite the rise in the growth rate in the first quarter of 2013. Many predicted the GDP will rise by roughly 3% in annual terms. Therefore, this positive news is likely to drag down the financial markets including commodities and equities.

This lower than anticipated growth in GDP in the first quarter of 2013 is mainly due to the drop in government spending including an 11.5% fall in national defense spending.

The chart below presents the developments of the real U. S. GDP (in annual rates) growth rate between 2009 and 2013. As seen, the recent real GDP growth rate in the first quarter was the highest rate since the third quarter in 2012.

Currently, the U. S stock markets are slightly falling; some major commodities are trading down: major energy commodities prices including crude oil prices are currently sharply falling; gold and silver are trading down; the U. S dollar is falling against several currencies including Euro and Japanese yen.

For more on this subject:

404 significa que el archivo no se encuentra. Si ya ha subido el archivo, el nombre puede estar mal escrito o está en una carpeta diferente.

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Archivos perdidos o rotos

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En este ejemplo, el archivo debe estar en public_html / example / Example /

Observe que el CaSe es importante en este ejemplo. En plataformas que hacen cumplir la sensibilidad de mayúsculas y minúsculas y E xample no son las mismas ubicaciones.

Para los dominios addon, el archivo debe estar en public_html / addondomain. com / example / Example / y los nombres distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas.

Broken Image

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En este ejemplo, el archivo de imagen debe estar en public_html / images /

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Al trabajar con WordPress, 404 Page Not Found los errores a menudo pueden ocurrir cuando un nuevo tema ha sido activado o cuando las reglas de reescritura en el archivo. Htaccess se han alterado.

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Option 1: Correct the Permalinks

Log in to WordPress.

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Select Default .

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Click Save Settings .

This will reset the permalinks and fix the issue in many cases. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your. htaccess file directly.

Option 2: Modify the. htaccess File

Add the following snippet of code to the top of your. htaccess file:

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If your blog is showing the wrong domain name in links, redirecting to another site, or is missing images and style, these are all usually related to the same problem: you have the wrong domain name configured in your WordPress blog.

The. htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions.

Redirects and rewriting URLs are two very common directives found in a. htaccess file, and many scripts such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and Magento add directives to the. htaccess so those scripts can function.

It is possible that you may need to edit the. htaccess file at some point, for various reasons. This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed.(You may need to consult other articles and resources for that information.)

There are Many Ways to Edit a. htaccess File

Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP

Use an FTP program's Edit Mode

Use SSH and a text editor

Use the File Manager in cPanel

The easiest way to edit a. htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel.

How to Edit. htaccess files in cPanel's File Manager

Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong.

Open the File Manager

Log into cPanel.

In the Files section, click on the File Manager icon.

Check the box for Document Root for and select the domain name you wish to access from the drop-down menu.

Make sure Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) " is checked.

Click Go . The File Manager will open in a new tab or window.

Look for the. htaccess file in the list of files. You may need to scroll to find it.

To Edit the. htaccess File

Right click on the. htaccess file and click Code Edit from the menu. Alternatively, you can click on the icon for the. htaccess file and then click on the Code Editor icon at the top of the page.

A dialogue box may appear asking you about encoding. Just click Edit to continue. The editor will open in a new window.

Edit the file as needed.

Click Save Changes in the upper right hand corner when done. The changes will be saved.

Test your website to make sure your changes were successfully saved. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again.

Once complete, you can click Close to close the File Manager window.

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eToro Won Best Social Platform Award at Forex Magnates Summit

November 29th, 2013

About the summit

Forex Magnates is a highly respectable publication specializing in the forex trading industry. The magazine was founded in 2009 and quickly became the go to news source for most of the retail and institutional forex industry leaders.

The Forex Magnates Summit ( its 3rd year now) is the largest and most exclusive forex industry conference that attracts high profile participants from around the world.

Etoro has been chosen by the summit attendees through an independent vote, so it really shows that people genuinely love what this social forex network has to offer.

eToro has been working very hard to disrupt the way people invest their money, which includes introducing Copy Trading to the world of forex trading, turning it towards a more social and user oriented direction. The fact that the industry elite have chosen them for the award shows that their efforts are being appreciated by forex and investing community.

We are looking forward to know what eToro´s biggest rival Zulutrade prepares to strike back.

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Support and resistance levels

Mar 27 at 19:47 UTC

1.11 66 / 73 (-0.06%) H 1.1179 L 1.1154

1.41 27 / 55 (-0.20%) H 1.4156 L 1.4109

113. 09 / 2. 89 (+0.18%) H 113.30 L 112.75

159. 78 / 83 (-0.03%) H 160.07 L 159.35

1.09 16 / 02 (+0.13%) H 1.0922 L 1.0893

0.75 09 / 28 (-0.25%) H 0.7534 L 0.7499

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As long as the Swiss economy continues to struggle with low economic growth and stubbornly low inflation the Swiss franc is likely to maintain its bearish bias, and the SNB its dovish stance towards monetary policy. The currency can however rally on safe haven flows during times of risk-off sentiment, as seen at the beginning of 2016.

CHF Analysis

3M Target LIBOR Rate: -0.75%

Last Change: January 15, 2015 (-0.25%)

Expected Future Change: Scope to widen application of negative rates.

Next Decision: June 16

Inflation Target: <2%

Period: Year ending February 29

CPI: -0.8% Prior: -1.30%

Next Release: April 8

Unemployment Rate: 3.4%

Next Release: April 8

Period: Year ending December 31

GDP: 0.40% Expected: 0.1%

Next release: June 1

At -0.75% the Swiss franc holds the lowest interest rate of all the major currencies, and with inflation remaining stubbornly low we continue to maintain a fundamentally bearish bias. As always the EURCHF exchange rate continues to remain a focal point for the SNB, with President Jordan taking every opportunity to remind markets that the franc remains overvalued.

On March 17, the SNB’s Q1 Monetary Policy Assessment saw no change in the -1.25% to -0.25% target corridor for 3-month CHF Libor. The deposit rate was also left unchanged at -0.75%. Heading into the release there was some outside bets that the SNB could ease monetary policy further in response to the ECB’s latest decision to cut rates and increase QE. However despite further easing by the ECB, it is widely believed that SNB intervention in the currency market will at least for the time being remain sufficient. The SNB revised lower their inflation forecast for 2016 to -0.8% from -0.5%, 2017 to 0.1% from 0.3%, and expects 2018 inflation at 0.9%. The SNB maintained its usual rhetoric of the CHF being overvalued and that they will remain active in the foreign exchange market.

The Consumer Price Index for February saw prices fall -0.8% compared to prices a year ago, although still negative at -0.8%, CPI y/y beat estimates vs the expected decline of 1.2%. CPI y/y has been negative in Switzerland since October 2014. Inflation for the month also beat expectations at 0.2% vs the expected -0.2%, although still low, this is the first positive reading following three negative prints for the monthly figure.

Fourth quarter GDP, released March 2, beat expectations for both the q/q and y/y figure, both printing at 0.4% vs expectations of 0.2% and 0.1% respectively.

Retail Sales for January, released March 1, increased by 0.2% y/y, this follows from Decembers data of -1.6%, which was also revised downwards to -1.7%. At 0.2% this is the first improvement in retail sales for Switzerland since April of last year. PPI however continues to disappoint, January’s figures released February 22, missed estimates for the m/m at -0.4% vs expectations of -0.2%, and at -5.3% vs expectations of -5.1% for the y/y. PPI for the y/y has remained in negative territory since 2013.

About the Author

Jarratt Davis is the world’s ranked #2 (2008-2013) Forex Trader by Barclays FX Hedge Index, following years of mastering his art as a self employed trader Jarratt has now entered the field of education and delivers the most robust Forex education package on the market. Jarratt’s mentorship is one of the only programs on the market that is conducted by a verified professional trader. Forex Alchemy readers can get the FREE mini course where Jarratt gives away some of his secrets to success by Clicking Here.

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They will have soon presentation here in Sofia so probably we will know more soon. I will keep updating this thread with fresh information!

11-18-2013, 09:41 PM

Living Forum Legend

We have exciting news about one of the two biggest binary trading platform providers!

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Gold Juniors Strong In Dark Q4

With gold miners’ stock prices surging dramatically this year, investors’ attention is starting to return to the gold juniors. These smaller miners and explorers suffered terribly in recent years, all but abandoned as gold slumped to major secular lows. But even during gold’s darkest quarter, the fundamentals of the juniors actually mining gold remained quite strong. This portends explosive profits growth as gold recovers.

Most investors think of junior gold stocks as the Wild West of commodities stocks, with good reason. The legendary American humorist Mark Twain allegedly described a gold mine as a hole in the ground with a liar at the top! There are literally hundreds of gold juniors, a number that swells whenever gold grows more popular. And the great majority of these tiny companies truly are junk, they are indeed doomed to fail.

That grim reality is seldom due to nefarious intent, but to the almost-insurmountable challenges involved in finding an economic deposit of gold and bringing it to production. The whole process of exploring for gold, drilling to confirm it, designing a mine, securing the myriad of governmental permits necessary to mine, and then constructing a mine is exceedingly time-consuming and excessively capital-intensive.

As I did the research for this essay, I waded through the 2015 annual reports of dozens of junior golds. One that really stuck out came from elite explorer Novagold Resources Inc. (NYSE: NG ), which owns a couple of the world’s biggest and best undeveloped gold deposits. Its chairman wrote an amazing article included in its annual report that outlines the extreme difficulty inherent in bringing any gold deposit to production, an essential read.

Last year, the average time it took to bring a gold deposit to production was 15 years. Think about what your own life was like 15 years ago, and it’s apparent that is a vast span of time. It is almost as long as the great 17-year secular-bull and - bear cycles in Long Valuation Waves that drive stock markets. Can you imagine how hard it would be to captivate investors’ attention for 15 long years? It seems impossible.

Yet that’s what junior golds have to accomplish. Banks won’t even think about loaning money to gold explorers yet to find a great deposit, so the equity markets are their only source of capital. They need to explore for years, while keeping investors interested enough to buy their periodic stock offerings. And then it takes another 15 years after a deposit is found to bring it into production. And that’s getting worse.

Industry projections of the time from discovery to production are expected to swell near 24 years in 2016, and 33 years by 2018! Tapping equity markets for a quarter to a third of a century before cash flows start coming in defies belief, especially considering the bull-bear cycles in gold are way shorter. Great junior gold explorers able to maintain investors’ interest during gold bulls usually lose it in subsequent bears.

So gold’s relentless weakness in recent years, driven by the Fed’s surreal stock-market levitation, has had a catastrophic impact on the junior gold explorers. Many didn’t survive as investors abandoned this sector and left it for dead, unable to raise enough capital to continue operations. And nearly all the rest had to vastly cut back their exploration, doing everything they could to survive a gold-stock apocalypse.

That culminated just months ago, with gold slumping to a dismal 6.1-year secular low in mid-December after the Fed hiked rates for the first time in 9.5 years. Gold stocks followed gold as usual, plunging to a fundamentally-absurd 13.5-year secular low in mid-January. Investor sentiment, and therefore juniors’ ability to raise capital, had never been worse according to countless battle-hardened industry veterans.

This has huge implications for future gold supply. The junior explorers are critical to the entire gold-mining industry since they discover new deposits essential for feeding the gold-mining pipeline. Since all existing gold mines are constantly depleting, the miners have to replenish their reserves with new deposits. With exploration plummeting in recent years, that pipeline will be severely impaired for many years to come.

That NovaGold annual report showed gold discoveries peaked way back in 1995 near a 3-year moving average of 140 million ounces. Despite soaring gold-exploration budgets as this metal was very strong between 2009 to 2012, 2014’s gold discoveries had plummeted 96% to around 5m ounces! The terrible plight of the junior gold explorers guarantees gold supplies are going to be constrained for at least a decade.

Global peak production near 102m ounces was hit last year, and industry projections show it falling for all foreseeable future years. The venerable World Gold Council recently confirmed this new trend in its Q4 Gold Demand Trends report. It showed that global mine supply dropped 9.3% YoY in Q4, which was its first quarterly decline since that once-in-a-century stock panic battered the gold miners in late 2008!

While the nightmare for the junior gold explorers couldn’t be worse, it’s super-bullish for gold. The near-total collapse of the gold exploration pipeline in recent years means it’s going to be almost impossible for world miners to ramp up gold supply no matter how high gold mean reverts as global investors deluge back in. Even after exploration spending rebounds, it will still take decades to start mining new deposits.

As a group, junior gold explorers are almost unanalyzable. They all burn capital relentlessly to search for new gold deposits or prove up reserves in ones they’ve found. They have no revenues with no gold to sell, so all their cash comes from stock offerings. The better ones always have a chance of being bought out by a miner, but explorers have no future cash flows to crunch until they get to the mine-build stage.

So while there are the rare super-successful explorers certainly worthy of investors’ hard-earned capital, I’ve always preferred the actual small miners over explorers in the junior-gold realm. By definition, the miners have overcome the odds to actually produce gold. So they have sales generating operating cash flows and profits, along with mining costs that make it easy to estimate their upside as the gold price recovers.

The definitive benchmark for junior gold stocks, including miners and explorers, is of course the GDXJ Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: GDXJ ). As of the middle of this week, it included a whopping 52 of the world’s best junior gold stocks! In addition to miners and explorers, GDXJ also includes gold-streaming and royalty companies as well as silver miners. GDXJ’s managers do a great job finding excellent juniors.

Since recent years’ brutal gold weakness culminated in Q4’15, I’ve been very interested to see how the actual gold miners among the elite GDXJ components fared. Q4’s average gold price of just $1105 was the worst quarter seen since not long after the stock panic in Q4’09. With gold-mining-sector sentiment as hyper-bearish as it’s ever been in Q4’15, the junior gold miners’ stocks were pounded down near oblivion.

So I’ve been eagerly awaiting their Q4 financial reports. But as discussed in my essay several weeks ago on the Q4 performance of the larger gold miners in the GDX Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: GDX ), final full-year reports aren’t due until 90 days after year-end. They require fully-audited results right in the heart of CPAs’ busy season, which then have to be woven into complex annual reports that take time to produce.

But as these results gradually emerge, we can finally gain an understanding of how junior gold miners were actually doing in gold’s worst quarter in 6 years. These tables look at the top 34 holdings of GDXJ, over 91% of its total weighting. I dug into their latest reports to build a spreadsheet with a bunch of data to assess junior gold miners’ fundamental health when their stocks were being crushed in that dark Q4.

These tables show each GDXJ component stock’s symbol, exchange, current weighting in that ETF, market capitalization, cash costs per ounce, all-in sustaining costs per ounce, AISC projections for 2016, cash on hand, its percentage of market cap, Q4 cash flows generated from operations, along with Q4 production. This hard Q4 data proves that the junior gold miners’ deep stock-price lows were never justified.

Component Companies' Fundamentals

GDXJ Component Companies' Fundamentals

Because of that quarter-long deadline on releasing Q4 audited results, unfortunately not all the GDXJ components have reported as of the middle of this week. Where data wasn’t published, nothing could be put into this table. Interestingly GDXJ’s largest holding, the amazing OceanaGold which I analyzed in depth a couple weeks ago, is also included in GDX. There’s some overlap between juniors and larger miners.

Despite the miserable gold conditions and horrendous sentiment utterly dominating Q4, the junior gold miners proved to be amazingly strong. The first metric for their health is cash costs per ounce, or how much they have to actually spend to produce each ounce of gold. They include all direct production costs, as well as mine-level administration, smelting, refining, transport, regulatory, royalty, and tax expenses.

Cash costs have dominated gold-mining cost reporting since the 1990s, and are an acid-test measure of gold-miner survivability. As long as the gold price stays above cash costs, gold miners can continue to produce gold and pay their bills necessary to survive. After filtering out GDXJ’s explorers, the streamers and royalty companies, and silver miners, the elite junior gold miners reported average Q4 cash costs of just $628!

These smaller miners needed $628 to wrest an ounce of gold out of the ground, yet the lowest gold fell in Q4 was $1051 the day after that Fed rate hike! So unlike the extremely-bearish commentary that the falling junior-gold-stock prices fueled, this sector was never in jeopardy at all. The junior gold miners as a sector actually had cash costs in line with the larger gold miners’, as GDX’s Q4 average cash cost was $587.

But cash costs are misleading, as they don’t include many major expenses essential for mining gold. So in June 2013 the World Gold Council introduced the comprehensive all-in-sustaining-cost metric. This includes everything necessary to maintain and replenish gold-mining operations at current production levels. All-in sustaining costs are a monumental improvement over the deceptive cash-cost reporting.

All-in sustaining costs include all direct cash costs of mining gold, along with much more. Corporate-level administration is included, as the high-level people running companies are a sizable expense for mining gold. AISC also include exploring for new gold to mine, developing and constructing new mines, remediation, and reclamation. These costs are indispensable since gold mines are constantly depleting.

During dark Q4 when everyone abandoned the elite junior gold miners of GDXJ, they were operating at AISC levels of just $812 per ounce! Remember gold averaged $1105 in Q4, and fell to $1051 at worst. So even when Wall Street shrilly argued that gold was doomed to spiral lower during Fed rate hikes, an irrational notion contrary to market history, the junior gold miners were still earning large operating profits.

At gold’s secular nadir of $1051, the GDXJ junior gold miners were still earning a hefty $239 per ounce of gold mined! That equates to a very healthy 23% profit margin that many industries would die for. It is also interesting to see the junior gold miners’ all-in sustaining costs even better than the larger miners’ in GDX, which came in at an $836 average in Q4. The gold juniors never faced any existential threat at all!

The junior gold miners’ impressive profitability during gold’s worst quarter in 6 years is evident in their strong operating cash flows. The great majority of these elite miners were still earning plenty of money even as the gold price languished. As long as businesses can generate positive operating cash flows, and they haven’t been profligate in borrowing, they can continue operating as going concerns indefinitely.

Such strong operating cash flows naturally fed impressive quarter-end cash coffers in many of the elite junior gold miners. The majority of these GDXJ miners reported large cash positions in the double-digit percentages of their market capitalizations. More cash on hand obviously improves survivability in any scenario where profits are temporarily impaired, like an artificially-low bearish-sentiment-driven gold anomaly.

And if the junior gold miners could fare so well even in dark Q4, imagine how awesome their coming Q1 results will prove! As of the middle of this week, gold prices have averaged $1167 so far in Q1. That’s 5.6% above Q4’s average. Yet at junior gold miners’ Q4 average AISC of $812 per ounce, profitability in Q1 will already surge 21.3% to $355 per ounce. Gold miners’ profits leverage to gold is why they’re so alluring.

For the most part, gold-mining costs are essentially fixed during the mine-planning stage. So as gold prices mean revert higher, that translates directly into higher profits for the gold miners. This relationship is certainly not linear, with gold-mining profits rising far faster than gold prices. And throughout all the stock markets, any company’s underlying profitability ultimately determines how high its stock price can go.

With investors finally rushing back into gold for the first time since 2009, this battered metal is heading a heck of a lot higher. The last time investors returned at the magnitude seen so far in young 2016, gold was early in a mighty bull market that would see it soar 167% higher in less than several years. Another similar bull market off gold’s recent mid-December secular low would catapult it radically higher near $2800!

But there’s no need to be that optimistic to see the epic opportunities today in junior gold miners’ cepo. The last normal year before the Fed’s unprecedented open-ended QE3 campaign levitated stocks which decimated gold was 2012, where gold averaged $1669. Gold would merely have to rally 59% out of its mid-December lows to regain those levels, which is very conservative and tiny as far as gold bulls go.

The elite GDXJ junior gold miners also forecasted their 2016 AISC in their Q4 reporting, which averaged $850 per ounce. The miners always have strong incentives to overestimate costs and underestimate production in their forward guidance, giving them an opportunity to beat which investors tend to reward with a flurry of stock buying unleashing sizable rallies. But let’s assume that $850 AISC number proves true.

At 2012’s average gold price of $1669 and AISC of $850 per ounce, the junior gold miners would earn staggering profits of $819 per ounce! That is 180% higher than Q4’s levels on a mere 59% rally in gold. So the investment opportunities inherent in the junior gold miners remain vast today as gold inevitably mean reverts far higher out of its central-bank-conjured anomaly of recent years. These stocks will skyrocket!

And the future tense is very appropriate here. Since the junior gold miners are much smaller and riskier than the larger gold miners, which have multiple mines to greatly mitigate operational risks, junior gold stocks tend to vastly outperform their larger peers. Yet as of the middle of this week, GDXJ had only rallied 39.7% YTD compared to GDX’s 42.2%! That means the inevitable amplified junior-gold buying is still coming.

Gold and the gold stocks have blasted so dramatically higher in recent months that traders remain very skeptical about the staying power of these rallies. Unbelievably, sentiment remains quite poor in gold-stock land despite an extraordinary early year! And after any major gold low, investors first come back to the less-risky larger miners before finally growing comfortable enough to redeploy in the riskier junior miners.

Investors can certainly play this in GDXJ, which is the world’s premier junior-gold-stock ETF for good reason. But GDXJ certainly has issues too. With its 52 component stocks, it is seriously over-diversified which will really erode its potential gains. 20 holdings is about as far as diversification can be pushed before it becomes counterproductive. GDXJ is also diluted with those gold-royalty companies and silver miners.

I’ve been professionally analyzing and trading gold stocks for 16+ years now, and each time I delve into GDXJ’s holdings I’m amazed. It contains some companies that have fantastically-bullish fundamentals, the best of the junior-gold-mining world. But its managers also include other companies that leave me shaking my head in disbelief. I wouldn’t touch some of GDXJ’s stocks with a ten-foot pole, they’re really iffy.

So the best gains in the coming years from the super-high-potential junior-gold realm won’t come from an over-diversified and performance-diluting ETF like GDXJ, but from carefully-handpicked portfolios of the best of the junior golds. There are amazing junior gold miners and even explorers out there sporting superior fundamentals that all but guarantee their coming stock performance will trounce that of their peers.

The bottom line is the junior gold miners thrived even in dark Q4, gold’s worst quarter in 6 years. They were still mining gold at all-in sustaining costs hundreds of dollars below prevailing gold prices even at its secular lows. Their newly-reported strong Q4 fundamentals prove that the deep secular lows that their stock prices suffered were purely emotional, driven solely by traders’ extreme irrational bearishness.

Gold is only starting to mean revert higher as investors aggressively return, a process that tends to run for years once it gets underway. Gold’s new bull market will catapult junior gold miners’ profits radically higher, which investors will eagerly chase. So the battered junior gold stocks are right on the verge of soaring to lofty levels in the coming years that few could’ve imagined in Q4. It’s not too late to get deployed.

Gold Juniors Strong In Dark Q4

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