Thursday, November 10, 2016

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Curso de principiantes de la divisa (3DVDs) 3xDVD5 | NTSC 16: 9 (352x480) VBR | MPEG,

6 horas | Inglés: AC3, 2566 kb / s (2 canales) | 5.05 GB Género: Trading

Youll obtener un curso de principiantes de Forex completo en 3 DVD que cubre los conceptos más básicos de comercio de Forex, incluyendo todo lo que necesita saber para comenzar a operar en Forex y ponerse al día. Este conjunto de DVD responde a la pregunta de Qué es Forex. Luego te llevará a un viaje de aprendizaje de cómo leer una carta de velas. Seguido por los fundamentos de una plataforma de Metatrader 4, donde youll colocar su demo o trades en vivo de los contratos de Forex. Youll también obtener un curso intensivo en lingos y términos técnicos en Forex. Como Bull / Bear mercado, la tendencia, el apoyo / resistencia, y básicamente todo lo relacionado con el comercio de Forex. Este es probablemente el mejor curso para principiantes de estudio en el hogar y se vende por $ 497. Usted puede retocar en su conocimiento de la divisa si havent negociado por un tiempo o si usted es un comerciante principiante, esto le conseguirá hasta la velocidad. De cualquier manera, usted está completamente cubierto.

Categoría: Libros Electrónicos | Vistas: 340

Curso de principiante de la divisa (3DVDs) 3xDVD5 | NTSC 16: 9 (352x480) VBR | MPEG,

6 horas | Inglés: AC3, 2566 kb / s (2 canales) | 5.05 GB Género: Trading

Usted obtendrá un curso completo de Forex para principiantes en 3 DVDs que cubrirán los conceptos más básicos de comercio de Forex, incluyendo todo lo que necesita saber para comenzar a operar en Forex y ponerse al día. Este conjunto de DVD responde a la pregunta de "Qué es Forex ?, a continuación, le llevará a un viaje de aprendizaje de cómo leer un gráfico de velas. Seguido por los fundamentos de una plataforma de Metatrader 4, donde you†™ ll lugar su demostración o comercios vivos de los contratos de la divisa. Youâ € ™ ll también obtener un curso intensivo en lingos y términos técnicos en Forex. Como Bull / Bear mercado, la tendencia, el apoyo / resistencia, y básicamente todo lo relacionado con el comercio de Forex. Este es probablemente el mejor curso para principiantes de estudio en el hogar y se vende por $ 497. Usted puede retocar en su conocimiento de la divisa si haven†™ t negociado por un tiempo o si usted es un comerciante principiante, esto le conseguirá hasta la velocidad. De cualquier manera, usted está completamente cubierto.

Categoría: Libros Electrónicos | Vistas: 430

Curso de principiante de la divisa (3DVDs) 3xDVD5 | NTSC 16: 9 (352x480) VBR | MPEG,

6 horas | Inglés: AC3, 2566 kb / s (2 canales) | 5.05 GB Género: Trading

Usted obtendrá un curso completo de Forex para principiantes en 3 DVDs que cubrirán los conceptos más básicos de comercio de Forex, incluyendo todo lo que necesita saber para comenzar a operar en Forex y ponerse al día. Este conjunto de DVD responde a la pregunta de "Qué es Forex ?, a continuación, le llevará a un viaje de aprendizaje de cómo leer un gráfico de velas. Seguido por los fundamentos de una plataforma de Metatrader 4, donde you†™ ll lugar su demostración o comercios vivos de los contratos de la divisa. Youâ € ™ ll también obtener un curso intensivo en lingos y términos técnicos en Forex. Como Bull / Bear mercado, la tendencia, el apoyo / resistencia, y básicamente todo lo relacionado con el comercio de Forex. Este es probablemente el mejor curso para principiantes de estudio en el hogar y se vende por $ 497. Usted puede retocar en su conocimiento de la divisa si haven†™ t negociado por un tiempo o si usted es un comerciante principiante, esto le conseguirá hasta la velocidad. De cualquier manera, usted está completamente cubierto.

Categoría: Libros Electrónicos | Vistas: 631

FXEducator Forex Trading con Ed Ponsi English | DVD | ISO | 720x480 | 30fps | 4: 3 | Mp3 192kbps 48000hz | 6.11Gb Género: Entrenamiento en video

Ed Ponsi es el Presidente de FXEducator LLC y es el ex Jefe de Comercio Instructor de Forex Capital Markets (FXCM). Un comerciante profesional experimentado y el encargado del dinero, Ed ha aconsejado los fondos de cobertura, los comerciantes institucionales, y los individuos de todos los niveles de habilidad y de experiencia. Un buscado orador público, consultor, comentarista y escritor, Ed ha aparecido en numerosos seminarios, comercio de revistas y transmisiones en vivo, y es un colaborador frecuente de sitios web de comercio. Forex Trading Strategies tiene una mirada en profundidad en el análisis técnico, análisis fundamental, detener la colocación, gestión de riesgos, y le da cinco estrategias de comercio paso a paso para el mercado de divisas. Como los comerciantes de la divisa madura, deben encontrar un equilibrio entre el uso de análisis técnico y fundamental, así como la elección de una parada precisa. Teniendo siempre en cuenta un nivel de riesgo predeterminado.

Categoría: Libros Electrónicos | Vistas: 286

LEFT Brain Trading - la mentalidad correcta y la técnica para el éxito en Forex por Lewis Evans Editor: Inside Out Media (18 de enero de 2006) | ISBN: 0973822228 | Páginas: 50 | PDF | 19,2 MB

Primero averiguamos acerca de Linda Raschke en el libro "The New Market Wizards & # 8221 ;. Por lo tanto, también descubrimos a la mujer dentro del libro "Mejorando el Rendimiento del Comerciante & # 8221 ;. He adquirido a entender acerca de la documentación de sonido de la compra y venta de la junta de discusión que aconsejó los cinco patrones básicos de comercio básico para principiantes para comenzar a comprar y vender junto con. Este material escombros en particular! Estoy hablando, posiblemente podría recordar a un buen instructor de promover sólo una técnica de $ 4000 anteriormente. Qué significa que estos materiales en particular podrían valer $ 20,000?

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Mi personal realizar el taller real: Este taller en particular transformado mi creencia personal asociada con las indicaciones especializadas. Estamos acostumbrados a pasar por alto las indicaciones, convencido de que las indicaciones reales tienden a basarse en el costo de todos modos. Linda aconsejó utilizar indicaciones para revisar el costo mucho más objetivamente. Sobre la base de Linda, ha llevado a cabo una cantidad considerable de backtests sobre estos tipos de diseños. Muy bien, si desea unos pocos métodos de compra y venta para empezar, por qué no intentar estos tipos de. Ella ha llevado a cabo todo el gruñido satisfacer sus necesidades! Diseños de formularios por su cuenta, Linda, además destacó / reiteró algunos consejos esenciales (para mí): Nadie único signo. Casi todas las indicaciones eventualmente proporcionan indicadores de admisión comparables. Hacer uso de las indicaciones como ayudas visibles. Utilización de la discusión, así como la intensa admisión activa su mujer discutió algunas de las activaciones de admitancia que utiliza su mujer, por ejemplo, dos período de tiempo embudo grande, ROC. Discusión sobre los puntos de salida del clímax. ¡Está bien que se detenga! Echa un vistazo. Ciertamente realmente vale la pena su tiempo y esfuerzo.

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Cinco patrones básicos de comercio por Linda Raschke

Linda Raschke ha sido un comerciante experto a tiempo completo por más de 20 años Linda que ha discutido cinco patrones de comercio de elección que se basan en un conjunto lógico de principios de mercado. Estos Cinco Patrones funcionan uniformemente bien en los mercados de acciones y materias primas. Para entender las configuraciones duraderas del mercado es esencial, ya que le proporciona una base sólida para el comercio técnicamente. Puede simplificar el análisis para el principiante y proporcionar el comerciante agresivo agregó auto-aseguramiento. Linda ha utilizado estos patrones como el núcleo de su análisis de término intermedio, pero funcionan bien en cualquier momento.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una gran herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Linda Raschke comenzó su profesión comercial en la Bolsa de Valores de la Costa del Pacífico y en un tiempo se mudó a la Bolsa de Valores de Filadelfia. Linda fue coautora del libro más vendido Street Smarts & 8211; Estrategias de Negociación a Corto Plazo de Alta Probabilidad y también escritas en el libro de Jack Schwager, & # 8220; The New Market Wizards & # 8221; Y en Mujeres de la calle & # 8221; Por Sue Herera.

Usted es muy bienvenido en nuestros blogs y no dude en dejar sus valiosos comentarios y sugerencias.

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Revisión de cinco patrones de divisas

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Tag Archives | Linda Raschke

Por Linda Bradford Raschke sistemas de ruptura en realidad puede ser considerado otra forma de swing de comercio, (que es un estilo de corto plazo de comercio diseñado para capturar el siguiente movimiento inmediato). En otras palabras, el comerciante no se refiere a cualquier pronóstico a largo plazo o análisis, sólo la acción de precio inmediato. Los sistemas de ruptura de volatilidad se basan en [& hellip;]

Por Jim Wyckoff El mercado de futuros S & amp; P 500 es un campo de comercio en sí mismo, que puede acomodar a muchos estilos comerciales diferentes, de acuerdo con Linda Bradford Raschke, un comerciante bien conocido, conferencista y presidente de LBR Group, Inc. "No sólo esto Mercado muestran un perfil diario diferente al de los otros mercados de futuros, pero tiene [& hellip;]

Por Linda Bradford Raschke Esta es una lista de reglas comerciales clásicas que me fue dado mientras que en la planta de negociación en 1984. Un comerciante mayor recolectó estas reglas de la literatura comercial clásica a través del vigésimo siglo. Resisten obviamente a la vieja prueba del tiempo. Estoy seguro de que la mayoría de la gente conoce estos truismos en su [& hellip;]

Por Linda Bradford Raschke A veces es bueno reexaminar un concepto simple cuando parece haber una volatilidad abrumadora en los mercados. Los sistemas y patrones mecánicos son útiles e incluso necesarios para la estructura que imponen en la organización de los datos, pero incluso Richard Dennis en su curso original discutió maneras de anticiparse. Entradas, salida [& hellip;]

Linda Bradford Raschke Mi estilo se basa en la técnica de Taylor de Taylor, un método a corto plazo para negociar movimientos de precios diarios que depende totalmente de probabilidades y porcentajes. Es un método en oposición a un sistema. Muy pocas personas pueden seguir ciegamente un sistema, aunque muchos encuentran que es más fácil ser discrecional en un [& hellip;]


Necesitas aprender Maya? Empieza aqui. Este curso cubre las últimas características de Maya 2016, al tiempo que le proporciona una base sólida en todas las herramientas básicas, incluyendo modelado 3D, texturas, renderizado, animación y más. Comienza con los conceptos básicos de seleccionar y manipular objetos y organizar escenas, a medida que aprende la interfaz y explora las características de Maya. El autor George Maestri lo lleva a través del modelado poligonal, creando y refinando mallas, escultura y modelado NURBS. Después de comenzar a entender el modelado, George le mostrará cómo crear y aplicar materiales a las superficies, agregando color, textura y reflectividad. A continuación, integrará las cámaras, la iluminación y los efectos de profundidad de campo en el proceso de renderizado y, finalmente, mostrará cómo agregar movimiento y vida a su trabajo con las herramientas de animación de Maya.

* Familiarizarse con la interfaz Maya * Seleccionar y manipular objetos * Crear jerarquías y capas en escenas * Crear objetos poligonales * Extruir una malla * Trabajar con superficies de subdivisión * Esculpir un paisaje básico * Modelar NURBs * Crear y aplicar materiales y texturas * Agregar luces Y cámaras a una escena * Añadiendo profundidad de campo y desenfoque de movimiento * Rendimiento * Animación en Maya

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Cualquier problema & # 8211; Contáctame por favor

Skype. ritavu1980

Email. [Email & # 160; protegido]

Lynda - Tratar con un jefe difícil

Tamaño: 252 MB COSTO: Sitio de afiliación = su libre Autor: Todd Dewett

El autor y entrenador profesional Todd Dewett le ayuda a enfrentar el desafío de trabajar con un jefe difícil ayudándole a identificar, entender y administrar los disparadores que contribuyen a su problemática relación. También describe las acciones que puede tomar, como documentar correctamente los eventos, saber cuándo hablar y, a veces, no tomar ninguna acción. Comprar cuentas premium con el fin de disfrutar de descargas ilimitadas con la reanudación de apoyo *** Si enlace muerto, por favor, deje un mensaje, vamos a actualizar inmediatamente ***

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Sobre el Autor

Prince Of Tutorial

Usted debe estar conectado para publicar un comentario.

Cualquier problema & # 8211; Contáctame por favor

Skype. ritavu1980

Email. [Email & # 160; protegido]

Recibí su demostración hace un par de semanas que estaba funcionando bien, pero de repente hubo mensajes de sistema de trituración. Me envió varios e-mail a su apoyo, pero nunca escuché volver. Comprobé el soporte en línea, pero también se había ido. Yo les llamé, pero sólo recibí correo de voz y mis llamadas nunca regresaron. Su sitio web no se actualiza desde el 1 de junio, por lo que una advertencia cuando se acercan a ellos.

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Hizo un acuerdo con uno de sus Interbankgroup. com IB. Estaba totalmente frustrado y descontento.

Scott S. U. S.A.

Ha estado negociando con Taurus Global Markets (tgmfx. com) por sólo 1,5 meses y hasta ahora la ejecución es grande, ya que dicen tener un back-end de ejecución propietaria conectado a MetaTrader 4. Su soporte en línea es muy rápido. Mirando hacia el futuro a una gran relación.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso Legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

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LinkedIn Gets Boost de Lynda Deal

Las acciones de LinkedIn cotizaron en las operaciones después de las horas de ayer, ya que los inversores se dieron cuenta de que superaron las expectativas de crecimiento debido a una reciente adquisición, no debido a la recuperación de su negocio principal.

El sitio de redes profesionales dijo que las ventas del segundo trimestre aumentaron un 33% a 711,7 millones de dólares, superando las proyecciones de ingresos de la compañía de 670 millones de dólares a 675 millones de dólares y la estimación promedio de analistas de Thomson Reuters de 680 millones de dólares.

Excluyendo la remuneración basada en acciones y otras partidas, las utilidades subieron a $ 71 millones, o 55 centavos por acción, de $ 63 millones, o 51 centavos por acción, y terminaron muy por encima de la estimación promedio del analista de 30 centavos por acción.

LinkedIn se ha reorganizado para retener a los clientes corporativos que utilizan el sitio para la contratación y para captar mejor el crecimiento de la publicidad. La transición torpe de LinkedIn al móvil ha contribuido a una caída en la publicidad.

Sin embargo, el aumento de los ingresos no provino de un cambio en su negocio principal, sino de su adquisición de lynda. com por 1.500 millones de dólares, que cerró durante el segundo trimestre. En el segundo trimestre, lynda. com, una biblioteca de video de capacitación, contribuyó $ 18 millones en ventas. Eso aumentó inesperadamente los números de LinkedIn.

LinkedIn incorporó las ventas de lynda. com a su mayor división, Talent Solutions, una plataforma que los reclutadores pueden usar para buscar candidatos en el sitio. Las ventas en la división aumentaron 38% a $ 443.4 millones.

Las acciones de LinkedIn cayeron un 4,7% a 216,49 dólares después de las horas de negociación, después de haber aumentado inicialmente más del 10%.

En el reverso de la adquisición, LinkedIn elevó su previsión de ingresos para todo el año a 2.940 millones de dólares tras recortarla a 2.900 millones de dólares en abril.

Dijo lynda. com contribuirá $ 90 millones en ventas para el año completo, encima de los $ 40 millones que predijo previamente. La compañía dijo que espera ganancias por acción excluyendo ítems de $ 2.19 para el año completo, por encima de $ 1.90, pero inferior a su pronóstico al comienzo del año, lo que indica que sus negocios principales siguen estando bajo presión.

"Básicamente están bajando su guía", dijo Mark Mahaney, analista de RBC Capital Markets.

LinkedIn ha estado revisando sus herramientas de reclutamiento y segmentos de publicidad. En general, la unidad de soluciones de marketing de la compañía, que vende principalmente publicidad en las propiedades de LinkedIn, registró un alza de 32% en sus ingresos a 140 millones de dólares. La compañía está tratando de compensar la disminución de los anuncios gráficos con más publicaciones patrocinadas.

Sin embargo, LinkedIn continuó viendo caídas en su negocio de publicidad en pantalla, lo que contribuyó a que la compañía redujera su pronóstico en abril. En el segundo trimestre, los ingresos por pantalla cayeron un 30%, más que la caída del 10% en el primer trimestre.

Publicidad "es el área donde seguimos teniendo visibilidad limitada", dijo el director financiero de la empresa, Steve Sordello, en la conferencia telefónica del analista.

Para el trimestre terminado en junio, LinkedIn informó una pérdida de 67,7 millones de dólares, o 53 centavos por acción, más amplio que su pérdida de un millón de dólares, o un centavo por acción.

La compañía quiere que los usuarios permanezcan en el sitio por más tiempo y lo usen como una plataforma social, no sólo para actualizar su r & eacute; Suma & eacute; S y la búsqueda de puestos de trabajo.

Además, LinkedIn ha estado tratando de hacer que su sitio sea más móvil. En el segundo trimestre, dijo la compañía, el 52% de todo el tráfico a LinkedIn provenía de dispositivos móviles.

Un informe reciente del índice de satisfacción del cliente estadounidense encontró que LinkedIn era el sitio de medios sociales de menor rango.

Los suscriptores Premium que pagaban por características adicionales le daban a la compañía puntuaciones especialmente bajas. LinkedIn ha estado respondiendo a las quejas de los usuarios mediante la renovación de su sistema de mensajería, así como reducir el número de correos electrónicos que reciben los usuarios en un 40%.

LinkedIn dijo que las quejas de los clientes sobre correo electrónico se redujeron a la mitad como resultado.

Escriba a Cat Zakrzewski en cat. zakrzewski@wsj. com

Correcciones & amp; Amplificaciones

LinkedIn perdió $ 1 millón en el trimestre del año pasado. Una versión anterior equivocaba la figura.


El precio de la acción de LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) ha disminuido un 16,16 por ciento en el último mes, cayendo a un mínimo de $ 184.065 el 20 de enero. Robert S. Peck de SunTrust Robinson Humphrey ha mantenido una calificación Buy en la compañía, El precio objetivo de $ 280 a $ 250. Picotear.

Nomura dice Comprar acciones de LinkedIn

El precio de la acción de LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) se apreció un 33. 69 por ciento en los últimos tres meses, alcanzando un máximo de $ 249.82 el 1 de diciembre. Anthony DiClemente de Nomura inició la cobertura de la compañía con una calificación Buy y precio objetivo de $ 290. A pesar del reciente aumento de la cuota.

No todos los de Wall Street se convencen después de las ganancias de Q3 de Better-Than-Expected de LinkedIn

Las acciones de LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) subieron más de 12 por ciento el viernes por la mañana. LinkedIn reportó una línea superior e inferior en sus resultados del tercer trimestre. Los analistas de Wall Street fueron en su mayoría alcistas y positivos, aunque varias firmas mantuvieron una postura cautelosa. Acciones de LinkedIn.

En un informe publicado el martes, el analista de JP Morgan Doug Anmuth discutió la presentación de LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) en la Conferencia Mundial de Tecnología, Medios y Telecomunicaciones de J. P. Morgan. "La gestión sonó positiva en la perspectiva de sus tres principales negocios, incluyendo el progreso en la superación del talento.

Wall Street Ama La Adquisición De Lynda De LinkedIn

LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) anunció el jueves que adquirirá la compañía de aprendizaje en línea Lynda. com por 1.500 millones de dólares. El acuerdo se espera que cierre en la segunda mitad de 2015 y los valores de la empresa en aproximadamente 10x 2014 los ingresos y 133x 2014 EBITDA. Aquí hay tres informes de analistas.

LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) abrió el jueves bajo la noticia de que acordó pagar 1.500 millones de dólares para adquirir la compañía de aprendizaje en línea Lynda. com Inc. El precio de compra incluye alrededor de 52 por ciento de efectivo y 48 por ciento de acciones. LinkedIn, que hace dinero con la publicidad y un servicio de reclutamiento construido alrededor.

Inversionista Privada: Lynda Broun

Acerca de Andrew Barnett

Andrew Barnett es uno de Australia más reconocidos y respetados entrenadores financieros y comerciantes de divisas. En 2011, él y su compañía recibieron un premio en la Bolsa de Valores de Londres por ser el programa de educación monetaria # 1 en el mundo. En 2012 World Finance en Londres indujo a Andrew ya su compañía en el World Finance 100, una prestigiosa lista de algunas de las marcas más respetadas y ricas del mundo. Empresas como Google, Microsoft, Red Bull, Sony. Andrew y su compañía LTG GoldRock han ayudado a más de 4000 inversores todos los días tomar el control de su propia inversión a través de la educación financiera. Su enfoque simple de proceso impulsado a compartir con los inversores cómo financieramente intensificarlo está haciendo una diferencia positiva en las vidas de miles de sus clientes. Andrew es una verdadera historia de trapos a las riquezas, el asistente financiero autoeducado ahora es invitado por las redes de los medios, los periódicos y los inversionistas por todo el mundo para su consejo y educación y cómo hacer retornos más altos. Su filosofía es simple. Él dice que los resultados extraordinarios provienen de la gran educación y el conocimiento y un enfoque reducido en una sola cosa. Los momentos financieros que cambian la vida pueden ocurrir para todos, pero sólo sucederá a aquellos que usan un enfoque estrecho y hacen algunas cosas muy bien. No necesitas saberlo todo, necesitas saber lo que importa.

Acticulo relacionado

El intercambio de dinero se transmite en Sky Business Channel todos los viernes a las 6:30 pm. Organizado por Andrew Barnett, Money Exchange TV es perfecto para los inversores cotidianos para aprender sobre lo que está sucediendo en los mercados financieros.

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LinkedIn compra lynda. com por US $ 1.500mn

El operador de red social profesional LinkedIn Corp va a comprar la compañía de educación en línea lynda. com en un acuerdo valorado en alrededor de $ 1.5 mil millones (£ 1.100 millones) y # 8211; Es la mayor adquisición hasta la fecha.

Lynda. com ofrece cursos en varios idiomas dirigidos a mejorar las habilidades empresariales, tecnológicas y creativas. Cuenta con una gran biblioteca de contenido de video premium sobre diversos temas profesionales, como habilidades empresariales en varios idiomas.

Con la integración de lynda. com y LinkedIn, los usuarios se darán cuenta de su potencial a través del desarrollo de nuevas habilidades, el aprendizaje de las habilidades que se necesitan para los puestos de trabajo disponibles en su ciudad deseada, Ryan Roslansky, jefe de contenido de LinkedIn, escribió en un blog.

LinkedIn dijo que pagaría alrededor del 52 por ciento en efectivo y cerca del 48 por ciento en acciones por la adquisición.

Altamente alineado " misiones

Se espera que el acuerdo impulse el contenido empresarial que Linkedin ofrece a sus 300 millones de usuarios, a la vez que apoya su negocio de contratación, que ha alcanzado un crecimiento de casi el 50 por ciento en cada uno de los últimos tres trimestres, gracias a la rápida expansión de mercados internacionales, China, el informe de Reuters.

"La misión de LinkedIn y la misión de lynda. com están altamente alineadas" Dijo Jeff Weiner, director ejecutivo de LinkedIn, en un comunicado. Ambas compañías buscan ayudar a los profesionales a ser mejores en lo que hacen.

Añadió que las compañías "creen firmemente que el creciente déficit de habilidades es uno de los mayores desafíos para el futuro de la economía global".

Lynda. com fue fundada en 1995 como una pequeña escuela en Pasadena, California. La empresa obtuvo la gran mayoría de sus casi 290 millones de dólares de inversión en los últimos dos años, según el Financial Times.

Las acciones de LinkedIn ganaron más del 1,5 por ciento en la Bolsa de Nueva York después del anuncio.

Los comentarios están cerrados.

De vez en cuando, el sitio web de GAIN Capital Limited ( "nosotros", "nuestro") puede contener enlaces a otros sitios y / o recursos proporcionados por terceros. Estos vínculos y / o recursos se proporcionan únicamente para su información y no tenemos ningún control sobre el contenido de dichos materiales, y en modo alguno avalamos su contenido. Cualquier análisis, opinión, comentario o material basado en la investigación en nuestro sitio web tiene fines informativos y educativos y no se pretende, en ningún caso, ser una oferta, recomendación o solicitud de compra o venta. Siempre debe buscar asesoramiento independiente en cuanto a su idoneidad para especular en cualquier mercado relacionado y su capacidad para asumir los riesgos asociados, si no está seguro. No se hace representación ni garantía, expresa o implícita, de que los materiales en nuestro sitio web son completos o exactos. No tenemos ninguna obligación de actualizar dicho material.

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* Spread apuestas y comercio CFD están exentos de impuesto de timbre del Reino Unido. Las apuestas de spread también están exentas del impuesto de ganancias de capital del Reino Unido. Sin embargo, las leyes fiscales están sujetas a cambios y dependen de las circunstancias individuales. Por favor busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. † Diferenciales de 1 punto disponibles en el Reino Unido 100, Wall Street, Alemania 30, Francia 40 y Australia 200 durante las horas de mercado en transacciones financiadas diariamente & amp; Apuestas diarias de futuros y CFDs (excluyendo futuros). ** Los spreads fijos están disponibles en los principales pares de FX durante el horario comercial de Londres entre las 8:00 am GMT y las 6.30 pm GMT. City Index es un nombre comercial de GAIN Capital UK Limited. Jefe y Oficina Registrada: Park House, 16 Finsbury Circus, Londres, EC2M 7EB. GAIN Capital UK Ltd es una empresa registrada en Inglaterra y Gales, número: 1761813. Autorizado y Regulado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera. Número de registro FCA: 113942. Número de IVA: 524837435. City Index y City Trading son marcas comerciales de GAIN Capital UK Ltd. La información de este sitio web no está dirigida al público en general de ningún país en particular. No está destinada a la distribución a los residentes en ningún país donde tal distribución o uso violaría cualquier ley local o requisito regulador.

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Lynda. com

Por qué Wall Street no se fija en las ganancias de LinkedIn?

Las acciones de LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) subieron más de 12 por ciento el jueves después de que la compañía reportara sus resultados del segundo trimestre. Sin embargo, las acciones revirtieron el curso y no sólo renunciaron a todas sus ganancias, sino que se negociaron más bajo en más del 9 por ciento el viernes. Aquí hay un resumen de qué.

LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) reportó cifras trimestrales mixtas el jueves, pero la débil orientación proporcionada por la compañía dio como resultado que su acción fuera un éxito importante en el comercio después de horas de trabajo. GAAP pérdida diluida EPS para el trimestre se amplió a 0,34 dólares de los $ 0,11 que registró para el mismo trimestre del año pasado.

CEO de LinkedIn Jeff Weiner dice que la adquisición de Lynda. com podría ser enorme; Accionistas de acuerdo

LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) anunció el jueves que adquirirá la empresa EdTech Lynda. com en un contrato de $ 1.5 mil millones en efectivo y acciones. Jeff Weiner, CEO de LinkedIn, estuvo en CNBC esta semana para explicar por qué Lynda. com es un gran ajuste para la red social y cómo LinkedIn planea integrar el.

Wall Street Ama La Adquisición De Lynda De LinkedIn

LinkedIn Corp (NYSE: LNKD) anunció el jueves que adquirirá la compañía de aprendizaje en línea Lynda. com por 1.500 millones de dólares. El acuerdo se espera que cierre en la segunda mitad de 2015 y los valores de la empresa en aproximadamente 10x 2014 los ingresos y 133x 2014 EBITDA. Aquí hay tres informes de analistas.

Forex Trading La forma de Mini

Debido a su alcance global, el mercado de divisas se ha convertido en un favorito de los comerciantes de los gestores de dinero profesionales que buscan diversificar sus carteras en una nueva clase de activos a los especuladores minoristas individuales tratando de obtener un beneficio. El mercado de divisas es atractivo para los comerciantes por muchas razones. Debido a que se negocia prácticamente todo el día, reacciona instantáneamente a las tensiones geopolíticas, los desastres naturales y los informes económicos.

"Para algunos comerciantes, los cambios repentinos en los precios podrían ser devastadores si cambian los contratos de divisas más grandes", dice Jim Wyckoff, analista de mercado de TradingEducation. com. "El comercio de mini lotes de divisas o contratos de futuros de divisas mini le da mucho mejor apalancamiento de lo que pueden obtener en acciones, donde deben poner al menos el 50 por ciento del precio de compra, y con mucho menos riesgo de lo que podría tener en los mercados de futuros. "

Los comerciantes con experiencia en futuros pueden querer negociar futuros de divisas; Aquellos más familiarizados con las acciones y los bonos pueden ser más cómodos en una cuenta forex spot (efectivo). La decisión también podría depender de la cantidad de dinero disponible. El comercio de futuros y forex spot requiere cuentas separadas, aunque las empresas que manejan las transacciones en ambos lugares pueden transferir dinero rápidamente de una cuenta a otra.

Futuros. El Chicago Mercantile Exchange enumera futuros sobre una serie de monedas extranjeras, incluyendo el zloty polaco y el shekel israelí, así como algunas tasas cruzadas. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la actividad está en las "mayores" - el euro, el yen japonés, el franco suizo, la libra esterlina y los dólares de Nueva Zelanda y Canadá - frente al dólar de los Estados Unidos. La mayor parte del comercio se realiza electrónicamente. Cada "día" de comercio comienza a las 5 p. m. y se ejecuta durante la noche a las 4 p. m. al día siguiente. La mejor liquidez es entre las 7:20 y las 2 de la madrugada.

Sólo hay dos contratos de futuros mini-forex: el euro (E7) y el yen japonés (J7). Ambos son la mitad del tamaño del contrato regular, con un movimiento de un punto vale $ 6.25. El margen típico establecido por el intercambio (que puede cambiar) es alrededor de $ 1,400 por mini contrato comparado con $ 2,700- $ 2,800 para los contratos de tamaño completo.

La convención de cotización para algunos futuros de divisas puede ser un poco extraño. En lugar de un precio de mercado en efectivo de, por ejemplo, 110 yenes por dólar estadounidense, el comercio de futuros de divisas en términos de dólares por yen, o 0,009091 en este caso (9/10 de un centavo).

Las ventajas de los futuros incluyen el comercio en un mercado centralizado con varios precios de oferta / demanda; Los precios son transparentes y están a disposición de todos, independientemente de su tamaño o ubicación; No hay riesgo de contraparte porque la organización de compensación cambiaria está al otro lado de cada comercio; Y el anonimato para aquellos que lo desean. Los defensores de los futuros afirman que su mayor riesgo como un comerciante de divisas spot puede no ser el riesgo de mercado, pero la empresa que está tratando. Muchas firmas forex spot no están regulados por ninguna agencia gubernamental.

El mercado de divisas forex. El tamaño estándar del comercio en el mercado de divisas en efectivo es de 100.000 unidades de una moneda, pero cada lote en una cuenta de mini forex es sólo un décimo de ese tamaño, o 10.000 unidades. Un cambio de un punto en el precio (es decir, un "pip") por lo general vale $ 1 en un lote mini en lugar de $ 8 - $ 10 en la versión completa. Como resultado, el riesgo en una mini cuenta de divisas es mucho menor, y la cantidad de margen necesario puede ser sólo varios cientos de dólares. Sin embargo, se recomienda una cantidad mayor (el mínimo es fijado por cada empresa, no el intercambio como es el caso en los futuros de divisas).

Para el comerciante que intenta aprender las cuerdas del comercio de la divisa o querer probar una estrategia que negocia, el desembolso financiero más bajo es noticias agradables. Por supuesto, los beneficios también no son tan grandes, pero si un lote mini es demasiado pequeño para usted, no hay nada que dice que no se puede negociar dos o tres lotes, o cinco lotes o 100 lotes, sobre todo a medida que se hacen más experimentados en El comercio de divisas. Esto proporciona más flexibilidad para escalar dentro y fuera de las posiciones a diferentes niveles de precios.

La mayoría de las firmas spot forex también lista 20 o más pares, por lo que no se limita a la negociación de una moneda extranjera frente al dólar de los EE. UU. Es tan fácil negociar, por ejemplo, la libra británica contra el yen japonés, dándole oportunidades adicionales para obtener ganancias.

En casi todos los casos, los pares disponibles para negociar en una cuenta completa se pueden negociar en una mini cuenta. Sin embargo, usted debe verificar con la corredora sólo para estar seguro.

Además del tamaño más pequeño, los márgenes más bajos, menos riesgo, y una flexibilidad más grande, hay otras ventajas al comercio del punto de la mini divisa. There is true 24-hour trading with no overnight gaps (Table 1); bid/ask prices are always available, even in thin trading hours; and there are no quarterly contract expirations, so time and contract month are not considerations as they are in futures.

Plus, spot forex firms typically provide customers with real-time quotes, charts, and news at no charge (even for mini forex traders), as well as a trading platform and demo or simulated accounts in which traders can practice before they begin trading with real money. If you are shopping for a mini forex firm, be sure to check out all of these features as well as its margin and leverage rules.

The mini forex contract may seem small, but it’s one of the best ways to get more bang for your buck with the least risk.

Reprinted from Currency Trader. Copyright 2006 Techinfo Inc.

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Sobre el Autor

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Futures Magazine, Darrell has been writing about financial markets for more than 35 years and has become an acknowledged authority on derivative markets, technical analysis and various trading techniques.

Jobman se graduó en Wartburg College en Iowa en 1963. Comenzó su carrera periodística como periodista deportivo en el Waterloo (Iowa) Courier durante varios años antes de ingresar al Ejército. He served with the 82 nd Airborne Division and as an infantry platoon leader with the Manchus in the 25 th Infantry Division, including nine months in Vietnam in 1967-68, earning the Silver Star and Bronze Star.

Después del servicio militar, Jobman regresó al Correo. where he became farm editor in early 1969. He was introduced to futures markets when he wrote a column about how speculators were ruining farm prices and was “corrected” by Merrill Oster. Eso llevó a escribir asignaciones para Oster y luego a un puesto de tiempo completo en 1972, donde Jobman participó en la fundación de Agricultores Profesionales de América y boletines asociados.

Cuando Oster compró Commodities Magazine en 1976, Jobman fue nombrado editor y más tarde se convirtió en editor en jefe de Futures Magazine cuando el nombre fue cambiado en 1983 durante uno de los mayores períodos de crecimiento para nuevos mercados y nuevos instrumentos comerciales en la historia de futuros. Fue editor en Futures hasta 1993, cuando se fue para convertirse en escritor / consultor independiente.

Desde 1993, ha escrito, colaborado, editado o de otra manera participado en la publicación de una docena de libros sobre comercio, incluyendo el Manual de Análisis Técnico. También ha escrito o editado artículos para varias publicaciones y firmas de corretaje, así como cursos de comercio y materiales educativos para Chicago Mercantile Exchange y Chicago Board of Trade. También fue director editorial de CME Magazine.

Jobman y su esposa, Lynda, viven en Wisconsin, y pasan mucho tiempo visitando con una hija y tres nietos también en Wisconsin, y un hijo y nieta en Florida.

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LinkedIn -23.9%; weak guidance blamed on forex, ads, job services, Lynda. com

In its Q1 CC prepared remarks (.pdf), LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD ) states its 2015 Market Solutions (ad) revenue will be hurt by "the continued migration to selling our new suite of products as well as more pronounced secular headwinds for traditional display-advertising." Twitter can sympathize .

In addition, Talent Solutions (jobs) revenue saw "larger than normal Q1 [sales] account transitions" that increased churn and pushed out customer spending later into 2015, and will result in lower 2015 ratable revenue. The Marketing/Talent Solutions issues are expected to have a $30M 2015 revenue impact.

Meanwhile, Lynda. com (about to be acquired ) is expected to contribute $20M-$25M in 2015 revenue ($3M in Q2). However, LinkedIn expects a $15M impact (split between Lynda and Talent Solutions) from piloting different approaches to cross-selling products.

As is the case for many peers, forex is also a big headwind: It's expected to have a $50M 2015 impact ($13M in Q2).

Also: Heavy spending is impacting LinkedIn's bottom line: The company "significantly exceeded" its Q1 goals for engineering/operations hires, and also continues to rapidly grow its salesforce. GAAP costs/expenses rose 38% Y/Y to $655M.

Talent Solutions revenue (62% of total revenue) rose 36% Y/Y in Q1; Marketing Solutions (19% of total) rose 38%, and premium subscriptions (19% of total) rose 28%. 39% of revenue was international. Talent Solutions accounts rose 35% Y/Y to nearly 35K.

Shares have plunged to $191.88 AH.

Earlier: LinkedIn beats estimates, but provides soft guidance

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Anyone have any idea how or why Lynda. com is only expected to deliver "$20M-$25M in 2015 revenue ($3M in Q2)"?

How is that possible when they (Lynda. com) were rumored to be doing around $200M annually pre-acquisition?

30 Apr 2015, 10:16 PM Reply Like

Lynda Clarizio Appointed to CDW Board of Directors

VERNON HILLS, Ill. Dec. 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CDW (NASDAQ:CDW ), a leading provider of technology solutions to business, government, education and healthcare, announced that Lynda Clarizio has been appointed to the company’s Board of Directors.

Since 2013, Clarizio has served as president, U. S. Media, for Nielsen, the global performance management company that provides a comprehensive understanding of what consumers watch and buy. She is responsible for directing and growing Nielsen’s “Watch” business in the United States, including managing the teams supporting Nielsen’s media clients across national and local television, digital and other media.

Named one of the top 100 “Tech Titans” in the Washington, D. C. region by The Washingtonian in 2011, Clarizio is a widely recognized leader in media and advertising. Prior to her role at Nielsen, Clarizio served as executive vice president for corporate development and operations at AppNexus, a leading programmatic advertising platform. She previously served as CEO and president of INVISION, a provider of multi-platform advertising solutions to the media industry, after a decade in various executive-level positions at AOL.

Prior to her career in media and advertising, Clarizio practiced law for 12 years. She is a member of the Leadership Council of Princeton University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science.

“Lynda has cultivated a unique background that combines technology, media and marketing, which will prove useful as we continue to expand our digital marketing,” said Thomas E. Richards, chairman and CEO, CDW. “Lynda’s Web-centric expertise, fresh perspective and unique insight will make her a valuable asset to our board as we continue to enhance our customer experience.”

Clarizio is a graduate of Harvard Law School and has a bachelor’s degree in international relations from Princeton University.

CDW is a leading multi-brand technology solutions provider to business, government, education and healthcare organizations in North America and the United Kingdom. ; A Fortune 500 company, CDW was founded in 1984 and employs more than 8,200 coworkers. ; For the trailing twelve months ended September 30, 2015, the company generated net sales of almost $12.6 billion. ; For more information, visit www. CDW. com .

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A powerful, super flexible responsive real estate theme for WordPress. WP Pro Real Estate 4 is one of the most powerful real estate themes purpose built to showcase your listings, loaded with more features than you can shake a stick at! It can be used for anything from real estate to vacation rentals to automotive sales. Don’t be fooled by others.

Managing Time-Constrained Projects with Microsoft Project – Lynda – Bonnie Biafore English | Size: 195.36 MB (204,853,582 Bytes) Category: Tutorial Learn how to manage projects with time constraints and fast-track schedules with Microsoft Project. This course, taught by expert project manager John Riopel, shows how to verify project schedules by checking task links, checking lag between tasks, removing unnecessary date constraints, and more. He then shows how to review the schedule and display the critical path, use multiple critical paths, and find incomplete paths. Then find out how to shorten the schedule by fast-tracking tasks, shortening lag time, using crashing, reducing scope, and assigning overtime. Finally, learn how to best execute the schedule, setting a baseline and entering actuals for the project. [Read more…]

Lynda – The Practicing Photographer English | Size: 5.35 GB (5,745,331,336 Bytes) Category: Tutorial In The Practicing Photographer, photographer and teacher Ben Long shares a weekly serving of photographic instruction and inspiration. Each installment focuses on a photographic shooting scenario, a piece of gear, or a software technique. Each installment concludes with a call to action designed to inspire you to pick up your camera (or your mouse or smartphone) to try the technique for yourself. [Read more…]

Lynda – Running a Profitable Business: Revenue Recognition English | Size: 590.27 MB (618,941,854 bytes) Category: Economics / Finance Revenue recognition determines when a sale should be recorded: This month or next month? This year or next year? This seems like an easy question until you consider situations in which a company sells a package of goods and services for one joint price, aka multi-element transactions. But without recognizing revenue, a company can’t hope to report any profit. [Read more…]

Lynda – Amanda Clayman – Financial Wellness Managing Personal Cash Flow [Videos – 16 MP4, eBooks – 3 PDF] English | Size: 538.77 MB (564,937,290 bytes) Category: Economics / Finance Even if you’re normally level headed, “your brain on money” is different, and it can keep you financially stuck. In this course, financial therapist Amanda Clayman reveals ways you can adjust your financial habits and manage your cash flow in a positive way. Amanda helps you evaluate your current stress level and understand how your financial attitudes developed in the first place. She further helps you break down the stressful stimulus response behavior, separate your emotions from the noise, and gain a clear understanding of your situation and your options-and the consequences of past decisions. Last, she presents her framework for change, in a four-step model for managing your personal cash flow. [Read more…]

LYNDA FINAL CUT PRO X GURU KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS TUTORIAL-kEISO English | Size: 3.09 GB Category: Tutorial Most professionals agree that one way to become more efficient with an editing program is to learn and use keyboard shortcuts. Final Cut Pro X is no exception to this rule. It has a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that can speed up many tasks and workflows, and options for tailoring keyboard shortcuts to the way you work. This course will focus on the most essential keyboard shortcuts for working with metadata, navigating in the timeline, and editing footage, as well as methods for customizing shortcuts with Final Cut’s Command Editor. [Read more…]

Lynda – Sebastien Deguy: Allegorithmic Changing the Art of Games [4 Webrips (MP4)] English | Size: 1.02 GB (1,090,085,985 bytes) Category: Graphics & 3D Sebastien Deguy started out as a mathematician working on a CGI prototype. Ten years on, his prototype has become a full-fledged software company called Allegorithmic. Allegorithmic makes a new breed of creative tools, which use mathematical algorithms and physically based rendering (PBR) tools that have changed the creative pipeline in game development from AAA to indie games. In this in-depth interview, Sebastien discusses the product strategy at Allegorithmic. Learn about their quest for a subscription model that’s fair, the secret to marketing to young and indie game developers, and the big changes coming for 3D-virtual/augmented reality and 3D scanning. [Read more…]

Lynda – Global Strategy [16 MP4] English | Size: 555.10 MB (582,060,241 bytes) Category: Tutorial Globalization is a double-edged sword. Global firms benefit from a larger market, scale - and location-based cost efficiencies, and exposure to a multiplicity of new product and process ideas. However, globalization also exposes the firm to numerous challenges resulting from a dramatic increase in diversity, complexity, and uncertainty.

This course is aimed at helping managers learn how to maximize the benefits while minimizing the costs and risks associated with global expansion. [Read more…]

Lynda – Up and Running in VUE English | Size: 939.7MB Category: Tutorial Creating convincing natural environments is no longer a challenge with VUE, the program used to model and render the photorealistic backdrops seen in blockbuster movies like Avatar. It’s a standalone program that integrates seamlessly with many major 3D applications via optional plugins. In this course, you’ll see how easy it is to create photorealistic environments in VUE. Author Aaron F. Ross covers sculpting and procedurally generating terrain, adding realistic lighting and atmospherics, and creating thousands or even millions of natural objects such as trees, rocks, and plants in an instant with EcoSystems. With VUE’s powerful tools and Aaron’s instruction, you’ll have everything you need to start building landscapes, oceans, atmospheres, ecosystems, and other realistic digital worlds. [Read more…]

Lynda – Using Wacom Tablets with Lightroom English | Size: 116.1MB Category: Tutorial A Wacom tablet is a great addition to a photographic workflow. A pen and tablet offer more control over lighting and tonal adjustments, retouching, and even creative work like compositing. But are you getting the most out of your tools? In this course, Adobe Certified Instructor Kevin Stohlmeyer shows how to optimize your Wacom tablet for use with Lightroom. He reviews each component of the tablet and Grip Pen and shows how to adjust preferences and customize your tablet to work best with Lightroom. Plus, he explores how the Wacom tools extend the power of Lightroom’s Adjustment Brush and healing tools, and how to get the most out of the ExpressKeys. [Read more…]

Lynda – Final Cut Pro X Guru: Organizing Assets English | Size: 9.5GB Category: Tutorial Organization has always been a key to successful post-production. As video technology evolves, there may be more choices and challenges, but the fundamental organization techniques remain relevant. In Final Cut Pro X Guru: Organizing Assets, professional editor Nick Harauz looks at all of the ways Final Cut helps you organize assets for editing. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to find, sort, and select the clips you want faster, start editing sooner, and reactivate archived projects quicker. [Read more…]

LinkedIn. New Lynda. com Course Page Makes it Easier for You to Learn New Skills

Good news! We are rolling out a fresh, new Lynda. com course page that we think you'll love. It was designed to make your online learning experience easier and more productive. With over 4,200 courses on Lynda. com. the redesigned course page will help you get where you want to go faster and more efficiently.

The key updates include:

New Faster, Slimmer Player

The new player is optimized for faster playback and easier access to controls. We've combined the video controls and settings into one place below your video so they are easier to find. Now while you are watching you can monitor your progress through the lesson and jump backwards with one click if you missed something important.

More Keyboard Shortcuts

New keyboard shortcuts give you more control over your learning experience.

Top shortcuts include:

Studies on memory have shown that without notes to look back on you often forget what you've learned within minutes. Now you can read or take notes directly next to your video so you don't lose your focus and you can record an idea or save a specific place in your course.

Hint: Use to open the notebook tab.

We're excited about the new ease of use to help professionals like you be more productive and successful. Our goal is to give you the skills you need to achieve your goals - land a dream job, change careers, start a new business, or stay current in today's changing world of technology.

If you haven't already, we hope you give L ynda. com a try and we look forward to sharing more updates with you in the future.

LinkedIn Corporation issued this content on 28 January 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 24 February 2016 08:58:21 UTC

Lynda – Running Company Onboarding

Lynda – Running Company Onboarding COST: $97 Size: 896 MB

The first step in converting a promising job candidate into a successful employee lies in your organization’s onboarding process. How can you improve an employee’s first days and weeks on the job? How can you create long-term employee engagement and growth? How do you make sure onboarding is consistent from team to team? In the course, HR professional Jeff Toister shows how to build a successful company-wide onboarding program. He helps you determine the contacts, equipment, and training employees need to be effective, and define an engaging onboarding experience that excites new hires. He helps you identify key onboarding stakeholders (including recruiters, trainers, and managers), establish goals and milestones to evaluate employees’ progress, and develop a first-rate training program to show new hires how to do their job

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Author: manhneovn | 28-09-2015, 10:46 | Views: 0

Lynda - mocha 4 Essential Training Size: 2.72GB | Duration: 9h 47m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x800 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Appropriate for all | Idioma ingles

mocha 4 Essential Training is designed to get you working quickly with Imagineer Systems's powerful planar tracking tool. This project-based course teaches the core ideas that drive the entire mocha family of products, including mocha AE CC, mocha AE, and mocha Pro. Throughout this training, you will become more confident in when and how you use mocha to solve different challenges. Ben Brownlee covers the core modules, preferences, and useful keyboard shortcuts in mocha, and then dives into different planar tracking techniques: match moving, 3D camera solves, custom shape creation, rotoscoping, and more. He also offers a quick start guide and troubleshooting tips, and reviews the process for exporting mocha tracking data to programs such as After Effects, Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro, and Boris CC.

Topics include: * Understanding the core modules in mocha * Setting up preferences and organizing projects * Understanding the planar tracker * Using tracking data for different tasks * Rotoscoping fundamentals * Creating complex mask shapes efficiently * Correcting for lens distortion in your footage * Generating a 3D camera solve * Exporting tracking data from mocha

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84apb. Lynda..mocha.4.Essential. Training. part01.rar 84apb. Lynda..mocha.4.Essential. Training. part02.rar 84apb. Lynda..mocha.4.Essential. Training. part03.rar 84apb. Lynda..mocha.4.Essential. Training. part04.rar 84apb. Lynda..mocha.4.Essential. Training. part05.rar 84apb. Lynda..mocha.4.Essential. Training. part06.rar 84apb. Lynda..mocha.4.Essential. Training. part07.rar


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Author: Jon Peck Subject: Developer, Web, CMS, Blogs, Web Design, Programming Languages, Web Development Software: Drupal 7 Level: Advanced | Duration: 2h 57m | Released date: Oct 16, 2012 Homepage: http://www. lynda. com/Drupal-tutorials/Drupal-7-Module-Development/110715-2.html Extend your Drupal 7 sites with custom modules, which allow you to create from admin interfaces to forms. Author Jon Peck describes how modules extend your base Drupal installation, then walks through crafting your own module which has a practical example featuring geo-positioned renewable power centers. The course also describes how you can control use of site features, create new content types, build forms, understand data persistence, embrace coding standards, plus much more.

Creating the first module

Interacting with hooks

Working with permissions and roles

Controlling access

Adding a menu item with an admin interface

Using the Form API (FAPI) to quickly produce a form

Creating custom form validation

Manually setting up a custom content type

Validating user input

Importing content using feeds

Creating a block

Understanding recommendations and coding standards



Using the exercise files

Understanding what you need to know

1. Key Concepts

What are modules and why would you use them?

Creating the first module

Interacting with hooks

2. Creating an Administrative Interface

Working with permissions and roles

Creating a custom permission

Adding a menu item to have an admin interface

Using the Form API (FAPI) to create a form quickly

Creating custom form validation

Handling successful form submissions and saving variables

Exploring guidelines with variable persistence

3. Creating a New Content Type Programmatically

Introduction to content types

Creating a custom content type manually

Fleshing out a content type with fields

Validating user input for the content type

Removing a content type

4. Extending the Module Functionality

Importing content using feeds

Adding a Google Map using theming

Creating a block


Exploring best practices and coding standards

Next steps


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Title Post: Lynda – Drupal 7 Custom Module Development Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 opiniones de los usuarios. Author: SharedTutor

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Lynda. com Review

by admin · June 20, 2014

Lynda. com is a solid, reliable source of training on many web development topics. Regardless of whether one is a beginner or advanced web developer, Lynda. com offers many levels of website tutorials that address all aspects of web development. From beginning topics such as basic html layout to advanced topics such as Ajax programming, you can be assured that you can advance into higher levels of training with Lynda. com. The company offers web based training and standalone tutorial packages on CD/DVD-Rom.

A large selection of tutorial topics Up to date applications are covered Self paced instruction DVD tutorials come with exercises Tutorial books are also offered alongside tutorials One low monthly subscription fee for all online tutorial videos Closed captioning are available on many training sessions Each online tutorial is presented as a video with an instructor teaching each training session. Screenshots, illustrations, and animations are presented to aid in clarifying the instruction. One can pause, rewind, or fast forward each online tutorial session. With a paid yearly subscription, there are also exercises presented to help integrate the training topics into practical use. Standalone tutorial packages come with exercises on disc as well.

The web training service is offered as a subscription service with a monthly fee of $25.00. A basic, yearly subscription service is offered for $250. Beyond that is a yearly premium subscription is offered for $375 with exercises. Over 42,678 tutorial videos are offered through the subscription service covering over 678 topics. There are over 366 tutorials offered on CD-Rom or DVD-Rom. Each standalone title is priced separately and includes training exercises alongside videos.

For working professionals or those with limited time, the self paced tutorials offered by Lynda. com are very flexible and convenient. While they may lack the instructor led interaction of live courses, the video instruction are excellent and supplement class work is available for many tutorials.

The wide range of training topics and all-in-one subscription fees are a great bargain for one’s training needs. One can start as a beginner and work up to advanced levels of instruction without having to sign up for another training service. Each video is presented with a fast streaming process so they loaded quickly. The simple interface and the breakdown of each training session into sub topics were helpful for easy navigation. The ability to go to a specific section of a tutorial was great and each video was broken down into short sections. Another positive feature is the inclusion of closed captioning for hearing impaired users.

Lynda. com Review ultima modidfica: 2014-06-20T15:39:42+00:00 da admin

LinkedIn Corporation's Lynda. com -- a Catalyst?

Daniel Sparks, The Motley Fool - Motley Fool - Wed Aug 19, 2:45PM CDT

Earlier this year, LinkedIn acquired Lynda. com, an online learning company that teaches business, technology, and creative skills through online videos, in a deal valued at about $1.5 billion. Will Lynda. com find synergy in LinkedIn's online network of professionals? More importantly, will LinkedIn get its money's worth out of this investment?

To both questions, management would probably answer with a resounding, "yes." Here's why LinkedIn management is so bullish on its future with Lynda. com.

Image source: LinkedIn.

Putting Lynda. com into perspective For LinkedIn, the $1.5 billion deal to acquire Lynda. com was no small sum. While the social network may have a market capitalization of $24 billion, the company only had about $3.5 billion in cash on its balance sheet before it purchased Lynda. com.

Wielding its stock's pricey valuation, the company chose to pay about half of the $1.5 billion in stock, using cash for the other half. With management forking out so much cash and stock, investors are counting on the acquisition to pay off handsomely.

What kind of immediate value does Lynda. com bring to LinkedIn? For the full year, LinkedIn expects to recognize about $20 million to $25 million in revenue from Lynda. com. With LinkedIn's total annualized revenue approaching $3 billion, investors may initially be tempted to conclude Lynda. com's business is too small for investors to care about at this point. But this would be a mistake.

This estimated revenue to be recognized from Lynda. com in 2015 reflects a late second-quarter close, some transitional impacts, and accounting related to fair-value adjustment for deferred revenue. Together, these accounting impacts substantially reduce Lynda. com's usual annual revenue. As the company rebuilds Lynda. com's deferred revenue base, this revenue will begin to normalize. But it won't be until 2017 when revenue from Lynda. com for the full year begins to represent actual top-line sales.

What will Lynda. com's revenue look like in 2016 when it has finally normalized? When LinkedIn acquired Lynda. com, it noted in a press conference that the online learning company registered $150 million in revenue in 2014. Even more, LinkedIn noted that Lynda. com's revenue was growing in the mid 20% range. If Lynda. com's revenue continues to grow at this pace, Lynda. com could contribute $225 million to LinkedIn's top line next year.

Further, if there are some synergies created as a result of the acquisition, and Lynda. com's revenue growth rate actually gets a boost, the online learning company's contribution to LinkedIn's top line, going forward, could be even greater than it was in the past. Looking out over the next few years, therefore, Lynda. com is likely to represent at least 7% to 10% of LinkedIn's total revenue.

The opportunity in education In the longer term, LinkedIn management seems to believe that Lynda. com could be a significant driver for the company. Indeed, during LinkedIn's first-quarter earnings call, management went as far as to say that its acquisition of Lynda. com represents one of its "most transformational opportunities."

Image source: Lynda. com.

How is the Lynda. com acquisition transformational for LinkedIn? It's a major step forward in becoming an established player in the online education market.

Education is "a byproduct of the Lynda acquisition," LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner said during the company's first-quarter earnings call, "and one of the things we are most excited about -- taking that coursework in the library and that high quality repository and expanding the global footprint."

Just how big is LinkedIn's opportunity in education? According to Weiner, it's substantial.

I would also add, though it didn't come up specifically, the addressable opportunity in learning and development at $30 billion is something we are obviously very excited about. And we think by virtue of the quality, of the library that Lynda brings to the table, and that world-class team that we are very well positioned to integrate in unique ways and start to get after that addressable opportunity.

With the company estimating its total addressable market across all of its businesses -- including the $30 billion in the learning and development market -- to be about $115 billion, LinkedIn management believes that its new addressable market in learning and development represents a meaningful 26% of the company's long-term opportunity.

Even though management believes learning and development, with the help of Lynda. com, can eventually represent a substantial chunk of its business, the company will have to overcome challenges of integrating this new company. And challenges could prove to be more difficult than management is anticipating. Still, it's worth noting management's greater bullishness in this arena now that it has Lynda. com on its side.

3 Companies Poised to Explode When Cable Dies Cable is dying. And there are 3 stocks that are poised to explode when this faltering $2.2 trillion industry finally bites the dust. Just like newspaper publishers, telephone utilities, stockbrokers, record companies, bookstores, travel agencies, and big box retailers did when the Internet swept away their business models. And when cable falters, you don't want to miss out on these 3 companies that are positioned to benefit. Click here for their names. Hint: They're not the ones you'd think!

Daniel Sparks has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends LinkedIn. The Motley Fool owns shares of LinkedIn. Pruebe cualquiera de nuestros servicios de boletín Foolish gratis durante 30 días. Tontos no todos pueden tener las mismas opiniones, pero todos creemos que teniendo en cuenta una amplia gama de ideas nos hace mejores inversores. Motley Fool tiene una política de divulgación.

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UDEMY NEURAL NETWORKS MADE EASY WITH MATLAB TUTORIAL COMPRISED|300 MB Publisher …. Udemy Level ……. all level Runtime ……: 2 hours Language …. English Release Type. Retail Release Format: ISO Store Date …: 2015.03.02 Release Date. 2016.01.28 ISO Size …. 314,368,000 ISO Checksum. 477CD2AF Disk Count …: 7 * 50MB Disk Name …. comprised_unnmewm Link/URL …. http://v. gd/TU73k5 Introduction. MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language developed by MathWorks. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, but by optional toolboxes, using the MuPAD symbolic engine, has access to symbolic computing capabilities too. One of these toolboxes is Neural Network toolbox. This toolbox is free, open source software for simulating models of brain and central nervous system, based on MATLAB computational platform. In these courses you will learn the general principles of Neural Network Toolbox designed in Matlab and you will be able to use this Toolbox efficiently as well. The list of contents is: Introduction A – in this chapter the Neural Network Toolbox is Defined and introduced.…

Posted by LordMMB | On 1 February 2016 | In: Video Training | Comments Off on UDEMY NEURAL NETWORKS MADE EASY WITH MATLAB TUTORIAL COMPRISED

UDEMY OFF GRID SOLAR AND DECENTRALIZED ELECTRIFICATION TUTORIAL COMPRISED83 MB Publisher …. Udemy Level ……. all level Runtime ……: 1.5 hours Language …. English Release Type. Retail Release Format: ISO Store Date …: 2016.01.18 Release Date. 2016.01.28 ISO Size …. 86,532,096 ISO Checksum. FB7B8775 Disk Count …: 2 * 50MB Disk Name …. comprised_uoffgsde Link/URL …. http://v. gd/YmCaOD At the end of this course, learners will be able to create a range of photovoltaic products for off-grid applications and determine the key points of the most suitable business model to sell their off grid solar products. The course A“off grid solar and decentralized electrificationA” is built around five sections. Section 1 describes decentralized electrification and discuss why it is emerging as the solution to fill the gap left in the socioeconomic development of the populations lacking access to electricity. Then, moving to section 2; a list of decentralized solutions will be drawn up and the conditions for the implementation of each of them will be discussed. Section 3, the next step of the course covers the…


UDEMY PSYCHOLOGICAL CONVERSION TRIGGERS MORE CLICKS LEADS AND SALES TUTORIAL COMPRISED|277 MB Publisher …. Udemy Level ……. all level Runtime ……: 1.5 hours Language …. English Release Type. Retail Release Format: ISO Store Date …: 2015.05.21 Release Date. 2016.01.28 ISO Size …. 290,582,528 ISO Checksum. 003B3075 Disk Count …: 6 * 50MB Disk Name …. comprised_upctcls Link/URL …. http://v. gd/kPKmoQ Launched May 2015 Over 600 Student Enrolled Already. The key to achieving more sales, leads and clicks is to understanding the basics of psychology… All human beings essentially have the same mental triggers that drive actions. In order to influence and understand your customers, you need to know what those triggers are and how to utilise them in your marketing messages. Por qué? Because our minds decide what to buy, what to click, what to subscribe to; ultimately what actions we take. So if you know how minds function, you have the power to influence the decisions your audience make. Which is why I created this course. 30 Different Ways To Boost Conversions. You’re going to discover…


Sue Grafton Millhone 16 P is for Peril Mystery Audiobook nG|639 MB Book Title: “P” is for Peril Kinsey Millhone Series, Book 16 Author: Sue Grafton Narrator: Judy Kaye Publisher: Penguin Random House Audio Publishing Group ISBN: 9781415951309 Release Date: 5 Jun 2001 Genre: Mystery Source: Ontario Library Service Preview from Source included DRM info removed during conversion process MediaInfo: Format. MPEG Audio Format version. Version 1 Format profile. Layer 3 Mode. Joint stereo Bit rate mode. Constant Bit rate. 128 Kbps Channel(s). 2 channels Sampling rate. 44.1 KHz Compression mode. Lossy Writing library. LAME3.98.2 Duration: 11 hours, 36 minutes Description: Kinsey Millhone never sees it coming. She is mired in the case of a doctor who disappeared, his angry ex-wife, and beautiful current one–a case that is full of unfinished business, unfinished homes, and people drifting in and out of their own lives. Then Kinsey gets a shock. A man she finds attractive is hiding a fatal secret–and now a whole lot of beauty, money, and lies…

Posted by LordMMB | On 1 February 2016 | In: Audio Book | Comments Off on Sue Grafton Millhone 16 P is for Peril Mystery Audiobook

Springer Matrix Operations for Engineers and Scientists 2010 SS|1.51 MB Description Matrix Operations for Engineers and Scientists: An Essential Guide in Linear Algebra Paperback: 330 pages Publisher: Springer; 2010 edition (September 14, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 9048192730 ISBN-13: 978-9048192731 Book Description Engineers and scientists need to have an introduction to the basics of linear algebra in a context they understand. Computer algebra systems make the manipulation of matrices and the determination of their properties a simple matter, and in practical applications such software is often essential. However, using this tool when learning about matrices, without first gaining a proper understanding of the underlying theory, limits the ability to use matrices and to apply them to new problems. This book explains matrices in the detail required by engineering or science students, and it discusses linear systems of ordinary differential equations. These students require a straightforward introduction to linear algebra illustrated by applications to which they can relate. It caters of the needs of undergraduate engineers in all disciplines, and provides considerable detail where it is likely to be…

Posted by LordMMB | On 1 February 2016 | In: Audio Book | Comments Off on Springer Matrix Operations for Engineers and Scientists 2010

Sue Grafton Millhone 17 Q is for Quarry Mystery Audiobook nG|696 MB Book Title: “Q” is for Quarry Kinsey Millhone Series, Book 17 Author: Sue Grafton Narrator: Judy Kaye Publisher: Penguin Random House Audio Publishing Group ISBN: 9781415951323 Release Date: 15 Oct 2002 Genre: Mystery Source: Ontario Library Service Preview from Source included DRM info removed during conversion process MediaInfo: ——————————————————————– Format. MPEG Audio Format version. Version 1 Format profile. Layer 3 Mode. Joint stereo Bit rate mode. Constant Bit rate. 128 Kbps Channel(s). 2 channels Sampling rate. 44.1 KHz Compression mode. Lossy Writing library. LAME3.98.2 Duration: 12 hours, 38 minutes Description: A Kinsey Millhone mystery. She was a “Jane Doe,” an unidentified white female whose decomposed body was discovered near a quarry off California’s Highway 1. The case fell to the Santa Teresa County Sheriff’s Department, but the detectives had little to go on. The woman was young, her hands were bound with a length of wire, there were mulitple stab wounds, and her throat…

Posted by LordMMB | On 1 February 2016 | In: Audio Book | Comments Off on Sue Grafton Millhone 17 Q is for Quarry Mystery Audiobook

Sue Grafton Millhone 18 R is for Ricochet Mystery Audiobook nG|642 MB Book Title: “R” is for Ricochet Kinsey Millhone Series, Book 18 Author: Sue Grafton Narrator: Judy Kaye Publisher: Penguin Random House Audio Publishing Group ISBN: 9780739345900 Release Date: 13 Jul 2004 Genre: Mystery Source: Ontario Library Service Preview from Source included DRM info removed during conversion process MediaInfo: ——————————————————————– Format. MPEG Audio Format version. Version 1 Format profile. Layer 3 Mode. Joint stereo Bit rate mode. Constant Bit rate. 128 Kbps Channel(s). 2 channels Sampling rate. 44.1 KHz Compression mode. Lossy Writing library. LAME3.98.2 ——————————————————————– Duration: 11 hours, 38 minutes ——————————————————————– Description: Reba Lafferty was a daughter of privilege, the only child of an adoring father. Over the years, he quietly settled her many scrapes with the law, but he wasn’t there for her when she was convicted of embezzlement and sent to the California Institute for Women. Now, at thirty-two, she is about to be paroled, having served twenty-two months of a four-year sentence. Nord…

Posted by LordMMB | On 1 February 2016 | In: Audio Book | Comments Off on Sue Grafton Millhone 18 R is for Ricochet Mystery Audiobook

The Economist Jan 30 Feb 5 2016|159.75 MB Description This week’s The Economist The world this week Politics this week Business this week KAL’s cartoon Leaders America’s presidential primaries The brawl begins (215) Nigeria’s economy Hope the naira falls (20) Foreign students Train ’em up. Kick ’em out Corporate tax Going after Google The Zika virus Let us spray Letters Migrants, India, aid, Jeremy Corbyn, science, Catalonia, banks, clubbing, ageing Briefing America’s primary elections Outsiders’ chance United States Walmart and low-wage America High expectations Transgender life Restroom rumpus Dry California All the leaves are brown Ecology Murre mystery Policing and privacy The StingRay’s tale Universities and free speech Hard to say Lexington Superpower statues The Americas Brazil Partying on a precipice Haiti’s election Chaos and compas The Zika virus To breed, or not to breed Bello From red tape to joined-up government Asia The South China Sea Making a splash Politics in Vietnam Reptilian manoeuvres Subhas Chandra Bose Mystery theatre Nepal’s constitutional stand-off Trouble in the basement Superstition in Thailand Dolls that bring luck—and drugs Kazakhstan’s tanking…

Posted by LordMMB | On 1 February 2016 | In: Magazine | Comments Off on The Economist Jan 30 Feb 5 2016

Lynda - Muse Essential Training (updated Jun 16, 2015) Size: 1.83GB | Duration: 5h 57m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Learn how to create HTML-based websites with Muse-a toolset familiar to anyone who has used Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator. Staff author Justin Seeley covers the design process from start to finish, from setting up web pages and populating them with graphics and text, to creating dynamic menus and adding special features such as widgets, slideshows, animations, embedded video, social media integration, and more.

Lynda - Muse Essential Training (updated Jun 16, 2015) Size: 1.83GB | Duration: 5h 57m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Learn how to create HTML-based websites with Muse-a toolset familiar to anyone who has used Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator. Staff author Justin Seeley covers the design process from start to finish, from setting up web pages and populating them with graphics and text, to creating dynamic menus and adding special features such as widgets, slideshows, animations, embedded video, social media integration, and more.


Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn English | Apr 09, 2015 |.MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | 446 MB Genre: E-learning

Whether you're looking for a job or just want to connect with other people in your industry, LinkedIn is the place to be. Justin Seeley teaches you how to build a LinkedIn profile that promotes you and your accomplishments, and identify job opportunities, recruit leads, and establish a network with other professionals. Plus, learn how to join and create groups, share content you think will engage your network, and harness the power of search.

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn (2015) English | Size: 446.07 MB (467,741,799 bytes) Category: Lynda. com

Whether you're looking for a job or just want to connect with other people in your industry, LinkedIn is the place to be. Justin Seeley teaches you how to build a LinkedIn profile that promotes you and your accomplishments, and identify job opportunities, recruit leads, and establish a network with other professionals. Plus, learn how to join and create groups, share content you think will engage your network, and harness the power of search.

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Recruiter Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | 198MB Genre: eLearning | 1h 4m Beginner Aug 31, 2015 | Idioma ingles

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Recruiter Size: 196MB | Duration: 1h 05m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Recruiter Size: 196MB | Duration: 1h 05m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Recruiter Size: 196MB | Duration: 1h 05m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Find the candidates you need with LinkedIn Recruiter, the industry-leading recruiting platform. Learn how to search for candidates, create projects and organize potential candidates, and effectively contact candidates.

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker Size: 181MB | Duration: 0h 52m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Find your next job with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker. This course offers a tour of the features and benefits of this service from LinkedIn.


Trade Secrets: A Deeper Dive HDRips | MP4/AVC,

941 kb/s | 1280x720 | Duration: 00:32:30 | English: AAC, 160 kb/s (2 ch) | 241 MB Genre: Business, Job

What are trade secrets? How do companies protect them? How is trade secret law enforced? In this course, intellectual property lawyer Dana Robinson answers these questions and more. Find out how trade secrets can protect your idea from being stolen or disclosed and what is and isn't covered in a confidentiality or nondisclosure agreement (NDA). Learn what it means to misappropriate a trade secret and what employers can do to avoid liability.

Trade Secrets: A Deeper Dive HDRips | MP4/AVC,

941 kb/s | 1280x720 | Duration: 00:32:30 | English: AAC, 160 kb/s (2 ch) | 241 MB Genre: Business, Job

Trade Secrets: A Deeper Dive HDRips | MP4/AVC,

941 kb/s | 1280x720 | Duration: 00:32:30 | English: AAC, 160 kb/s (2 ch) | 241 MB Genre: Business, Job

Insider Trades of KEETON-CARDNO LYNDA R.

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LinkedIn to acquire training website Lynda. com for $1.5bn

Business networking group LinkedIn Corporation has agreed the takeover of professional training website Lynda. com for $1.5bn. The transaction will be a combination of roughly 52% cash and 48% shares, with the deal expected to close during the second quarter of the year.

Jeff Weiner, chief executive officer of LinkedIn, wants Lynda to help the company build its 'Economic Graph', a massive network connecting "people, jobs, skills and knowledge".

He said Lynda. com's huge library of video content, when integrated with the hundreds of millions of members and millions of jobs on LinkedIn, "can change the way in which people connect to opportunity".

"The mission of LinkedIn and the mission of lynda. com are highly aligned [. ] Both companies seek to help professionals be better at what they do."

Related Share Prices

Posted by avelin on 07/10/2015 Category Tutorials ;

Lynda – Sass Essential Training Size: 446MB | Duration: 2h 07m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280×720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Idioma ingles

Learn the fundamentals of Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass), a modern web development language that helps you write CSS better, faster, and with more advanced features. Ray Villalobos shows you the best way to install Sass and work with its main features: variables, nesting, partials, and mixins. Plus, learn how to use SassScript to create complex functions from Sass lists and control statements.

Topics include: * Working with variables * Nesting styles * Creating mixins * Conditional statements and loops in SassScript * Extending your mixins * Working with lists and maps

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Need to learn Maya? Start here. This course covers the latest features in Maya 2016, while giving you a strong foundation in all the core tools, including 3D modeling, texturing, rendering, animation, and more. It starts with the basics of selecting and manipulating objects and organizing scenes, as you learn the interface and explore Maya’s features. Author George Maestri then takes you through polygonal modeling, creating and refining meshes, sculpting, and NURBS modeling. After you begin to understand modeling, George will show you how to create and apply materials to surfaces—adding color, texture, and reflectivity. He’ll then integrate cameras, lighting and depth-of-field effects in the rendering process, and finally, show how to add movement and life to your work with Maya’s animation tools.

* Getting familiar with the Maya interface * Selecting and manipulating objects * Creating hierarchies and layers in scenes * Creating polygonal objects * Extruding a mesh * Working with subdivision surfaces * Sculpting a basic landscape * NURBs modeling * Creating and applying materials and textures * Adding lights and cameras to a scene * Adding depth of field and motion blur * Rendering * Animating in Maya

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Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn English | Apr 09, 2015 |.MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | 446 MB Genre: E-learning

Whether you're looking for a job or just want to connect with other people in your industry, LinkedIn is the place to be. Justin Seeley teaches you how to build a LinkedIn profile that promotes you and your accomplishments, and identify job opportunities, recruit leads, and establish a network with other professionals. Plus, learn how to join and create groups, share content you think will engage your network, and harness the power of search.

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Sales Navigator! Size: 211MB | Duration: 1h 06m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Recruiter Size: 196MB | Duration: 1h 05m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Find the candidates you need with LinkedIn Recruiter, the industry-leading recruiting platform. Learn how to search for candidates, create projects and organize potential candidates, and effectively contact candidates.

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Recruiter Size: 196MB | Duration: 1h 05m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Recruiter Size: 196MB | Duration: 1h 05m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15&30fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker Size: 181MB | Duration: 0h 52m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Find your next job with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker. This course offers a tour of the features and benefits of this service from LinkedIn.

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker Size: 181MB | Duration: 0h 52m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Idioma ingles

Find your next job with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker. This course offers a tour of the features and benefits of this service from LinkedIn.

Lynda - Up and Running with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker Size: 181MB | Duration: 0h 52m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280x720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch Genre: eLearning | Level: Beginner | Language: English Find your next job with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker. This course offers a tour of the features and benefits of this service from LinkedIn.

Lynda – Up and Running with LinkedIn Premium Job Seeker Size: 181MB | Duration: 0h 52m | Video: AVC (.mp4) 1280×720 15fps | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch

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All contents or information displayed or contained on Piphut. com are based on a number of assumptions which may not be fully disclosed or explained. Hypothetical trading or performance has many inherent limitations, including the benefit of hindsight and the fact hypothetical trading or performance involves no economic risk. Variables such as the ability to adhere to a particular trading program despite trading losses and maintaining adequate liquidity are material considerations that can adversely affect actual trading results. No representation or warranty is being made or given that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those displayed on Piphut. com. There are frequently substantial differences between hypothetical performance and the actual performance subsequently achieved by a trading program. You must exercise independent judgment when making investment or trading decisions. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Please read the User Agreement and Risk Disclosure Statement for more information.

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Forex trading made simple English | 2016 | mp4 | H264 1280x720 | AAC 2 ch | 1.5 hrs | 185 MB eLearning, Business, Finance | Skill level: All level

Learn how to read charts like a pro. 30+ animated video lessons to become a great trader fast.

This course is designed to give you a complete undestanding on how financial markets work.

The most important part in financial analysis is understanding how forex charts form and what the according trading implications are.

After taking this course you will be able to: recognize patterns spot trading opportunities know exactly when to enter and exit trades how to manage your money trade with minimal risk.

You will learn about japanese candlesticks, formation patterns and most importantly - how to use them in trading.

I designed this course using whiteboard animation techniques, so the information is easy understandable to EVERYONE. There is no math or hundreds of different indicators included - just pure price action.

Start trading based on knowledge and analysis instead on pure luck!

What are the requirements? - No prior knowledge is neccessary.

What am I going to get from this course? - Over 31 lectures and 1.5 hours of content! - Understand the the forex market - Find trading opportunities - Know exactly when to enter and exit the market - Know how to manage risk

What is the target audience? - This course is designed for those who are just starting trading forex and those who have been trading for awhile unsuccessfully, If you want to learn price action this is the course you should take.

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LinkedIn, which purchased education firm Lynda com in 2015, said Tuesday that airline Virgin America will start streaming courses from the online learning site in April

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Dazu schreibt reuters. com: WASHINGTON, March 15 (Reuters) - The U S Health and Human Services Department is revamping its policies to help protect thousands of babies born dependent on drugs, a reform triggered by a Reuters investigative report, the agency's leader told a congressional committee on Tuesday. U. S. Agency Pushes Reforms to Protect Drug-Dependent Babies. weiterlesen.

reuters. com schreibt: (Reuters) - A major east-west U S highway, Interstate 10, will close at 9 a m. Flooding to cause closure of Interstate 10 along Texas-Louisiana border. Central Time on Tuesday in a section along the Louisiana-Texas border due to flooding that has hit the region, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development said. weiterlesen.

Weitere Nachricht von reuters. com: SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - Flooding caused by days of heavy rain forced the closure on Tuesday of a section of a major east-west U S. Southern U. S. flooding causes closure of major highway. highway on the Louisiana-Texas border along the rising Sabine River, officials in both states said. weiterlesen.

reuters. com schreibt weiter: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressional panel on Tuesday criticized the Environmental Protection Agency and Michigan officials for failing to do more to sound the alarm about high levels of lead in the city of Flint's drinking water. Congress criticizes EPA, Michigan over Flint water crisis. weiterlesen.

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Dazu meldet rss. dw. de weiter: Hillary Clinton looks to wrap up nomination on Super Tuesday weiterlesen.

rss. dw. de schreibt dazu: Super Tuesday could weed out also-ran candidates weiterlesen.

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Forex trading strategy

Forex trading strategy

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Collection of The Best Free Forex Trading Course (s)

Looking for a free forex trading course? Well look no further! Having spent over a decade observing the industry, brainyforex has put together a collection of the best available 'no cost' forex courses from reputable education providers.

Tim Trush & Julie Lavrin T & J Profit Club

Tim and Julie the founders of T & J Profit Club and www. forexmystery. com have no hesitation in revealing their secret trading strategies, using candlesticks and divergence to the world. Their best student Alex F. is a millionaire whom owns a golf course and racing horses making his fortune by trading these strategies in the Forex market.

L earn the "Lucky Spike" candlestick pattern strategy based on a strong and easily noticeable candlestick pattern.

Everyone can learn it, use it and make money with it. There are traders who make a living trading just this pattern.

Steve Nison's New Candlecharts Academy

Now you can watch 16 highly acclaimed trading video's. INO TV Free gives users access to 16 Free trading videos from authors like: Darrell Jobman, Brad Matheny, Gary Wagner, Linda Raschke, Adam Hewison, Joe DiNapoli and more. Start watching by clicking here.

Free Video Trading Lessons by Adam Hewison

Traders Whiteboard series: Seven free videos that cover the very basics of trading taught by Adam Hewison of MarketClub. These are a great educational resource that traders of all backgrounds can appreciate.

Adam is a former floor trader on the IMM, IOM, NYFE and LIFFE as well as a risk manager of a large, multinational corporation in Geneva, Switzerland. Has written books on forex trading and trend following. In 1995, founded INO. com and later co-founded MarketClub. Involved in the trading business for over three decades has seen it all

MarketClub Traders Whiteboard Video Lessons here.

90 Second Video Series by Adam Hewison

Learn How To Trade The Forex Markets In 90 Seconds

Free educational video by Adam Hewison of MarketClub shows how to walk away a winner in the forex market.

MarketClubs "Trade Triangle" technology helps traders enter markets after a steady trend has been established and only exit after the trend has come to a complete halt. This proprietary technology can provide a great tool in conjunction with other technical indicators. When looking at the foreign exchange markets, MarketClub uses the weekly triangle to identify trend (also possible initial entry). They then use their daily "Trade Triangles" for timing. The corresponding triangles are used as entry points and non-corresponding triangles as exit points.

Adam Hewison, president of INO. com and co-creator of MarketClub shows you how to analyze the Forex market in 90 seconds flat by using MarketClub's proprietary "Trade Triangle" technology.

More free lessons to be added.

Perfect Forex Trading System


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"Just started real trading after a week of paper trading and my results are better than I thought they would be. Definitely a winning system Linda." Peter Balaam (Germany)

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Announcing A Simple, Easy To Understand And Use Strategy For ‘Stealing’ £200-£500 A Week From The Forex Market.

All This For Under £30

Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Linda Forrester, I am a housewife and single mum and I look after my children full-time.

I started trading the markets nearly five years ago to earn some much needed extra cash in order to provide my family a few extra treats, but once I learned the basics I became totally obsessed with Financial Trading and have subsequently learned everything I can on the subject.

I still trade part-time as the family still takes up most of my time, but my strategy allows me to ‘work’ whenever I have a spare few hours during the day.

Part Time Hours But Full Time Wages

With this Forex Trading Strategy you can earn consistent profits by trading early in the morning, after work in the evening or all through the day (as I do) I take my children to school in the morning and trade during the day, along with seeing friends and family and (sadly) doing the housework!

This trading system allows me to be my own boss, working when it suits me, without the traditional burdens of being self-employed. No customers to worry about, no long hours, no large business expenses and no office/factory to rent. My family is the main part of my life – and using this method to trade the Forex market I can continue to spend time with them, while still earning my wages.

I Reveal The Secrets The Pro Traders Would Prefer To Keep To Themselves (And I Don’t Blame Them!!)

I was fortunate when I realised the fantastic potential that financial trading may provide me, as I had a friend who worked in the City of London for Deutsche Bank. His work in the field of commercial trading system design allied to human behaviour was invaluable to me.

Contrary to popular belief, simple is best when it comes to earning money in Foreign Exchange (Forex) I have seen many over-complicated systems with countless numbers of indicators, but he showed my exactly how price action impacts on various markets, how to trade without technical indicators as well as showing me how the professionals earn their money in the Square Mile. You would be amazed how ‘down-to-earth’ it really is!

This trading system will suit seasoned professionals and newcomers equally as well. If you already trade full-time and have a profitable system you use, this strategy can be added to your arsenal for extra money each day.

If you are new to trading, this is an ideal way to begin trading as it is very simple and easy to understand and requires no prior knowledge of trading the markets. If you have never looked at a price chart before, I will lead you through all you will need to know from choosing a trading platform, opening an account, configuring the charts – in fact everything you need to become a full or part time financial trading professional.

The trading system can be used on 5 minute charts up to daily and weekly charts, so you can choose the timeframe that suits your financial trading style. I personally have my favourite timeframes, and I will show you what I believe to be the advantages of these over others.

What Could You Spend An Extra £200-£500 Per Week On?

I know myself that there is always something my children want, the latest games console or computer game. Would you like a new car? An extra couple of holidays this year? To top-up your pension? This is your key to those extra things we could all do with.

Everything You Need To Get Started. The trading system I have developed, which is an incredibly easy strategy to follow, includes:

A short concise 21 page manual with no padding. Just the facts

An easy to understand strategy with NO indicators to complicate things

A step by step roadmap to help you open a trading account

Instructions on how to set-up your trading chart (It will take a few minutes!)

A clear profit target for each trade. And stop loss in case it turns out to be a loser

Instructions on how to watch multiple charts all at once (if you want to)

Add-ons to the basic system to make each trade more profitable

Learn how to trade like the Professional Forex Traders trade

My personal email address for continuing support for as long as you need it.

Special Bonus

I have been trading my system since 2005 and over that time, I have noticed that there is ONE index that shows a profitable trade almost every day. When you buy this strategy, I will let you know which instrument this is.

My Daily Routine (Minus The Commute To Work)

When I am ready to trade – usually after I have taken the children to school – I will make myself a cup of coffee, switch on my laptop and within 5 minutes my dedicated trading platform is ready and the charts are all up on the screen so I can scan through to see if there is a trade opportunity starting to develop.

If I can see nothing, I can go off and do something else for an hour or two – or if there is a trade signal coming up (I will show you how to spot a trade a mile off) a few clicks of the mouse will have me in a trade. After a short while, I bank my profits and either look for another opportunity, or call it a day and get on with the rest of my day. As with all systems, I have the occasional losing trade, but with the advice I give you in the manual, you can keep these losses to the very minimum, so that they hardly impact on your overall profit for the week. Es tan simple como eso. I only need a couple of trades per day to earn a substantial weekly wage, so often I am finished by mid morning. If I have something to do during the day, I can switch the laptop on after the children have gone to bed, pour myself a gin and tonic and work for a few hours in the evening.

During the school holidays, I will often rise a bit earlier in the mornings and trade for a few hours before the rest of the family are up for breakfast, so that I can spend the whole day enjoying time with my children. You really can choose your own working hours. How many jobs/businesses you can think of allow you to do that? My Personal Support Promise

I am also here for you after you have purchased my trading system if you do need me. The trading system itself is very easy to understand and execute, but if there is anything whatsoever you feel needs more explanation, this is my personal email addressinfo@perfectforextrading. com. You can also use it now, if you wish, to ask me any question you feel I have not covered before you go ahead and join me.

The Next Step

If you would like to start earning life-changing amounts of money in the world of financial trading – I can help you on that road. If you are a seasoned professional and would like another money-making system to add to your other successful strategies – then you should take the plunge and spend a very small amount of money on my trading system manual. I will look forward to having you as a customer

Remember, my system manual is not £299, not even £199.

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PS: The cost of my manual is up to 20 times cheaper than a lot of similar trading systems out there. But it is equally as profitable! Just read my Feedback page PPS: I can keep the cost to an absolute minimum ( and so make it easily affordable to all everyone ) as I do not rely on the sales of my trading system manual for my wages – I earn all I need from actually trading the Forex market.

PPPS: Email me now if there is anything else you would like to know. Or order the trading system now and start changing the future for you and your family. And do not forget, I will let you know which index to trade that will give you a trade most days of the week. That simplifies the strategy even more.

Escribe una reseña

Forex and charts

Forex is the most volatile market but still it is the most stable market. There are only few strong currencies trading at the market that are more preferred by the traders.

Chart reading is an art that not every one could understand it correctly and attaining mastery in it is another difficult task. However, all those who are associated with Forex trading have a special strength of not loosing before succeeding. The distinctions showed in charts are long lasting and indicates about the firm trade ranges.

To be a successful trader at the market you should master the chart reading, as this is the most vital factor that keeps the minutes of every trade and shows the trend of the price action. These charts indicate about the relation between the economic action and the day-to-day market situation that brings the changes in the market.

The distinctions showed in charts are long lasting and indicates about the firm trade ranges. There are three types of charts in the Forex market that are mostly used by the traders like: Line charts, Bar charts and Candlestick Charts.

Line chart represents the actions of the currency pairs and their exchange rate fluctuations in chronological order by meeting the close prices changes by a straight line.

Bar chart represents the fluctuations of the currencies through vertical bars showing the positions of the intra-day trading that are of around 30 minutes. Each bar has four hooks that represents opening, closing, high and low rates depending on the time of trading.

Candlestick charts is somewhat similar to bar charts but represents the opening, closing, high and low values as candlestick stay firm when the opening rate go beyond the closing rate and the candlestick became weak and the opening rate is lesser than the closing rate of exchange.

Some other charts that are also considered by some traders are as follows:

Equi-volume charts, Volumetric Japanese charts, point and figure or crosses-zero charts, three line break charts, Renko charts and Kagi charts.

Every time you trade at market you will need information and these charts are the best sources of trade information along with the ability to make comparative study of the trade actions of different currency pairs.

This is the introductory information about the charts and the types of charts that are used by traders for making trade positions at the Forex market.

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Artículo escrito por: Linda Green

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You are partially right. The criteria for those dots is not only in the values of the indicator but in prices too (it is combining peaks in price and values of the oscillator - as you can see, some oscillator peaks are simply ignored since price does not peak at the same time) Will try to find original description of Linda Bradford Raschke that I used to make those - if I can find it I think it will be by far more easy to understand the logic and the how is she using it for trading

Thanks for the LBR 3 - 10 indicator on post 315, can you please explain the function of the RED DOTS ON TOP SOME OF THE HISTOGRAM BARS ?

To me they seem to be highlighting NEW HISTOGRAM PEAKS ( though not ALL of the new histo peaks )

thanks in advance.

Some more info on how Linda Bradford Raschke trades that 3-10 oscillator can be found in the following one. Technical trading Manual The dots are marked when highest high or lowest low over 20 bars of price is within 3 last bars (only then the additional control of oscillator values is taken and new highest or lowest value over 40 bars is achieved then the dots are drawn).

PS: those dots are not repainting


Linda Raschke indicator


Re: LBR + 1000 pips in one week!


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

Thread: LBR Three Ten Ocillator Scalp

LBR Three Ten Ocillator Scalp

This is a very simple strategy. It can be used with no indicators at all. I'm sure that many experience Baby Pips Members use it very effectivelywithout these indicators. The idicators are useful to me in that they help me not overtrade and be patient in waiting for the correct set up.

The method is simply entering trades on pullback within a trend.

This system can be used on any fx pair and any timeframe, but the main focus is 15 minute charts to scalp 20 pips or so depending on the pair. Scalping this method can lead to longer trades periodically. My purpose is to share this indicator with the hope of fine tuning it and learn from other traders.

LBR stands for Linda Bradford Raschke. She invented this oscillator which is really a modified MACD. You can find out more about this indicator by searching the web.

I use ThinkorSwim for my charting and trade on FXCM.

Indicators MACD set at 3, 10 16 SMA RSI set at 5, 70, 30 Close Donchian Channels set at 14 with mid line SMA 21 SMA 50

Timeframe 15 minute

First I look for a good slope. I like to see the 50 above the 21 sma for a short trade. Then I watch for a pullback or retracement. I like to see the RSI 5 show overbought above 70%. The 21 period SMA should move closer and even cross the 50 sma. The price bars should move up to touch or cross the 50 sma. I like to use the Donchian Channels to help set stops and entries. Often a good point of entry is the center Donchian Channel.

For a short trade I like to see the slow Oscillator (Pink) rise above the 50% line on the MACD/LBR and then fast line (Blue) cross down below the Pink line. This down crossing of the LBR and the prior overbought on the RSI is a strong and dependable trigger for a trade.

First I look for a good slope. I like to see the 50 below the 21 sma for a long trade. Then I watch for a pullback or retracement. I like to see the RSI 5 show oversold below 30%. The 21 period SMA should move closer and even cross the 50 sma. The price bars should move down to touch or cross the 50 sma. I like to use the Donchian Channels to help set stops and entries. Often a good point of entry is the center Donchian Channel.

For a long trade I like to see the slow Oscillator (Pink) drop below the 50% line on the MACD/LBR and then fast line (Blue) cross up above the Pink line. This up crossing of the LBR and the prior oversold on the RSI is a strong and dependable trigger for a trade.

There are probably additional ways to use the LBR and it would be great for interested members to share ideas. I always review longer time frames in confirming trends. I stay away from sideways action.

My favorite trade is with 2 contracts, one with a targer that is farther out. If the first contract hits at about 20 pips then I may move the second contract to BE.

I find the most succes with the NZD/USD and the AUD/USD as to me they tend to trend best for this strategy. Risk reward is about 1 to 1. Win rate is very good, about 70%. But the trader needs to wait for the correct set up. I have included a recent trade. I will try to answer questions if there is interest.

Unregulated Forex Brokerages

As a Forex trader or industry professional, you will have noticed the huge number of brokerages competing for business. While the majority of the big name brokerages are based and regulated in jurisdictions where the provision of FX, there are a significant number of brokerages who are based in offshore locations where regulation is non-existent or very lax. People’s opinions regarding unregulated brokerages differs greatly with some advising traders to steer well clear, while others are happy to put their trust and money in such unregulated entities.

Why do brokers forgo regulation?

Regulation is seen by many as adding to a brokers credibility, and this is reflected in the fact that many Forex brokers are keen to point out their regulatory pedigree. Despite this many brokerages choose to operate without being regulated, opting to establish themselves in an offshore jurisdiction where the provision of FX trading services is not regulated.

One of the main reasons that a number of FX brokerages choose to operate without being regulated is that doing so can significantly decrease the brokerages total operating costs . Gaining and maintaining a regulatory licence can be very costly and it has been estimated that the costs of maintaining a FCA licence can run into the millions. Capital requirements set out by regulatory frameworks such a MiFID (For European Forex Traders ), can constitute a significant barrier to entry for new brokerages who are simply unable to raise the required capital. In fact there have been a number of instances where new brokerages have operated as unregulated entities for a year or two, until the firm was able to face the costs of regulation. Additionally, as the majority of unregulated brokerages base themselves in offshore tax havens they are able to reduce their tax burden significantly which is another prime reason brokerage opt to continue as an unregulated entity.

Another reason why brokerages choose to operate without regulatory oversight is that this allows firms to offer a different product range or to cater to customers they wouldn’t be otherwise able to serve. A prime example would be FXCM, who launched an unregulated subsidiary FXCM Markets. This has allowed FXCM Markets to offer up to 400:1 leverage and interest paying accounts to their clients, which are unavailable at the firms regulated subsidiaries. It should be noted that FXCM Markets does not accept clients from the US, Japan, Canada, European Union, Hong Kong and Australia. A number of other brokerage operate unregulated entities which allow them to offer a greater product range while catering to clients who are based in territories where retail FX isn’t regulated.

Not all unregulated brokerages choose to operate unregulated for legitimate business reasons, with some firms opting to operate from offshore locations in order to take advantage of their clientèle. There have been a number of instances where unregulated brokerages most often based offshore have engaged in fraudulent behaviour or rogue practices which have ended up costing there customers significantly. A recent example would 4XP who closed up shop without returning client funds. The fact that 4XP was unregulated has left customers with little recourse and has left a number of traders having to accept significant losses.

Unregulated Brokerages: The Risks

As already touched upon trading with unregulated brokerages can be a nerve wrecking affair. Proper regulatory oversight can help protect traders from fraud and mistreatment, which can be invaluable should anything go wrong. For instance brokerages regulated in a country who are party to MiFID are required to pay into a consumer compensation funds, which ensure that retail traders are able to recover at least some of their deposited capital should a firm suffer a financial collapse. Additionally, the checks and rules enforced by regulators ensure that firms have to abide by the rules which can help prevent customer mistreatment. There have been instances where regulated brokerages have been required to compensate customers who were mistreated. While regulation isn’t a guarantee that you will be treated well by a brokerage it does provide traders with some peace of mind and traders should certainly think long and hard about doing business with an unregulated entity.

View Our Best Regulated CySEC Forex Brokers

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Why Forex Books for Beginners Worth Reading

Rapid development of information and computer technologies made forex trading affordable for a wide range of people.

Trading on the foreign exchange market has a high degree of risk. Considering the facts, it is strange that many forex newcomers completely ignore the theory, in other words, they do not read books on Forex trading.

After taking a look at the principles of graphical analysis and mastering the technology of setting orders, these “traders” open accounts and “beetle off towards a glut of wealth”. Alas, such a journey appears to last not long and always has the same ending. A beginner might be lucky and to carry out a few successful transactions, but there is no hope for further success without basic knowledge about the money management or methods and ways to analyze trading conditions.

Traders who do not read forex books look like people who drive a car without any knowledge about road traffic regulations. It should be noted that the “driver” is much likely to survive. Other road users, saving their skin might help him. The trader’s situation is opposite – the environment is originally unfriendly to him.

Therefore, it is meaningless to start trading on the forex market without learning the “rules of the game”.

The must-read minimum for every trader includes books on the following topics:

books on technical analysis of the Forex market;

fundamental analysis books;

trading psychology books;

money management books and others.

It is necessary to read at least one book on each topic.

Technical analysis books are the most spread, usually written in a simple language and abound with real-world examples. However, remember that most of these examples lost its relevance long time ago. The forex market is changing constantly.

Working with textbooks on fundamental analysis (general economics and financial analysis) requires knowledge of the terminology and at least slight understanding of macroeconomics basics. So, if you do not have skills listed above, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to this type of books. For a trader it is enough to learn the basic indicators of fundamental analysis and its influence on change of the market conditions.

Topics of money management and risk management are closely related to the psychological aspects of trading. Often traders, especially beginners, are likely to underestimate the importance of this knowledge which is a big mistake.

As for the books on the forex trading psychology, the more books will be read, the more self-confident the trader will be. Don’t expect that one of these books will answer to all the questions, but basic knowledge of trading psychology and familiarity with solutions on the disturbing questions will help to develop optimal behavior strategies on one or another changes in market conditions.

Forex Books on Fundamental Analysis

Development of understanding a big financial data and effective usage of this data is the main goal of most fundamental analysis books.

Special attention should be paid on work of Michael Brett called “How To Read The Financial Pages”. The main advantage of this book is practical orientation on the matter. 23 chapters book is useful for traders and everyone who is interested in the principles of global financial market functioning.

Book “The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Investors and Managers” gains attention thanks to author’s name (it has happened in my case, anyway). There is no telling that this work is fully devoted to the financial markets. In some chapters the author presents his discourse on the mutual impact of the stock exchange and real sectors of the world economy. But mentioned digressions do not diminish the worthiness of the book. Reading the book carefully allows to expand horizons and understand the connection between at the first sight completely independent events.

Forex Books on Technical Analysis

Numerous technical analysis books completely cover the topic. Most of them contain a large amount of practical examples and the description of real-life situations, which may be no longer relevant, but help a newcomer trader to digest the material better.

A monograph by Jack D. Schwager “Technical Analysis, Study Guide” should be mentioned among the fundamental works on the subject of technical analysis. This is the best fundamental work which so clearly and vividly describes all the technical aspects of trading on Forex. Some sections contain an excessive academicism, but in general the book is written in a plain language.

If Jack D. Schwager is a well-known economist and a marker researcher, Linda Bradford Raschke is the most famous woman trader. Her book “Street Smarts: High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies” is written in a plain language, deals mostly with the developing of trading strategies.

Jack K. Hutson, in book “Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities” offers an unusual point of view on the trading issues, trying to adapt them to the basic laws of nature. Even not to adapt but to determine their precise relationship. This book cannot be found on the top of the rating lists, but it allows you to reevaluate some seemingly sacred concepts.

Top 5 Best Forex Books

Before listing the most valuable books on the Forex topic, traders should know the fact that any rating list suffers from conventionality that is explained by subjectivity. However any trader, regardless of experience or skill level, should pay attention to the following books:

Jack D. Schwager “Market Wizards” (2 books). It’s a classified section of interviews with well-known stock traders for last 30 years. I use this material as a table-book, rereading it from time to time;

Linda Bradford Raschke “Street Smarts: High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies”. The book deals with the development of trading strategies;

The Trading Game: Playing by the Numbers to Make Millions by Ryan Jones. A selection of practical materials relating to the management of the capital;

Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders by Curtis M. Faith. In my opinion, this is the best forex book for the beginner traders. Easy and imaginative presentation fascinates the reader. Each of the case studies is comprehensively reviewed, taking into consideration the psychological and technical aspects of trading;

Barton Biggs “Hedgehogging”. Many traders consider this book as a masterpiece. The information is provided in the best traditions of classical literature. An interesting plot and a large set of descriptions of market situations make this book interesting and what is important – useful. It is more accurate to consider this book as a textbook for investment managers but it also will be useful for private traders to get familiar with the book.

The Best Book on Forex Trading

The rating list is quite relative, so making an attempt to name the best forex book is not only meaningless, but it also carries a hidden danger. The Forex market is contradictory by definition. And there cannot be a book which would have an equally effective impact on all the “traders’ minds”. In brief, the best forex book is the one that brings the pleasure of reading and provides knowledge which you can effectively use.

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Running continued with and endeavors consolidate ar philosophy record in day commercialism that each objective organized speculator ought to comprehend. In any case, for those alpha to understudy concerning Forex commercialism, remembrance epithet will be tough to portray. What entirely is truncate endeavors and voyaging long? What ar the upsides of either commercialism method?

At all difficult terms, associate treater will perform cash by endeavors low and problems prime (going long) or by problems beat and problems low (undermining). Forex casual monetary specialists, then, acknowledge 2 specific plans to billboard in an exceedingly trade. they'll get to the bazaar if the entire is refined or at an occasional, sanctioning them to accomplish trade out up-floating and down-slanting markets.

With stocks, there's a bowed for optimistic improvement within the business aras; stocks are additional tasteful to maneuver in associate upward. In any case, the Forex markets ar incorporated eccentric; expenses could modification in each challenge enough reliably. With abbreviate problems and endeavors long, merchants acknowledge an occurrence for to aggregation in whichever manner the bazaar is floating, and as bill sets tend to falter in either bearing, there's additional incident to use truncate problems in Forex commercialism.

Understanding Abbreviate Affairs and Traveling Long

So currently you acknowledge a basal impression of those 2 philosophy terms. In any case, they're slightly enclosed advanced. What entirely will "buy low, advance high" and "offer high, get low" mean? Besides, in what limit will intermediaries gathering off of recognition style?

Going Long: If each day speculator goes long, they're problems into the bazaar at an occasional purpose. The loaner suspects that the bazaar can rise, in order that a quick timeframe later the rising, they'll advance the aegis aback at a bonus. In Forex commercialism, the shopper picks a bill try, for model GBP/USD. The monetary specialist is de facto problems the native bill and once more endeavors the second. thus if that specialist bought British pounds (GBP) and also the whole went up getting to U. S. bucks (USD), he or she would get cash on the trade. they'd get GBP low, in USD, and once more pitch the U. S. bucks aback to continuous growth enclosed GBP.

Short: Abbreviate endeavors is that the good inverse. Yet, it all things thought of reasons slightly of abashing for abecedarian agents. You limit be contemplating: however would possibly I actually have the capability to "offer prime and get low" if i do not beyond question own the security? Truncate problems needs a masters to suit you a security, say for case EUR/USD. In consolidate giving, the treater is concerning problems the native bill and endeavors the second, with the action that the bazaar can fall. Thusly, for this circumstance, the loaner would secure euros from associate directors and announce them at a selected mean get USD. By then, a jiffy later the bazaar falls, the monetary specialist would get aback the grasped euros with USD, within the long-term stashing the bending in quality.

As have to be compelled to be taken for granted, truncate problems is somewhat enclosed confused than voyaging long, however each ways ar appropriately refreshing to casual speculators. Dependent upon the advancement of the business section, either action will be modified in accordance with advantage, and dealers WHO perceive a way to completely use each ar in an exceedingly additional outstanding position to flow air through their get-together potential.

Particular vendors will get overabundant blessings on the Forex market. Through investigation, accomplishment and a short span later spare direction, anyone will perform a suitable insistence on their endeavor. just in case acquirements the stray items of Forex mercantilism, associate directors should have the power to draw on the encounters of enclosed dealers. This issue offers a elementary piece of paid tips and manages for Forex mercantilism getting ready.

Track keeping brokerage account unit of time to accumulate tabs on the money connected structures you're mercantilism. Hypothesis is that the name of the diversion, and also the record media has a unprecedented arrangement to try and do thereupon. Endeavor atmosphere up a method that may forward you a dispute if one thing happens within the business segments you are psyche boggling in.

On the off probability that you are unaccustomed Forex mercantilism, one issue you would like to assemble in basic cognitive process is to abstain from mercantilism on what is declared a "slight business half." skinny markets ar those with very little within the strategy for open premium.

Occasionally modification your stop black eye indicate up it's motivated will indeed lose your cash than if you hadn't affected it. basically keep targeted you created within the alpha to maneuver forward.

Exactly once people native alpha within the Forex markets, all of them around let their edacity boring them, expected in incidents. additional affections to power unfold tumult and concern. all of your trades ought to be fictitious together with your bend and not your heart.

Research the authorities you're creating a trek to use therefore you'll be able to promise your endeavor. decide a execs that contains a commendable little bit of knowledge annal and has been crushing endlessly for quite whereas.

Never let impact aphorism your action just in case you headlong finish or perform during a trade. Countering and covetousness ar awful accomplices in Forex. You charge to assemble a calming bend on the possibility that you just ar mercantilism with Forex, you'll be able to lose lots of cash if you satisfy putting choices.

Mechanized Forex programs and eBooks account fool-check structures aren't account your cash. All articles like these understanding you associate abstinent and ambiguous framework. Finally, the alone people complicated in these endeavors WHO finish up any wealthier ar the merchants. rather than crumbling cash on perhaps blemished things, ingest that antecedent larger piece of cash on a Forex speculator WHO will admonish you what you charge to understand.

As determined within the alpha of this text, alert and guide from completed merchants is crucial for brand spanking new and beneath happy shippers. The made insight during this stock will account a person WHO must train enclosed concerning Forex mercantilism. A loaner why need to satisfying place within the accomplishment in Forex mercantilism office and acknowledge to steering will get monstrous prizes.

The bigger piece of Forex vendors envision on obscure markers, and acknowledge been finishing thus back retail Forex commerce was exhibited. traditional markers like fibonacci, stochastics, and RSI blazon pointers acknowledge been regarding for thriving years, and square measure in infinite use, but square measure fully futile. this can be owing to these pointers admeasurement the not correct sums.

Forex specialists use these pointers in light-weight of the approach that they're straightaway accessible on their commerce stages, in order that they acknowledge that these markers square measure real. On the opposite hand, Forex dealers charge to continue forward from these developed pointers and alpha measuring additional splendid structures that establish with what's honestly going ahead within the Forex market. Exceptional commerce systems that satisfy altogether time accord Forex vendors the information they charge square measure open currently that square measure so much on top of to the recognized esoteric markers in haemorrhage edge use. Forex representatives charge alternatives but an intensive live of shippers do not comprehend regarding these systems.

It is in a very matter of seconds accessible to acknowledge a through and thru time Forex approach that believability you to the honest to goodness backing to trade, improves exactness, and can pivot you into associate degree expediting. These "sagacious Forex commerce structures" have an interest in any loaner to use and square measure copious less requesting to change than the recognized markers. Cautious ways for tolerating the expert check and assessment of the Forex bazaar past a pushed range of sets will supplement these extraordinary commerce structures. If you amalgamate each you'll acknowledge a competent commerce arrangement for exploitation the samples of the business half, whereas enduring real access signals. superior time information for Forex merchants is reality currently, but real few Forex vendors acknowledge been clear to those forms of systems.

These additional up and coming back Forex commerce systems can so much beat the generally balanced exclusive pointer structures that square measure by all account not the sole one out of date, however instead may be assembled into a through and thru live of blends. These blends of esoteric pointers will yield years to suitably examination and appropriately gathering of spectators trade, creating unsettling influence for plenty of merchants. Recognized esoteric markers acknowledge gathered time periods and age alteration that attainable ends up in sacks of open mixes.

Forex merchants square measure in surprising charge of additional distinguished decisions for his or her commerce system, they charge ready commerce structures. exploitation recognized advanced markers for Forex commerce is infinite nonetheless these schedules square measure noncurrent. Forex vendors comprehend these structures square measure isolated from others per scalp many pips reality and there. Merchants square measure chasing down decisions and numerous alternatives for these structures. we tend to move you accomplish withstanding your commerce strategy is tried and true and substantial before commerce the used molecule Forex market. the simplest Forex pointers is that the bazaar itself, not markers.

forex trading online can provide you with a fixed income.

You should be careful in dealing with Forex as it has high risks.

If you want to be safe, use “demo account”. It can provide you with experience before starting dealing with your money.

This also will help you in practicing your trades and developing it.

Forex can be volatile, so to be safe, don’t use more than 2% of your total funds.

Always search before using forex as you’ll pay money and make sure that you’ve enough cash to cover any big losses.

Nowadays we can’t deny that forex trading becomes a way of “generating wealth method”.

The idea of FX trading is that; global currencies vibrate everyday depending on the dominating economic climate.

You can make profits if you predict the market correctly.

It’s a free market that has its own self-built system.

Trading Forex is not totally adventurer, so you can’t make a 100% loss

& # 8220; You will trade in a global fiat currencies ”.

Forex Trading will be the best opinion if you’re looking for a fast way to make profits without too much risk.

Forex Trading Strategies:-

There’re uncountable numbers of FX trading strategies, some depend on technical use of charts and numbers. Others depend on a fundamental understanding of the market with reference to current events.

This strategies are divided into; very popular strategies and strategies only used by a minority of traders.

Here are some strategies, but not all the following strategies are equal in all markets. Some are better than others. It depends on the trader himself. One can find one is more suitable than another.

1-The Blade runner Trade :

It’s a FX price action strategy.

It uses Pure Price Action to find entries.

& # 8220; when you trade in this strategy, you need candlesticks, good old support and resistance levels, round numbers and pivot points “

No Off-Chart indicators as “ RSI, MACD “ are necessary.

It gives you the chance to add your favorite if you find it useful or more comfortable.

In my opinion, the best thing to use with this strategy is an on-chart indicator, the 20 EMA.

This strategy is called Blade runner because the 20 EMA acts like a knife edge dividing price

Ex: If the price is higher than the EMA, it’ll reject to the long side.

So we should look for price to move down and hit the 20 EMA “reject and then move up“

If the price is less than the EMA, it’ll reject to the short side

So we should look for price to move up and hit the 20 EMA “reject and then move down”


Always search for confluence of reasons to enter the trade; It’s much more safe to have more than a rejection from the 20 EMA

Always trade with the direction of the current trade. determined by which side of the EMA or polarity indicator price is currently on.

2-Fibonacci Indicator Forex Trading Strategy:

It’s one of the most famous and popular strategies.

We use this strategy to follow repeating support and resistance levels.

This strategy depends on a “pullback“

To know it well, look for “the Trend”

This is famous among mathematicians and artists. They represent many things in nature and financial markets. It can be used as great analytical tools.

3-Bolly Band Bounce Trade:

Trading an obvious trend is simpler than trading when price is range bound.

Many traders pass on the possibility of trading at all in a range bound market.

It based on the observed behavior of price where the Bollinger bands form a kind of limit for short-term price movement.

When the market is in a rang, it can be very effective for short-term scalps.

With this strategy, you should determine that price is indeed in range. To make this, check if the price is staying on one side or the other of the mid-band

4- Forex Dual Stochastic Trade:

It’s based on combining a slow and fast stochastic.

In this strategy, we need the 20 EMA

1- Capitalization:

It’s a very important aspect you should look into while choosing a Forex broker .

If you deal with the USA market, you should check the CFTC website that contains update details on its members every month.

So a broker that has capital problem is an unsafe partner you can trust your money with.

2- Broker types:

You should understand the main types of brokers operating on the market and the differences between them before starting Forex trading .

The ECN (Electronic Communications Network) type of broker deals by matching your orders with those placed by other traders through an electronic network.

But in this case, you’ll have to pay a commission on each trading action as they don’t make any profit from the deal.

3- Regulation:

It’s one of the most critical aspects to consider while choosing a Forex broker .

Dealing with an unregulated Forex broker opens the way for many potential problems.

What is Forex Broker ?

A Broker in the traditional meaning means “a person who buys and sells goods or assets for others “

It’s a stable or individual that offers people who want to buy or sell currencies trading services.

Forex brokers are also known as a currency trading broker and retail Forex broker.

He’ll sell and buy Most Forex brokers make their money off the bid-ask spread; unlike the other financial brokers who pay a fee execute a trade.

He’ll sell and buy at a price which allows the brokerage to pocket the difference on the trade.

So, people go to Forex broker as it deals with their ventures. It goes as a mediator between the coin market and the broker.

The broker’s evaluations and audits by the Forex dealers make it simple for the financial specialists to select the suitable broker.

The individual broker is the basic component that decides the achievement of the Forex broker’s growth.

It should be the suitable one whom you choose to work with.

Trading Forex

Forex Trading is one of the best methods for earning money without any obstacles.

It enables us to earn far more than if you were being paid by the hour.

Although trading FX involves spread betting and cfd, it is an unsafe risk which has wiped out huge savings around the world.

Forex trading So it’s just like any other portfolios has a degree of risks.

It depends on the investor. Por ejemplo; an investor may learn the rope of how to predict the rise and fall of global currencies in a correct way.

He/ She will start reaping massive profits from a little or slender inputs.

Forex rates

It’s a number of country currency’s units which should exchange to get a unit from another country.

Forex rates market between two currencies is restricted by the special and official interaction between the participants of the foreign exchange in the market.

Forex trading courses

It helps many forex traders make the jump to become a professional forex trader .

What’s Forex?

It’s an expression that be used to describe the international currencies market. We can give it the abbreviation “ FX “. Throughout this market all the international currencies can be negotiated. This market was established in 1971 when the international markets were changed from fixed to variable price. So Forex trading becomes one of the most famous financial markets around the world.

Why does it have this importance ? ( Its opportunities )

This Forex market is available throughout the whole day ( 24H ) and 5 days per week.

Forex trade and the high liquidity of the Forex market provide the facility in the Forex. exchange .

You can achieve profits from the raise and the drop of the prices at the same time.

This Forex exchange takes place through a process called “ online Forex trading “.

People can surface Forex forum to learn things about Forex trader.

We can call it Forex brokers as it’s such as human broker.

It’s called “ online Forex trading “ as it takes place throughout the internet.

So Forex trading becomes one of the most important things that people talk about as it has many profits.

The biggest one is online Forex trading as we use the internet to know everything about Forex exchange, Forex trade and Forex rates.

What’s Forex?

Why does it have this importance ? ( Its opportunities )

This Forex market is available throughout the whole day ( 24H ) and 5 days per week.

Forex trade and the high liquidity of the Forex market provide the facility in the Forex. exchange .

You can achieve profits from the raise and the drop of the prices at the same time.

This Forex exchange takes place through a process called “ online Forex trading “.

People can surface Forex forum to learn things about Forex trader.

We can call it Forex brokers as it’s such as human broker.

It’s called “ online Forex trading “ as it takes place throughout the internet.

So Forex trading becomes one of the most important things that people talk about as it has many profits.

The biggest one is online Forex trading as we use the internet to know everything about Forex exchange, Forex trade and Forex rates.

Inicio & raquo; Posts tagged 'Pitty Pat’s Porch'

Posts Tagged ‘Pitty Pat’s Porch’

So, last week I raved about Trader Vic’s and their famous Mai Tai cocktail.

This is not that kind of post.

PItty Pat’s Porch. in Atlanta, Georgia, is more gimmick than gourmet, and not necessarily in a good way. For those who don’t get the reference, Pittypat was the Aunt of Charles Hamilton, Scarlett’s first husband from “Gone With the Wind”, and in whose home she stayed during the War before running home to Tara as Atlanta burned. Anyway, the place is memorabilia central and I have to give them credit for the overwhelming theming: the tables are set with pewter goblets and chargers, the chairs have cane seats, there’s china everywhere and the menus are actually wooden-handled church fans. No está mal.

Unfortunately, the food was mostly underwhelming. We started with drinks. I ordered Pittypat’s Pitch which was eh on taste and whose garnish was a sloppy orange slice and maraschino cherry, the pith of the former souring the drink a bit. Todd had Melanie’s Lemonade which was actually pretty good. The drinks are pricey but you get to take the glass home, so keep that in mind. The Pitch came in a small mason-jar with handle but the Julep glass from the Lemonade is very curvy.

The Sideboard is their version of the Salad bar featuring a mix of greens with various dressing and then half a dozen or more prepared salads. There was a very tasty macaroni salad with sausage (and maybe barbecue sauce? hard to tell) along with an awesome cucumber/green pea salad and some watermelon rind pickles. Honestly, the sideboard was the best thing about the dinner and you can order it only. If I went here again, that’s what I’d do.

For appetizers we had the Hot Crab Dip (Todd) which was pretty good and the Pecan Crusted Catfish Fingers (Jenn) which was recommended as one of the best things on the menu. See, he set it up too much because not only were the fingers kinda scrawny, they were over-fried. The plus side was that you could really taste that it was honest-to-goodness catfish but the crust was too dark (sign of frying too long) and almost a singed taste. They were also dry so thank heavens for the remoulade… but a sauce should compliment–not save–a dish.

Dinner was the Fried Chicken for Todd which he reported to be a bit dry but at least the mashed potatoes were tasty. My Beef Tenderloin on a Spit was smothered in some goopy mushroom sauce and topped with julienned red and green bell peppers that tasted like they hadn’t completely thawed in the skillet. The rice was strictly “Uncle Ben”-style. And then there were the sides served family style: greens and black-eyed peas. Now, normally I’d be all over that except they were both a little bland for my liking, and not just in the needing a smidgen more salt way. It was just off. The cornbread was on the dry, unsweetened side (not my preference, but I know that some people prefer it that way), a very hard biscuit and a chocolate chip mini-muffin. Yeah, I know… not really sure about that one either. We skipped dessert.

For the quality of the food, I think the overall experience was over-priced and over-hyped, but if you like GWtW stuff and prepared salads, go and have a look, have a bite, and then head up the street to the Mexican restaurant that smelled oh so good on our walk back to the hotel 😉

Now, since I wasn’t truly fond of my own drink, how about we close with a class Southern cocktail:

7 sprigs of mint 1/2 oz. simple syrup 3 oz. Borbón

Crush 6 mint sprigs into the bottom of a chilled double Old Fashioned glass. Pour in the simple syrup and bourbon. Fill with crushed ice. Garnish with the remaining mint sprig and serve with two short straws. Sometimes a splash of club soda is added.

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Free Forex Entry Technique For Double in a Day

More and more clients are now reporting great Double in a Day results.

We have produced a free video below showing a simple, great Double in a Day Forex entry technique . Besides being great for Double in a Day trades these forex entry techniques are good for ordinary Forex trading.

Anybody should be able to trade this forex entry technique .

The trades shown all have a good chance of being successful and considering the average Double in a Day strategy only requires a 5% to 10% success rate this forex entry technique is almost guaranteed to improve your existing results.

Please make comments or ask questions on the webpage where this forex entry technique has been posted.

28 thoughts on “ Free Forex Entry Technique For Double in a Day ”

hi i use a similar system but with standard settings of 14 for rsi to close and same for envelope. The fact that we don’t get many signals with standard settings is a good clue, also using 14 settings allows me to trail the bottom of the envelope and get a great majority of the trend. Let me know your thoughts i trade audusd 1 minite with a deviation .10 on envelopes and 60 minute with .50 also trade gbpjpy with the same time frames and settings. i also use volume with both on both time frames Kind regards Damian Faithfull

When using the advanced settings. Do you like to use the chart time frame you are trading to give trend direction or do you like to use a larger time frame to give overall trend? P. ej. Trade 1hr chart and use 4hr for trend direction.

That is a very good approach. The weekly, daily give a good indication of strong trends which can be refined by the 4 hour

Sorry Alex, I just caught the answer to my question in the comments section. I have another one, though. Since you’ve been trading this way for years, how do you decide on your exit baring an arbitrary pip target?

It depends on the situation at the time and currency traded – no fixed formula. Exits can vary from partial cash ins as the deal progresses to topping up of deals. Support and resistance does give guidelines but a following stop is often used. This method often requires a fairly small stop so the good risk reward ratio makes up for exit mistakes. Exiting is the most difficult part of trading.

Thanks for the free trading method. Since you’re not using the offset, what is the purpose of the SMA?

As stated previously you can ignore the SMA. I use it for exit reference sometimes and to visually see the spine of the price action. The crossing of the SMA is sometimes a great exit in a trend.

What are tehe settings for the envelope? What is the Time Frame?

Please view the recommended video. There are no fixed setting – you need to capture 95% of price action within the envelope – no matter which settings you use. You can use this concept on any timeframe – give a try.

This looks really easy. Couldn’t you dial down to 30m chart for the exact entry?

Now that you know the concept you can personalise it any way you want to – go ahead and experiment – there are no rules only the guidelines youcreate

Solid. Thank you for sharing this with us Alex!

Thank you for the excellent information. My standard MT4 does not have an RSI or Envelop indicators I can edit as you indicate. Any link to the correct indicators would be very much appreciated.

Very strange – I have never come across and MT4 installation that does not have those – which broker are you using? From the main menu try “Insert” then “Indicators” then “Trend” and/or “Oscillators” or just click on the Indicators icon

My apologies! I was looking through custom indicator list because I have some indicators with same names. I have found them in their correct place and have been able to set them up as suggested. Gracias

Although you set up a simple MA you make no further mention of it and it plays no part in your process of looking for trades. How, then, do you use the MA – or do you use it at all?

Yes it plays no role and you can ignore it. I merely use it to see the center of the channel and the spine of the price action.

Thanks Alex great video

Thxs, very useful. Keep the good work up.

Nice setup Alex! You don’t mention it but do you want a close outside the envelop first?

before the last trigger there are 2 RSI shooks >70 which are not marked as setup. How would you prevent a trigger there? on a decending pair: adjusting the overbougth line of the RSI to 80 ?

Hi Alex, In the video you show a setup on 29th at 10:00 that would probably be stopped out. Would you be happy to take the next signal when RSI goes into overbought again & hooks – at about 21:00? The candles almost reach the upper Envelope again. Is that close enough?

Hi Mick – thanks for that question This technique can be used for normal and DIAD trading. The original may not be stopped out during normal trading but looks like it would have in a DIAD Strategy. When trading the DIAD strategy it would be best to look for strong trades. The second one is not that strong and the signals are marginal. Best to look at other currencies for trading opportunities. For OB or OS levels of of 80 / 20 would be better when trading the DIAD.

Guau. Alex that is a simple and easy method to understand ( and you have kept it under your hat for so long lol ) all in one lesson with indicators explained good on you for that keep well Allan J

BB and rsi. I cant hear the video yet.

I see the indys now. envelops and 4 rsi

how many pips did you go for in the above example’s? Certainly only one was over 100 so I assume the 45 or 70 set file setting.

I was wondering the same thing. How does one know what they profit target is?

Thanks and kindest regards,

Yes you are right nobody ever knows what the profit target is. It is all luck. But if you are going for say 100 pip targets you can increase your luck by trading very high volatility currencies at high volatility time of the day near important support and resistance or announcements and hope for the best.

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The Anti Trading System

His one’s a Linda Bradford Raschke original.

Stochastic Indicator wit Moving Average.

Setup: On 5 minute bars, we use a 7 period slow stochastic indicator, with a 10-period moving average of it to act as a trend filter.

Entry: Buy at market when the 7-bar stochastic indicator crosses above its own upward sloping 10- bar period moving average line on the close of any 5 minute time-period;

Sell at market when the indicator crosses beneath its own downward sloping 10-bar moving average line on the close of any 5- minute time-period.

Profit Exit: Close out for profit at a 8 pips

In the picture below an example of the Anti Forex Scalping System in action.

Forex Systems & Indicators

Weekly Pivot indicator

Weekly pivot indicator automatically calculates the pivot numbers for the weekly chart and plot it on any time frame. The chart above is for GBP/USD daily candles. The indicator may be useful for identifying strong resistance and support lines, or possible levels of retracement.

Fibonacci retracement indicator

Leverage, Margin and Lots

- Leverage, Margin and Lots In order to make this small 100th of a cent worth something, your broker offers you leverage. This essentially magnifies your trade size. You would place a trade using so much of your own money, called Margin, and your broker will magnify the trade by whatever the leverage is. If your broker offers your 100:1 leverage, this means they will Increase your trade size by 100 times. You have to trade chunks of money called Lots. Different brokers offer you different minimum lot sizes you can trade. There are 3 different sized lots, each make the value of a pip worth more or less.

1 Micro Lot = approximately $0.10 a pip

1 Mini Lot = approximately $1.00 a pip

1 Lot = approximately $10.00 a pip

Opening a “micro account means you have the abilityto trade lot sizes as small as you can get. This is good for small accounts. Most brokers will allow micro lot sizes and let you open an account for as little as $250.00.

To trade a lot, you have to put up some of your own money, this is called margin. How much margin required depends on the leverage. If you are trading an account that offers 100:1 leverage, you will need about $10 of margin to trade 1 micro lot. If you are trading an account that offers only 50:1 leverage, you will need about $20 of margin for the same micro lot.

This margin is held in good faith by your Forex broker until the trade is closed. You can gain more or less, or you can lose more or less than the margin you have put up. Whatever the case, the margin is returned to you after the trade Is closed. Again, this Is all done automatically through your broker. You can trade as many lots as you wish, providing you have the margin to cover it.

##A note about US brokers :

Recently, a Forex governing body called the CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission) has implemented several restrictions to US based brokers. One of these restrictions is to limit leverage to 50:1. This means that your broker can only magnify your trade 50 times as opposed to the usual 100 times. This should not be an Issue In your trading, so don’t worry about it too much.

Written for ForexWinners © By Linda filip From USA

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Warning about Market Mastered

I want to tell you about Market Mastered and I just find out something fishing about them. First of all, when I send the email to Linda Forrester of Perfect Forex Trading. com. I have to cover my name for security reason. See below..

I have bought your forex ebook a while ago and I realised I lost it in somewhere on my computer.

Could you send me the ebook?

Am happy to give you my detail and you can search on it. Let me know please.

Then I received the reply from them.

On 21/01/2013 16:33, Nick | Markets Mastered Trading Education wrote:

Good afternoon Jono, and thank you for your email.

Which system did you purchase. Do you know the approximate date of purchase ?

Once I have the info I can search our sales records and sort out your problem.

With my best wishes,

Then I was shocked to see like that and I don't understand why it was came from Nick. Not from Linda. Obviously, that Nick is running the perfect forex trading and it seem they are not genuine but I don't know.

I replied to him below.

Are you Linda Forrester? I am very surprised how you run this website and Market Mastered.

I don't understand why you are doing this two different sites.

Then I have not heard anything from them yet and seem he was avoided something. Guau. I guess this is a red flag.

Just thought to let you know about that. how Nick operate this two websites between perfect forex trading and Market Mastered!

Last edited by Silvermazda; Jan 23, 2013 at 8:47am. Reason: Forget to add on my name

Originally Posted by Silvermazda

I want to tell you about Market Mastered and I just find out something fishing about them. First of all, when I send the email to Linda Forrester of Perfect Forex Trading. com. I have to cover my name for security reason. See below..

I have bought your forex ebook a while ago and I realised I lost it in somewhere on my computer.

Could you send me the ebook?

Am happy to give you my detail and you can search on it. Let me know please.

Then I received the reply from them.

On 21/01/2013 16:33, Nick | Markets Mastered Trading Education wrote:

Good afternoon Jono, and thank you for your email.

Which system did you purchase. Do you know the approximate date of purchase ?

Once I have the info I can search our sales records and sort out your problem.

With my best wishes,

Then I was shocked to see like that and I don't understand why it was came from Nick. Not from Linda. Obviously, that Nick is running the perfect forex trading and it seem they are not genuine but I don't know.

I replied to him below.

Are you Linda Forrester? I am very surprised how you run this website and Market Mastered.

I don't understand why you are doing this two different sites.

Then I have not heard anything from them yet and seem he was avoided something. Guau. I guess this is a red flag.

Just thought to let you know about that. how Nick operate this two websites between perfect forex trading and Market Mastered!

Given your first email was to "info" this could easily be routed to anyone within the same email group. I have exactly the same setup in mine. Thats hardly cause for concern. whats more worrying is why you purchased a course from them in the first place

Originally Posted by Silvermazda

I know I just bought these two of them about two years ago. but of course they are rubbish. Now I develop my own strategy but I want the perfect forex file because I want to show to my friend who want to learn forex. That is why I ask Linda.

As you say the first email "info" but it supposed to go to perfectforextrading. but it went to marketmastered. com. It does make difference between these.

Do you think I should report to something that Nick is frauding or something? just means they are one and the same people.

Joined Jun 2013

Re: Warning about Market Mastered

Hi, Just thought I would put in my two pence worth (literally that is all it is!) about Market's Mastered. I can say I have bought all the systems - and so far I've lost about Ј500 in total trading live. So, on the face of it not very successful you might say.

I was recommended from someone personally (I know this person, not affiliated to Nick) who was trading full time and using these systems with reasonable success at the time. However, let me take this in context. What his systems are very good (and manuals) for a very cheap price (relatively, I did look into going on courses for Ј1000s but saw sense) is getting you going. There is great advice about setting up, charts, REALISTIC expectations and goals. Also recommendations of books, and other sources of information. I've mailed Nick quite a few times and he has mainly responded with good info. Also I'm subscribed and do get very regular e-mails showing 'his successful trades'. Take it with a pinch of salt but every day I see successful trades so if nothing else it's helping train me on what to look for. That in itself is worth the money to me. I think this site will also be helpful.

I'm going back to basics after these losses and actually doing exactly what it says in the systems. So far I've been 'shooting from the hip' a bit. Can't afford to do that! There is probably as good (if not better) info. on here for free? But the manuals are packaged well and flow through well. And as I said I know someone personally who has been successful with the systems. I think I can be.

Where people seem to be complaining about Markets Mastered is they expect it to be another overnight success like everything else. It isn't going to be, I can see that. So to help myself get better regardless of this system is i)Open a dummy account and do 70 trades. I think I went onto the live trades too quick and got burned. ii) He recommends hours of study. On the manuals and looking at charts. 2-3 hours per evening and 3-4 hours at weekends, EVERY WEEK. Do this week in week out for 2-3 months. iii) Spending hours on each type of pattern looking at charts so you get accustomed to it. Specific patterns then recommendation of 1 hour looking for that type of pattern on different charts.

I have been in business/property and lost Ј10's if not Ј100's of thousands of pounds. So a small investment in learning how to trade is a small price to pay. As is a few grand spent learning. But the whole point is profitable trading so I don't want to be throwing money away by not trading 'properly' in the long term.

So summary - I personally like Markets Mastered. Yes, I have lost money so far on the systems. I put that down to my own lack of investment in terms of effort and following the system. I will persist in training myself using all available info and go back and re-read and apply everything in Market's Mastered PROPERLY. Then I can comment further. Unless someone has really done and applied EVERYTHING suggested in these manuals, it's not really possible to say on success or failure of them. I am at the moment in that camp.

Mar 11, 2014, 6:15pm

Joined May 2009

Silvermazda's evidence about Nick Kruger also selling systems as Linda Forrester seems to support the rumour that was circulating a few years ago.


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